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YuGiOh Maximum Crisis
Maximum Crisis:
Trading Cards

Release date: February 2017
Maximum Crisis introduces three new themes as well as bold new cards for a wide variety of popular Decks.
Look for the dawn of "True Draco" monsters, a brand new way to win a Duel, 

new Winged Beasts, and cards that boost decks and themes from Fusion Enforcers, Raging Tempest,

 the Pendulum Domination Structure Deck, Invasion: Vengeance, The Dark Illusion, Shining Victories,

 Wing Raider the Master of Pendulum Structure Deck, High-Speed Riders, and more!

The set includes 100 cards (48 C, 20 R, 14 SR, 10 UR, & 8 SR)

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated.

MACR-ENSE2 Number SO: Utopic Zexal-Super Rare $0.89
MACR-EN017 Supreme King Gate Zero-Super Rare
MACR-EN018 Supreme King Gate Infinity-Super Rare $0.79
MACR-EN020 Majesty Maiden, the True Dracocaster-Ultra Rare
MACR-EN021 Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior-Ultra Rare
MACR-EN022 Dinomight Knight, the True Dracofighter-Ultra Rare
MACR-EN023 Dreiath III, the True Dracocavalry General-Ultra Rare
MACR-EN024 Master Peace, the True Dracoslaying King-Secret Rare
MACR-EN025 Metaltron XII, the True Dracombatant-Super Rare $0.79
MACR-EN026 Mariamne, the True Dracophoenix-Ultra Rare
MACR-EN030 Zefraath-Super Rare $0.79
MACR-EN033 Pendulumucho-Super Rare $0.79
MACR-EN036 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring-Secret Rare
MACR-EN038 Fairy Tail - Luna-Super Rare
MACR-EN039 Supreme King Z-ARC-Secret Rare
MACR-EN040 Performapal Gatlinghoul-Ultra Rare
MACR-EN041 Lyrilusc - Independent Nightingale-Super Rare
MACR-EN042 The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin-Super Rare $0.79
MACR-EN043 Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale-Super Rare
MACR-EN046 True King of All Calamities-Super Rare
MACR-EN048 Zoodiac Chakanine-Ultra Rare
MACR-EN052 Ultra Polymerization-Secret Rare
MACR-EN053 Dragonic Diagram-Secret Rare
MACR-EN054 True Draco Heritage-Ultra Rare
MACR-EN063 Duelist Alliance-Secret Rare
MACR-EN069 True King's Return-Ultra Rare
MACR-EN078 Waterfall of Dragon Souls-Super Rare $0.79
MACR-EN079 Unending Nightmare-Secret Rare
MACR-EN081 Tornado Dragon-Secret Rare
MACR-EN082 Subterror Fiendess-Super Rare $0.79
MACR-EN086 SPYRAL Sleeper-Super Rare $0.79
MACR-EN088 SPYRAL GEAR - Fully Armed-Ultra Rare $0.79
MACR-EN093 Sylvan Princessprite-Super Rare $0.79
Rare Cards
MACR-EN000 Pendulum Switch $0.12
MACR-EN001 Performapal Sky Magician $0.12
MACR-EN002 Performapal Sky Pupil $0.12
MACR-EN004 Performapal U Go Golem $0.12
MACR-EN005 Performapal Coin Dragon $0.12
MACR-EN008 Speedroid Rubberband Plane $0.12
MACR-EN009 Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio sold out
MACR-EN028 Phantasm Spiral Dragon    
MACR-EN031 Ariel, Priestess of the Nekroz $0.12
MACR-EN032 B.E.S. Big Core MK-3 $0.12
MACR-EN044 Raidraptor - Stranger Falcon $0.12
MACR-EN045 D/D/D Stone King Darius $0.12
MACR-EN051 Magician's Restage $0.12
MACR-EN056 Pacifi the Phantasm City $0.12
MACR-EN061 Zefra Providence $0.12
MACR-EN068 Dark Contract with the Eternal Darkness $0.12
MACR-EN072 Phantasm Spiral Battle $0.12
MACR-EN085 Subterror Final Battle
MACR-EN087 SPYRAL GEAR - Last Resort
MACR-EN092 Bujin Hiruko $0.12
Common Cards
MACR-EN003 Performapal Revue Dancer
MACR-EN006 Speedroid Skull Marbles
MACR-EN007 Speedroid Maliciousmagnet
MACR-EN010 Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra
MACR-EN011 Predaplant Cordyceps
MACR-EN012 Lyrilusc - Cobalt Sparrow
MACR-EN013 Lyrilusc - Sapphire Swallow
MACR-EN014 Lyrilusc - Turquoise Warbler
MACR-EN015 D/D Ghost
MACR-EN016 Double Resonator
MACR-EN019 Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm
MACR-EN027 Zoodiac Kataroost
MACR-EN029 Digital Bug LEDybug
MACR-EN034 Baobaboon
MACR-EN035 Fire Cracker
MACR-EN037 Familiar-Possessed - Lyna
MACR-EN047 Zoodiac Hammerkong
MACR-EN049 Magician's Right Hand
MACR-EN050 Magician's Left Hand
MACR-EN055 Disciples of the True Dracophoenix
MACR-EN057 Phantasm Spiral Crash
MACR-EN058 Phantasm Spiral Grip
MACR-EN060 Bug Signal
MACR-EN064 Set Rotation
MACR-EN065 Break Away
MACR-EN066 The Phantom Knights of Lost Vambrace
MACR-EN067 The Phantom Knights of Wrong Magnetring
MACR-EN070 True Draco Apocalypse
MACR-EN071 Zoodiac Gathering
MACR-EN073 Phantasm Spiral Power
MACR-EN074 Phantasm Spiral Assault
MACR-EN075 Prologue of the Destruction Swordsman
MACR-EN076 Dinomists Howling
MACR-EN077 Zefra War
MACR-EN080 Diamond Duston
MACR-EN083 Subterror Behemoth Phospheroglacier
MACR-EN084 Subterror Behemoth Speleogeist
MACR-EN090 Gift Exchange
MACR-EN091 Kaiser Sea Snake
MACR-EN094 Artifact Vajra
MACR-EN095 Mild Turkey
MACR-EN096 Ghost Beef
MACR-EN097 Vennu, Bright Bird of Divinity
MACR-EN098 Primal Cry
MACR-EN099 Onikuji
YuGiOh! Booster Packs

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Updated 02/13/2025

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