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Speed Duels Starter Decks Ultimate Predators
Speed Duel Starter Decks:
Ultimate Predators
Trading Card

Release date: August 2, 2019
Speed Duel Starter Decks: Ultimate Predators is a set in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game.
It is the 3rd set of Decks in the TCG's Speed Duel Starter Decks series, following Speed Duel Starter Decks:
Destiny Masters
and Speed Duel Starter Decks: Duelists of Tomorrow.

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated

Skill cards
SS03-ENAS1 Dinosaur Kingdom-Common
SS03-ENAS2 Nightmare Sonic Blast!-Common
SS03-ENBS1 Hyper Metamorphosis-Common
SS03-ENBS2 Hidden Parasite-Common
Variant cards
SS03-ENV01 Order to Charge-Ultra Rare
SS03-ENV02 Jar of Avarice-Ultra Rare
Rex Raptor Deck
SS03-ENA01 Serpent Night Dragon-Common
SS03-ENA02 Two-Headed King Rex-Common
SS03-ENA03 Uraby-Common
SS03-ENA04 Crawling Dragon #2-Common
SS03-ENA05 Tomozaurus-Common
SS03-ENA06 Anthrosaurus-Common
SS03-ENA07 Black Tyranno-Common
SS03-ENA08 Super-Ancient Dinobeast-Common
SS03-ENA09 Mad Sword Beast-Common
SS03-ENA10 Gilasaurus-Common
SS03-ENA11 Gale Lizard-Common
SS03-ENA12 Dark Driceratops-Common
SS03-ENA13 Hyper Hammerhead-Common
SS03-ENA14 Element Saurus-Common
SS03-ENA15 Black Stego-Common
SS03-ENA16 Gentlemander-Common
SS03-ENA17 Raise Body Heat-Common
SS03-ENA18 Ultra Evolution Pill-Common
SS03-ENA19 Spacetime Transcendence-Common
SS03-ENA20 Cost Down-Common
SS03-ENA21 Summoner's Art-Common
SS03-ENA22 White Elephant's Gift-Common
SS03-ENA23 Heat Wave-Common
SS03-ENA24 Card Advance-Common
SS03-ENA25 Hunting Instinct-Common
SS03-ENA26 Reinforcements-Common
SS03-ENA27 Pharaoh's Treasure-Common
SS03-ENA28 Limit Impulse-Common
Weevil Underwood Deck
SS03-ENB01 Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth-Common
SS03-ENB02 Petit Moth-Common
SS03-ENB03 Big Insect-Common
SS03-ENB04 Basic Insect-Common
SS03-ENB05 Winged Cleaver-Common
SS03-ENB06 Kumootoko-Common
SS03-ENB07 Alinsection-Common
SS03-ENB08 Insect Queen-Common
SS03-ENB09 Cocoon of Evolution-Common
SS03-ENB10 Man-Eater Bug-Common
SS03-ENB11 Pinch Hopper-Common
SS03-ENB12 Insect Princess-Common
SS03-ENB13 Gokipon-Common
SS03-ENB14 Bee List Soldier-Common
SS03-ENB15 Beetron-Common
SS03-ENB16 Laser Cannon Armor-Common
SS03-ENB17 Forest-Common
SS03-ENB18 Verdant Sanctuary-Common
SS03-ENB19 Insect Neglect-Common
SS03-ENB20 Worm Bait-Common
SS03-ENB21 Enchanting Fitting Room-Common
SS03-ENB22 Dark Factory of Mass Production-Common
SS03-ENB23 Amulet of Ambition-Common
SS03-ENB24 White Elephant's Gift-Common
SS03-ENB25 Eradicating Aerosol-Common
SS03-ENB26 Spider Egg-Common
SS03-ENB27 Corrosive Scales-Common
SS03-ENB28 Adhesion Trap Hole-Common
SS03-ENB29 Order to Smash-Common
YuGiOh! Booster Packs

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Updated 02/13/2025

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