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Noble Knights of the Round Table Box Set
Noble Knights of the Round Table Box Set
Trading Cards

Release date: November 2014
Noble Knights of the Round Table Box Set is a Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game box set based around the Noble Knight archetype, introducing its last three cards as depicted on the front of the box

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated

Platinum Rare
NKRT-EN001 Merlin-
NKRT-EN002 Noble Knight Bedwyr-
NKRT-EN003 Noble Knight Artorigus-
NKRT-EN004 Noble Knight Gawayn-
NKRT-EN005 Ignoble Knight of Black Laundsallyn-
NKRT-EN006 Noble Knight Medraut-
NKRT-EN007 Noble Knight Gwalchavad-
NKRT-EN008 Noble Knight Drystan-
NKRT-EN009 Noble Knight Borz-
NKRT-EN010 Noble Knight Peredur-
NKRT-EN011 Noble Knight Eachtar-
NKRT-EN012 Gwenhwyfar, Queen of Noble Arms-
NKRT-EN013 Lady of the Lake-
NKRT-EN014 Honest-
NKRT-EN015 Knight Day Grepher-
NKRT-EN016 Dawn Knight-
NKRT-EN017 Last Chapter of the Noble Knights-
NKRT-EN018 Noble Knights of the Round Table-
NKRT-EN019 Noble Arms - Gallatin-
NKRT-EN020 Noble Arms - Arfeudutyr-
NKRT-EN021 Noble Arms - Caliburn-
NKRT-EN022 Noble Arms of Destiny-
NKRT-EN023 Noble Arms - Excaliburn -
NKRT-EN024 Dark Hole-
NKRT-EN025 Swords of Revealing Light-
NKRT-EN026 Reinforcement of the Army-
NKRT-EN027 Book of Moon-
NKRT-EN028 Foolish Burial-
NKRT-EN029 Release Restraint Wave-
NKRT-EN030 Swords at Dawn-
NKRT-EN031 Avalon-
NKRT-EN032 Call of the Haunted-
NKRT-EN033 Malevolent Catastrophe-
NKRT-EN034 Dimensional Prison-
NKRT-EN035 Solemn Warning-
NKRT-EN036 Ignoble Knight of High Laundsallyn-
NKRT-EN037 Artorigus, King of the Noble Knights-
NKRT-EN038 Sacred Noble Knight of King Artorigu-
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Updated 02/13/2025

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