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YuGiOh: Savage Strike trading card list
Savage Strike:
Trading Cards

Release date: February 2019

Savage Strike is the seventh set in the OCG's 10th series, following
Soul Fusion
and followed by Dark Neostorm.

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated

SAST-EN000 Danger! Ogopogo!-Ultra Rare
SAST-EN001 Catche Eve L2-Common
SAST-EN002 Cyberse Synchron-Rare
SAST-EN003 Salamangreat Wolvie-Common
SAST-EN004 Salamangreat Parro-Common
SAST-EN005 Salamangreat Foxer-Common
SAST-EN006 Speedburst Dragon-Rare
SAST-EN007 Rokket Synchron-Rare
SAST-EN008 Neo Space Connector-Common
SAST-EN009 T.G. Screw Serpent-Rare
SAST-EN010 T.G. Booster Raptor-Common
SAST-EN011 T.G. Tank Grub-Common
SAST-EN012 Guardragon Justicia-Common
SAST-EN013 Guardragon Garmides-Common
SAST-EN014 Guardragon Promineses-Common
SAST-EN015 Guardragon Andrake-Rare
SAST-EN016 World Legacy - World Ark-Rare
SAST-EN017 Shiranui Spectralsword Shade-Super Rare
SAST-EN018 Shiranui Swordmaster-Common
SAST-EN019 Shiranui Squire-Super Rare
SAST-EN020 Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay-Secret Rare
SAST-EN021 Orcust Knightmare-Common
SAST-EN022 Prank-Kids Rocksies-Common
SAST-EN023 Madolche Petingcessoeur-Rare
SAST-EN024 Psychic Wheeleder-Secret Rare
SAST-EN025 Psychic Tracker-Common
SAST-EN026 Thunderclap Monk-Super Rare
SAST-EN027 Lappis Dragon-Rare
SAST-EN028 Cataclysmic Scorching Sunburner-Common
SAST-EN029 Squirt Squid-Common
SAST-EN030 Aloof Lupine-Common
SAST-EN031 Extraceratops-Common
SAST-EN032 Impcantation Chalislime-Rare
SAST-EN033 Trickstar Band Sweet Guitar-Super Rare
SAST-EN034 Salamangreat Violet Chimera-Rare
SAST-EN035 Elemental HERO Brave Neos-Super Rare
SAST-EN036 Elemental HERO Cosmo Neos-Super Rare
SAST-EN037 Borreload Savage Dragon-Ultra Rare
SAST-EN038 Cyberse Quantum Dragon -Ultra Rare
SAST-EN039 T.G. Star Guardian-Ultra Rare
SAST-EN040 Shiranui Swordsaga-Common
SAST-EN041 Shiranui Squiresaga-Common
SAST-EN042 Hyper Psychic Riser-Rare
SAST-EN043 Cyberse Integrator-Common
SAST-EN044 Cyberse Wicckid-C`ommon
SAST-EN045 Update Jammer-Common
SAST-EN046 Detonate Deleter-Rare
SAST-EN047 Clock Lizard-Common
SAST-EN048 Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf-Rare
SAST-EN049 Trickstar Divaridis-Ultra Rare
SAST-EN050 T.G. Trident Launcher-Secret Rare
SAST-EN051 Guardragon Elpy-Super Rare
SAST-EN052 Guardragon Pisty-Super Rare
SAST-EN053 Guardragon Agarpain-Super Rare
SAST-EN054 Shiranui Skillsaga Supremacy-Ultra Rare
SAST-EN055 Sky Striker Ace - Kaina-Super Rare
SAST-EN056 Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze-Rare
SAST-EN057 Fusion of Fire-Rare
SAST-EN058 Trickstar Live Stage-Secret Rare
SAST-EN059 Trickstar Fusion-Rare
SAST-EN060 Neos Fusion Super-Super Rare
SAST-EN061 Guardragon Shield-Rare
SAST-EN062 World Legacy Guardragon-Ultra Rare
SAST-EN063 Ghost Meets Girl - A Shiranui's Story-Ultra Rare
SAST-EN064 Shiranui Style Solemnity-Common
SAST-EN065 Impcantation Inception-Common
SAST-EN066 Uni-Song Tuning-Common
SAST-EN067 Pot of Extravagance-
SAST-EN068 Edge of the Ring-Common
SAST-EN069 Child's Play-Common
SAST-EN070 Summon Over-Common
SAST-EN071 NEXT Super-Rare
SAST-EN072 Guardragon Corewakening-Common
SAST-EN073 Guardragon Cataclysm-Rare
SAST-EN074 Shiranui Style Success-Common
SAST-EN075 Fateful Hour-Super Rare
SAST-EN076 Orcustrated Release-Common
SAST-EN077 Subterror Succession-Common
SAST-EN078 Dark Factory of More Production-Rare
SAST-EN079 Witch's Strike-Secret Rare
SAST-EN080 Loss Time-Common
SAST-EN081 Super Anti-Kaiju War Machine Mecha-Thunder-King-Secret Rare
SAST-EN082 Time Thief Winder-Common
SAST-EN083 Time Thief Bezel Ship-Common
SAST-EN084 Time Thief Regulator-Common
SAST-EN085 Time Thief Redoer-Common
SAST-EN086 Time Thief Hack-Common
SAST-EN087 Time Thief Flyback-Common
SAST-EN088 Valkyrie Sechste-Secret Rare
SAST-EN089 Valkyrie Vierte-Super Rare
SAST-EN090 Final Light-Ultra Rare
SAST-EN091 Apple of Enlightenment-Rare
SAST-EN092 Cyberse Converter-Common
SAST-EN093 Legendary Secret of the Six Samurai-Common
SAST-EN094 Subterror Guru-Common
SAST-EN095 Trickstar Corobane-Ultra Rare
SAST-EN096 Performapal Clay Breaker-Common
SAST-EN097 Super Armored Robot Armed Black Iron C-Common
SAST-EN098 Shinobi Necro-Common
SAST-EN099 Red Rising Dragon-Common
YuGiOh! Booster Packs

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Updated 02/13/2025

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