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YuGiOh The Shining Darkness

The Shining Darkness
Trading Cards

Release date: May 2010
The Shining Darkness is the eighth and final set of the OCG's sixth Series after Absolute Powerforce.
It is followed by Duelist Revolution, the first set from Series 7.
The Shining Darkness provides Duelists with an opportunity to get Secret Rares with more frequency.
This set includes 8 Secret Rare cards just like previous sets, but the chances to get a highly sought-after Secret Rare increased by over 30%.

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated

Rare Cards
TSHD-EN085 Akz, the Pumer
TSHD-EN037 Ally of Justice Core Destroyer
TSHD-EN035 Batteryman Fuel Cell
TSHD-EN064 Blackwing Backlash
TSHD-EN002 Blackwing Gust the Backblast
TSHD-EN022 Cherry Inmato
TSHD-EN030 Delta Tri
TSHD-EN008 Dread Dragon
TSHD-EN055 Electromagnetic Shield
TSHD-EN092 Genex Searcher
TSHD-EN067 Guard Mines
TSHD-EN015 Infernity Avenger
TSHD-EN014 Infernity Beetle
TSHD-EN071 Infernity Inferno
TSHD-EN082 Koa'ki Meiru Prototype
TSHD-EN077 Koa'ki Meiru Shield
TSHD-EN023 Magidog
TSHD-EN051 Pyramid of Wonders
TSHD-EN016 Revival Rose
TSHD-EN052 The Fountain in the Sky
TSHD-EN044 Chaos Goddess
Secret Rare Cards
TSHD-EN097 Genex Neutron
TSHD-EN089 Infernity Barrier
TSHD-EN098 Infernity Destroyer
TSHD-EN099 Koa'ki Meiru Bergzak
TSHD-EN086 Saber Vault
TSHD-EN083 Snyffus
TSHD-EN088 Wave-Motion Inferno
Super Rare Cards
TSHD-EN086 Ally of Justice Light Gazer
TSHD-EN018 Bird of Roses
TSHD-EN087 Core Overclock
TSHD-EN070 Damage Gate
TSHD-EN095 Hydro Genex
TSHD-EN048 Infernity Launcher
TSHD-EN012 Infernity Mirage
TSHD-EN084 Nimble Sunfish
TSHD-EN063 Power Frame
TSHD-EN079 Synchro Ejection
TSHD-EN009 Trust Guardian
TSHD-EN025 Wattgiraffe
TSHD-EN006 XX-Saber Boggart Knight
TSHD-EN047 Zero-Max
Ultra Rare Cards
TSHD-EN003 Blackwing Breeze the Zephyr
TSHD-EN040 Black-Winged Dragon
TSHD-EN046 Cards for Black Feathers
TSHD-EN041 Chaos King Archfiend
TSHD-EN039 Herald of Perfection
TSHD-EN042 Infernity Doom Dragon
TSHD-EN050 Intercept Wave
TSHD-EN049 Into the Void
TSHD-EN043 Splendid Rose
TSHD-EN081 XX-Saber Darksoul
Common Cards
TSHD-EN078 Crevice Into the Different Dimension
TSHD-EN007 Archfiend Interceptor
TSHD-EN073 Assault Spirits
TSHD-EN034 Batteryman AAA
TSHD-EN021 Biofalcon
TSHD-EN066 Black Thunder
TSHD-EN065 Blackwing Bombardment
TSHD-EN001 Blackwing Ghibli the Searing Wind
TSHD-EN045 Black-Winged Strafe
TSHD-EN074 Blossom Bombardment
TSHD-EN005 Breaker
TSHD-EN004 Changer Synchron
TSHD-EN080 Chaos Trap Hole
TSHD-EN062 Corridor of Agony
TSHD-EN059 Dawn of the Herald
TSHD-EN053 Dragon Laser
TSHD-EN020 Fairy Archer
TSHD-EN010 Flare Resonator
TSHD-EN0060 Forbidden Graveyard
TSHD-EN090 Genex Controller
TSHD-EN091 Genex Undine
TSHD-EN038 Hunter of Black Feathers
TSHD-EN069 Infernity Break
TSHD-EN013 Infernity Randomizer
TSHD-EN068 Infernity Reflector
TSHD-EN036 Key Mouse
TSHD-EN058 Koa'ki Meiru Initialize
TSHD-EN028 Koa'ki Meiru Sandman
TSHD-EN061 Leeching the Light
TSHD-EN024 Lyna the Light Charmer
TSHD-EN057 Magic Triangle of the Ice Barrier
TSHD-EN029 Memory Crush King
TSHD-EN017 Morphtronic Vacuumen
TSHD-EN075 Morphtronics, Scramble
TSHD-EN072 Phantom Hand
TSHD-EN076 Power Break
TSHD-EN033 Ronintoadin
TSHD-EN006 Second Booster
TSHD-EN019 Spore
TSHD-EN011 Synchro Magnet
TSHD-EN032 Testudo Erat Numen
TSHD-EN031 Trigon
TSHD-EN054 Wattcube
TSHD-EN026 Wattfox
TSHD-EN027 Wattwoodpecker
TSHD-EN056 Worm Call
TSHD-EN093 X-Saber Palomuro
TSHD-EN094 X-Saber Pashuul
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Updated 02/13/2025

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