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YuGiOh Rising Ramage single trading card sales at PokezorWorld
Rising Rampage:
Trading Cards
Release date: July 2019

Rising Rampage, the first 100-card booster set of the 2019-2020 Dueling season! A fresh Dueling season means fresh new strategies, breathing new life into older strategies, and strong individual cards that anyone can use.

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated

Holofoil Rare Cards
RIRA-EN000 Capshell-Secret
RIRA-EN003 Marincess Sea Horse-Ultra
RIRA-EN011 Mayosenju Hitot-Super
RIRA-EN021 Simorgh, Lord of the Storm-Super
RIRA-EN022 Simorgh of Darkness-Super
RIRA-EN023 B.E.S. Blaster Cannon Core-Super
RIRA-EN027 Avida, Rebuilder of Worlds-Super
RIRA-EN028 Witchcrafter Golem Aruru-Secret
RIRA-EN029 Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher-Secret
RIRA-EN034 Spirit Sculptor-Ultra
RIRA-EN038 Fortune Lady Every-Secret
RIRA-EN039 Borreload eXcharge Dragon-Ultra
RIRA-EN040 Marincess Blue Slug-Ultra
RIRA-EN041 Marinces coral Anemone-Secret
RIRA-EN042 Marincess Marbled Rock-Secret
RIRA-EN044 Shaman of the Tenyi-Ultra
RIRA-EN047 Linkmail Archfiend-Super
RIRA-EN048 Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess-Secret
RIRA-EN056 Fortune Lady Calling-Ultra
RIRA-EN063 Hypernova Burst-Super
RIRA-EN068 Marincess Wave-Ultra
RIRA-EN076 Get Out!-Secret
RIRA-EN077 Storm Dragon's Return-Super
RIRA-EN085 Ikelo the Dream Mirror Sprite-Ultra
RIRA-EN086 Ikelo the Dream Mirror Mara-Super
RIRA-EN087 Morpheu the Dream Mirror White Knight-Super
RIRA-EN088 Morpheu the Dream Mirror Black Knight-Ultra
RIRA-EN089 Dream Mirror of Joy-Super
RIRA-EN090 Dream Mirror of Terror-Super
RIRA-EN095 White Aura Monoceros-Super
RIRA-EN096 White Howling-Super
RIRA-EN098 Dragunity Knight - Romulus-Ultra
Rare Cards
RIRA-EN008 Fortune Lady Past
RIRA-EN012 Tenyi Spirit - Adhara
RIRA-EN013 Tenyi Spirit - Shthana
RIRA-EN014 Tenyi Spirit - Mapura
RIRA-EN015 Tenyi Spirit - Nahata
RIRA-EN016 Tenyi Spirit - Vishuda
RIRA-EN018 Simorgh, Bird of Bringing
RIRA-EN024 Vic Viper T301
RIRA-EN032 Tlakalel, His Malevolent Majesty
RIRA-EN043 Monk of the Tenyi
RIRA-EN045 Berserker of the Tenyi
RIRA-EN046 Wynn the Wind Charmer, Verdant
RIRA-EN055 Fortune Vision
RIRA-EN058 Flawless Perfection of the Tenyi
RIRA-EN059 Vessel for the Dragon Cycle
RIRA-EN070 Fortune Lady Rewind
RIRA-EN072 Fists of the Unrivaled Tenyi
RIRA-EN082 Hraesvelgr, the Desperate Doom Eagle
RIRA-EN083 Star Power!!
Common Cards
RIRA-EN001 Rescue Interlacer
RIRA-EN002 Cross Debug
RIRA-EN004 Marincess Sea Star
RIRA-EN005 DMZ Dragon
RIRA-EN006 Dinowrestler Martial Ankylo
RIRA-EN007 Dinowrestler Rambrachio
RIRA-EN009 Yosenju Sabu
RIRA-EN010 Yosenju Izna
RIRA-EN017 Simorgh, Bird of Beginning
RIRA-EN019 Simorgh, Bird of Calamity
RIRA-EN020 Simorgh, Bird of Protection
RIRA-EN025 Reptilianne Lamia
RIRA-EN026 Ranryu
RIRA-EN030 Cataclysmic Cryonic Coldo
RIRA-EN031 Voltester
RIRA-EN033 Beatraptor
RIRA-EN035 Reversible Beetle
RIRA-EN036 Megistric Maginician
RIRA-EN037 Magicalibra
RIRA-EN049 Defender of the Labyrinth
RIRA-EN050 Baba Barber
RIRA-EN051 Link Back
RIRA-EN052 Grid Rod
RIRA-EN054 Fury of Fire
RIRA-EN057 Yosenju Wind Worship
RIRA-EN060 Elborz, the Sacred Lands of Simorgh
RIRA-EN061 Simorgh Onslaught
RIRA-EN062 Simorgh Repulsion
RIRA-EN064 Psychic Fervor
RIRA-EN065 Blockout Curtain
RIRA-EN066 Sextet Summon
RIRA-EN067 Draw Discharge
RIRA-EN069 Marinces current
RIRA-EN071 Yosenjus' Sword Sting
RIRA-EN073 Simorgh Sky Battle
RIRA-EN074 World Legacy Bestowal
RIRA-EN075 The Return to the Normal
RIRA-EN078 Setuppercut
RIRA-EN079 Dwimmered Glimmer
RIRA-EN080 Fighting Dirty
RIRA-EN081 Barricadeborg Blocker
RIRA-EN084 Fuhma Wave
RIRA-EN091 Dream Mirror Fantasy
RIRA-EN092 Yosenju Oroshi Channeling
RIRA-EN093 Number 29: Mannequin Cat
RIRA-EN094 Kikinagashi Fucho
RIRA-EN097 F.A. Shining Star GT
RIRA-EN099 Rogue of Endymion
YuGiOh! Booster Packs

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Updated 02/13/2025

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