LC5-EN 033 Turbo Warrior-Common
LC5-EN 034 Armory Arm-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 041 Formula Synchron-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 042 Lightning Warrior-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 043 Junk Berserker-Super Rare
LC5-EN 044 Junk Barrage-Common
LC5-EN 045 One for One-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 046 Silver Wing-Common
LC5-EN 047 Advance Draw-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 048 Cards of Consonance-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 049 Tuning-Common
LC5-EN 050 Battle Waltz-Common
LC5-EN 051 Scrap-Iron Scarecrow-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 052 Graceful Revival-Common
LC5-EN 053 Urgent Tuning-Common
LC5-EN 054 Spirit Force-Common
LC5-EN 055 Descending Lost Star-Common
LC5-EN 056 Starlight Road-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 057 Dark Resonator-Common
LC5-EN 058 Trap Eater-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 059 Vice Dragon-Common
LC5-EN 060 Strong Wind Dragon-Rare
LC5-EN 061 Battle Fader-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 062 Flare Resonator-Common
LC5-EN 063 Power Breaker-Rare
LC5-EN 064 Extra Veiler-Common
LC5-EN 065 Creation Resonator-Common
LC5-EN 066 Barrier Resonator-Common
LC5-EN 067 Force Resonator-Common
LC5-EN 068 Clock Resonator-Common
LC5-EN 069 Red Dragon Archfiend-Common
LC5-EN 069 Red Dragon Archfiend-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 070 Exploder Dragonwing-Rare
LC5-EN 071 Majestic Red Dragon-Super Rare
LC5-EN 072 Chaos King Archfiend-Super Rare
LC5-EN 073 Red Nova Dragon-Super Rare
LC5-EN 074 Crimson Blader-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 075 Resonator Engine-Common
LC5-EN 076 Scarlet Security-Super Rare
LC5-EN 077 Red Dragon Vase-Rare
LC5-EN 078 Resonator Call-Common
LC5-EN 079 Resonant Destruction-Common
LC5-EN 080 Crimson Fire-Rare
LC5-EN 081 Changing Destiny-Common
LC5-EN 082 Fiendish Chain-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 083 Red Screen-Common
LC5-EN 084 Red Carpet-Common
LC5-EN 085 Twilight Rose Knight-Common
LC5-EN 086 Violet Witch-Rare
LC5-EN 087 Dark Verger-Common
LC5-EN 088 Rose Tentacles-Rare
LC5-EN 089 Hedge Guard-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 090 Evil Thorn-Common
LC5-EN 091 Rose Fairy-Common
LC5-EN 092 Glow-Up Bulb-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 093 Blue Rose Dragon-Super Rare
LC5-EN 094 Fallen Angel of Roses-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 095 Rosaria, the Stately Fallen Angel-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 096 Queen Angel of Roses-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 097 Rose Witch-Common
LC5-EN 098 Rose Archer-Super Rare
LC5-EN 099 Black Rose Dragon-Common
LC5-EN 100 Splendid Rose-Rare
LC5-EN 101 Black Garden-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 102 Fragrance Storm-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 103 Thorn of Malice-Common
LC5-EN 104 Magic Planter-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 105 Ivy Shackles-Common
LC5-EN 106 Overdoom Line-Common
LC5-EN 107 Wicked Rebirth-Common
LC5-EN 108 Blossom Bombardment-Common
LC5-EN 109 Star Siphon-Common
LC5-EN 110 Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 111 Blackwing - Bora the Spear-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 112 Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 113 Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 114 Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 115 Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 116 Blackwing - Elphin the Raven-Common
LC5-EN 117 Blackwing - Mistral the Silver Shield-Common
LC5-EN 118 Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 119 Blackwing - Fane the Steel Chain-Common
LC5-EN 120 Blackwing - Ghibli the Searing Wind-Common
