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YuGiOh Stardust Overdrive
Stardust Overdrive
Trading Cards

Release date: November 17, 2009

Stardust Overdrive is a Booster Pack in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game and Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game.
It is the sixth set of the OCG's 6th series after Ancient Prophecy.
It is followed by Absolute Powerforce.

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated

SOVR-EN000 Koa'ki Meiru Beetle-Super Rare
SOVR-EN001 Majestic Dragon-Super Rare
SOVR-EN002 Stardust Xiaolong-Rare
SOVR-EN003 Max Warrior-Super Rare
SOVR-EN004 Quickdraw Synchron-Common
SOVR-EN005 Level Eater-Common
SOVR-EN006 Zero Gardna-Rare
SOVR-EN007 Regulus-Common
SOVR-EN008 Infernity Necromancer-Common
SOVR-EN009 Fortune Lady Wind-Rare
SOVR-EN010 Fortune Lady Water-Rare
SOVR-EN011 Fortune Lady Dark-Rare
SOVR-EN012 Fortune Lady Earth-Rare
SOVR-EN013 Solitaire Magician-Common
SOVR-EN014 Catoblepas and the Witch of Fate-Rare
SOVR-EN015 Dark Spider-Common
SOVR-EN016 Ground Spider-Common
SOVR-EN017 Relinquished Spider-Common
SOVR-EN018 Spyder Spider-Common
SOVR-EN019 Mother Spider-Rare
SOVR-EN020 Reptilianne Gorgon-Common
SOVR-EN021 Reptilianne Medusa-Common
SOVR-EN022 Reptilianne Scylla-Common
SOVR-EN023 Reptilianne Viper-Common
SOVR-EN024 Earthbound Immortal Ccarayhua-Ultra Rare
SOVR-EN025 Earthbound Immortal Uru-Ultra Rare
SOVR-EN026 Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca-Ultra Rare
SOVR-EN027 Koa'ki Meiru Sea Panther-Common
SOVR-EN028 Koa'ki Meiru Rooklord-Super Rare
SOVR-EN029 Tuned Magician-Common
SOVR-EN030 Crusader of Endymion-Ultra Rare
SOVR-EN031 Woodland Archer-Common
SOVR-EN032 Knight of the Red Lotus-Super Rare
SOVR-EN033 Energy Bravery-Common
SOVR-EN034 Swap Frog-Common
SOVR-EN035 Lord British Space Fighter-Rare
SOVR-EN036 Oshaleon-Short Print
SOVR-EN037 Djinn Releaser of Rituals-Rare
SOVR-EN038 Djinn Presider of Rituals-Rare
SOVR-EN039 Divine Grace - Northwemko-Ultra Rare
SOVR-EN040 Majestic Star Dragon-Ultra Rare
SOVR-EN041 Blackwing - Silverwind the Ascendant-Ultra Rare
SOVR-EN042 Reptilianne Hydra-Super Rare
SOVR-EN043 Black Brutdrago-Super Rare
SOVR-EN044 Explosive Magician-Ultra Rare
SOVR-EN045 Spider Web-Common
SOVR-EN046 Earthbound Whirlwind-Super Rare
SOVR-EN047 Savage Colosseum-Common
SOVR-EN048 Attack Pheromones-Common
SOVR-EN049 Molting Escape-Common
SOVR-EN050 Reptilianne Spawn-Common
SOVR-EN051 Fortune's Future-Super Rare
SOVR-EN052 Time Passage-Common
SOVR-EN053 Iron Core Armor-Common
SOVR-EN054 Herculean Power-Common
SOVR-EN055 Gemini Spark-Common
SOVR-EN056 Ritual of Grace-Common
SOVR-EN057 Preparation of Rites-Super Rare
SOVR-EN058 Moray of Greed-Short Print
SOVR-EN059 Spiritual Forest-Common
SOVR-EN060 Raging Mad Plants-Rare
SOVR-EN061 Insect Neglect-Common
SOVR-EN062 Faustian Bargain-Short Print
SOVR-EN063 Slip Summon-Common
SOVR-EN064 Synchro Barrier-Common
SOVR-EN065 Enlightenment-Common
SOVR-EN066 Bending Destiny-Common
SOVR-EN067 Inherited Fortune-Rare
SOVR-EN068 Spider Egg-Common
SOVR-EN069 Wolf in Sheep' clothing-Common
SOVR-EN070 Earthbound Wave-Common
SOVR-EN071 Roar of the Earthbound Immortal-Common
SOVR-EN072 Limit Impulse-Common
SOVR-EN073 Infernity Force-Common
SOVR-EN074 Nega-Ton Corepanel-Rare
SOVR-EN075 Gemini Counter-Common
SOVR-EN076 Gemini Booster-Common
SOVR-EN077 Ritual Buster-Common
SOVR-EN078 Stygian Dirge-Short Print
SOVR-EN079 Seal of Wickedness-Super Rare
SOVR-EN080 Appointer of the Red Lotus-Common
SOVR-EN081 Koa'ki Meiru Maximus-Ultra Rare
SOVR-EN082 Shire, Lightsworn Spirit-Super Rare
SOVR-EN083 Rinyan, Lightsworn Rogue-Rare
SOVR-EN084 Yellow Baboon, Archer of the Forest-Ultra Rare
SOVR-EN085 Gemini Scorpion-Rare
SOVR-EN086 Metabo-Shark-Super Rare
SOVR-EN087 Earthbound Immortal Revival-Rare
SOVR-EN088 Reptilianne Poison-Rare
SOVR-EN089 Gateway of the Six-Super Rare
SOVR-EN090 Dark Rabbit-Rare
SOVR-EN091 Shine Palace-Rare
SOVR-EN092 Dark Simorgh-Secret Rare
SOVR-EN093 Victoria-Secret Rare
SOVR-EN094 Ice Queen-Secret Rare
SOVR-EN095 Shutendoji-Secret Rare
SOVR-EN096 Archlord Kristya-Secret Rare
SOVR-EN097 Guardian Eatos-Secret Rare
SOVR-EN098 Clear Vice Dragon-Secret Rare
SOVR-EN099 Clear World-Secret Rare
YuGiOh! Booster Packs

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Updated 02/13/2025

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