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YuGiOh Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy
Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy:
Trading Cards

Release date: May 2014

Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy is a Booster Pack in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game (OCG) and Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game (TCG). It is the fourth set in the OCG's 8th series, following Cosmo Blazer and followed by Judgment of the Light.

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated.

Holofoil /Rare Cards
EN054 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Cardinal-Secret Rare
EN082 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Coyote-Secret Rare
EN091 Constellar Omega-Ultra Rare
EN093 Constellar Sombre-Super Rare
EN099 Duck Fighter-Super Rare
EN094 Evilswarm Kerykeion-Super Rare
EN045 Gauntlet Launcher-Ultra Rare
EN077 Geargiagear-Super Rare
EN085 Ghost Fairy Elfobia-Super Rare
EN036 Guiding Ariadne-Super Rare
EN089 Interrupted Kaiju Slumber-Super Rare
EN085 Kozmo Dark Eclipser-Secret Rare
EN035 Harpie Channeler-Ultra Rare
EN065 Hysteric Sign-Super Rare
EN062 Fire Formation - Gyokkou-Super Rare
EN032 Madolche Hootcake-Super Rare
EN076 Madolche Nights-Super Rare
EN053 Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack-Secret Rare
EN025 Mecha Phantom Beast Hamstrat-Ultra Rare
EN021 Mecha Phantom Beast Megaraptor-Super Rare
EN000 Mecha Phantom Beast Turtletracer-Super Rare
EN083 Mermail Abyssbalaen-Ultra Rare
EN087 Noble Arms of Destiny-Super Rare
EN081 Noble Knight Gwalchavad-Ultra Rare
EN051 Number 105: Battlin' Boxer Star Cestus-Super Rare
EN044 Number 107: Galaxy-ENo Tachyon Dragon-Ghost Rare
EN052 Number C105: Battlin' Boxer Comet Cestus-Ultra Rare
EN069 Pinpoint Guard-Secret Rare
EN060 Rank-Up-Magic Barian's Force-Ultra Rare
EN066 Sacred Sword of Seven Stars-Super Rare
EN061 Scramble!! Scramble!!-Ultra Rare
EN063 Spellbook of Judgment-Secret Rare
EN071 Torrential Reborn-Secret Rare
EN086 Totem Bird-Secret Rare
EN037 Windrose the Elemental Lord-Secret Rare
Rare Cards
EN036 Altitude Knight
EN050 Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke
EN008 Big Whale
EN040 Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos
EN029 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Buffalo
EN028 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rhino
EN047 CXyz Dark Fairy Cheer Girl
EN074 Do a Barrel Roll
EN046 Fairy Cheer Girl
EN002 Gogogo Gigas
EN055 Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon
EN049 Ice Beast Zerofyne
EN022 Mecha Phantom Beast Tetherwolf
EN092 Number 69: Heraldry Crest
EN038 Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders
EN041 Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms $0.49
EN039 Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls
EN084 Trifortressops
EN031 Wheel of Prophecy
EN059 Xyz Revenge
Common Cards
EN064 Abyss-scale of the Mizuchi
EN073 Aerial Recharge
EN013 Aurora Wing
EN001 Bachibachibachi
EN020 Battlin' Boxer Counterpunch
EN017 Battlin' Boxer Glassjaw
EN016 Battlin' Boxer Headgeared
EN018 Battlin' Boxer Sparrer
EN019 Battlin' Boxer Switchitter
EN012 Blizzard Falcon
EN027 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Leopard
EN026 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Wolf
EN097 Burner, Dragon Ruler of Sparks
EN004 Dotedotengu
EN080 Dragoncarnation
EN011 Eagle Shark
EN075 Fire Formation - Kaiyo
EN034 Fire King Avatar Garunix
EN089 Five Brothers Explosion
EN057 Gagagawind
EN043 Green Duston
EN078 High Tide on Fire Island
EN067 Jewels of the Valiant
EN056 King of the Feral Imps
EN088 Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju
EN060 Karma of the Destruction Swordsman
EN084 Kozmo Delta Shuttle
EN064 Majespecter Sonics
EN068 Mistaken Accusation
EN056 Performance Hurricane
EN033 Legendary Atlantean Tridon
EN098 Lightning, Dragon Ruler of Drafts
EN006 Little Fairy
EN058 Magnum Shield
EN023 Mecha Phantom Beast Blackfalcon
EN024 Mecha Phantom Beast Stealthray
EN070 Memory Loss
EN030 Mermail Abyssocea
EN003 Mimimic
EN079 Mind Drain
EN010 Panther Shark
EN015 Parsec, the Interstellar Dragon
EN014 Radiu the Half-Moon Dragon
EN095 Reactan, Dragon Ruler of Pebbles
EN042 Risebell the Star Adjuster
EN048 Shark Fortress
EN007 Sharkraken
EN090 Sonic Warrior
EN088 Spellbook of Miracles
EN009 Starfish
EN096 Stream, Dragon Ruler of Droplets
EN068 Summon Breaker
EN005 Tatakawa Knight
EN072 Xyz Block
YuGiOh! Booster Packs

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Updated 02/13/2025

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