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YuGiOh: Structure Deck: Soulburner single cards list
Structure Deck:
Trading Cards

Soulburner is a Structure Deck in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game and Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game.
It is the 37th Deck in the OCG's Structure Deck series, following Structure Deck: Master Link.
It is the 44th Deck in the TCG's Structure Deck series, following Structure Deck: Zombie Horde.

Release date: February 2019

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated
SDSB-EN001 Salamangreat Raccoon-Common
SDSB-EN002 Salamangreat Mole-Common
SDSB-EN003 Salamangreat Gazelle-Super Rare
SDSB-EN004 Salamangreat Spinny-Super Rare
SDSB-EN005 Salamangreat Fowl-Common
SDSB-EN006 Salamangreat Beat Bison-Common
SDSB-EN007 Salamangreat Meer-Common
SDSB-EN008 Salamangreat Foxy-Common
SDSB-EN009 Salamangreat Falco-Common
SDSB-EN010 Salamangreat Jack Jaguar-Common
SDSB-EN011 Salamangreat Wolvie-Common
SDSB-EN012 Salamangreat Parro-Common
SDSB-EN013 Salamangreat Foxer-Common
SDSB-EN014 True King Agnimazud, the Vanisher-Common
SDSB-EN015 Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju-Common
SDSB-EN016 Flamvell Firedog-Common
SDSB-EN017 Fencing Fire Ferret-Common
SDSB-EN018 Inferno-Common
SDSB-EN019 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring-Common
SDSB-EN020 Red Resonator-Common
SDSB-EN021 Volcanic Shell-Common
SDSB-EN022 Formud Skipper-Common
SDSB-EN023 Salamangreat Circle-Super Rare
SDSB-EN024 Salamangreat Claw-Common
SDSB-EN025 Salamangreat Sanctuary-Common
SDSB-EN026 Will of the Salamangreat-Common
SDSB-EN027 Monster Reincarnation-Common
SDSB-EN028 Circle of the Fire Kings-Common
SDSB-EN029 Transmodify-Common
SDSB-EN030 Link Bound-Common
SDSB-EN031 Magic Planter-Common
SDSB-EN032 Salamangreat Rage-Common
SDSB-EN033 Salamangreat Roar-Super Rare
SDSB-EN034 Salamangreat Gift-Common
SDSB-EN035 The Transmigration Prophecy-Common
SDSB-EN036 Threatening Roar-Common
SDSB-EN037 Break Off Trap Hole-Common
SDSB-EN038 Backfire-Common
SDSB-EN039 Gozen Match-Common
SDSB-EN040 Salamangreat Heatleo-(alternate artwork) Ultra Rare
SDSB-EN041 Salamangreat Heatleo-Common
SDSB-EN042 Salamangreat Miragestallio-Ultra Rare
SDSB-EN043 Salamangreat Balelynx-Ultra Rare
SDSB-EN044 Flame Administrator-Common
SDSB-EN045 Duelittle Chimera-Common
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Updated 02/13/2025

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