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Speed Duel: Arena of Lost Souls
Speed Duel:
Arena of Lost Souls
Trading Cards
1st Edition

Release date: March 2019
Speed Duel: Arena of Lost Souls is the first Speed Duel Booster in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated.

Ultra Rare Cards
SBLS-ENS01 Ectoplasmic Fortification!-Super Rare $0.59
SBLS-ENS02 Straight to the Grave-Super Rare $1.12
SBLS-ENS03 Call of the Haunted-Ultra Rare $1.59
SBLS-ENS04 Royal Flush-Super Rare
SBLS-ENS05 Tomb of the Pharaoh-Ultra Rare
SBLS-EN001 Buster Blader-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN002 Whiptail Crow-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN003 Possessed Dark Soul-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN004 Queen's Knight-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN005 King's Knight-Super Rare $1.12
SBLS-EN006 Jack's Knight-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN007 Arcana Knight Joker-Ultra Rare
SBLS-EN008 Diffusion Wave-Motion-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN009 Magicians Unite-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN010 Mystic Horseman-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN011 Rabid Horseman-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN012 Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon-Ultra Rare $2.59
SBLS-EN013 Meteor B. Dragon-Super Rare $1.49
SBLS-EN014 Shield & Sword-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN015 Sword of Dragon's Soul-Super Rare
SBLS-EN016 Common Charity-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN017 Senju of the Thousand Hands-Super Rare
SBLS-EN018 Sphere Kuriboh-Ultra Rare
SBLS-EN019 Desert Twister-Ultra Rare $1.49
SBLS-EN020 Harpie's Pet Dragon-Common $0.59
SBLS-EN021 Amazoness Spy-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN022 Gravekeeper's Ambusher-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN023 Veil of Darkness-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN024 Conscription-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN025 Skull Servant-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN026 The Snake Hair-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN027 Armored Zombie-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN028 Dragon Zombie-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN029 Clown Zombie-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN030 Magical Ghost-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN031 King of the Skull Servants-Super Rare
SBLS-EN032 Decayed Commander-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN033 Zombie Tiger-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN034 Great Mammoth of Goldfine-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN035 Violet Crystal-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN036 Wasteland-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN037 De-Spell-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN038 Block Attack-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN039 The Shallow Grave-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN040 White Elephant's Gift-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN041 Wicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN042 Twister-Ultra Rare
SBLS-EN043 Half Shut-Common $0.12
SBLS-EN044 Michizure-Ultra Rare
SBLS-EN045 Limit Impulse-Common $0.12
YuGiOh! Booster Packs

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Updated 02/13/2025

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