LC5-EN 121 Blackwing - Gust the Backblast-Common
LC5-EN 122 Blackwing - Breeze the Zephyr-Common
LC5-EN 123 Blackwing - Etesian of Two Swords-Common
LC5-EN 124 Blackwing - Aurora the Northern Lights-Common
LC5-EN 125 Blackwing - Abrolhos the Megaquake-Common
LC5-EN 126 Blackwing - Boreas the Sharp-Common
LC5-EN 127 Blackwing ? Brisote the Tailwind-Common
LC5-EN 128 Blackwing - Calima the Haze-Common
LC5-EN 129 Blackwing - Kogarashi the Wanderer-Common
LC5-EN 130 Blackwing - Kochi the Daybreak-Common
LC5-EN 131 Blackwing - Gladius the Midnight Sun-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 132 Blackwing Armor Master-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 133 Blackwing Armed Wing-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 134 Blackwing - Silverwind the Ascendant-Super Rare
LC5-EN 135 Black-Winged Dragon-Common
LC5-EN 136 De-Synchro-Super Rare
LC5-EN 137 Raptor Wing Strike-Common
LC5-EN 138 Black Whirlwind-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 139 Cards for Black Feathers-Rare
LC5-EN 140 Delta Crow - Anti Reverse-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 141 Trap Stun-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 142 Blackwing - Backlash-Common
LC5-EN 143 Blackback-Common
LC5-EN 144 Blackboost-Common
LC5-EN 145 Black Return-Common
LC5-EN 146 Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu-Super Rare
LC5-EN 147 Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu-Super Rare
LC5-EN 148 Earthbound Immortal Cusillu-Super Rare
LC5-EN 149 Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua-Super Rare
LC5-EN 150 Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca-Super Rare
LC5-EN 151 Earthbound Immortal Ccarayhua-Super Rare
LC5-EN 152 Earthbound Immortal Uru-Super Rare
LC5-EN 153 Earthbound Linewalker-Super Rare
LC5-EN 154 Hundred-Eyes Dragon-Super Rare
LC5-EN 155 Earthbound Whirlwind-Rare
LC5-EN 156 Earthbound Revival-Common
LC5-EN 157 Revival of the Immortals-Common
LC5-EN 158 Earthbound Wave-Rare
LC5-EN 159 Roar of the Earthbound-Common
LC5-EN 160 Offering to the Immortals-Common
LC5-EN 161 Meklord Astro Mekanikle-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 162 Meklord Emperor Granel-Super Rare
LC5-EN 163 Meklord Army of Wisel-Rare
LC5-EN 164 Meklord Army of Skiel-Rare
LC5-EN 165 Meklord Army of Granel-Common
LC5-EN 166 Meklord Astro Dragon Asterisk-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 167 Meklord Emperor Skiel-Super Rare
LC5-EN 168 Meklord Emperor Wisel-Super Rare
LC5-EN 169 Fortissimo the Mobile Fortress-Common
LC5-EN 170 Boon of the Meklord Emperor-Common
LC5-EN 171 The Resolute Meklord Army-Common
LC5-EN 172 Reboot-Common
LC5-EN 173 Meklord Fortress-Super Rare
LC5-EN 174 Chaos Infinity-Super Rare
LC5-EN 175 Mektimed Blast-Common
LC5-EN 176 Meklord Factory-Super Rare
LC5-EN 177 Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 178 Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 179 Garmr of the Nordic Beasts-Common
LC5-EN 180 Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 181 Ljosalf of the Nordic Alfar-Common
LC5-EN 182 Svartalf of the Nordic Alfar-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 183 Dverg of the Nordic Alfar-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 184 Valkyrie of the Nordic Ascendant-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 185 Mimir of the Nordic Ascendant-Common
LC5-EN 186 Tyr of the Nordic Champions-Common
LC5-EN 187 Vanadis of the Nordic Ascendant-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 188 Mara of the Nordic Alfar-Common
LC5-EN 189 Thor, Lord of the Aesir-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 190 Loki, Lord of the Aesir-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 191 Odin, Father of the Aesir-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 192 Nordic Relic Draupnir-Rare
LC5-EN 193 Gotterdammerung-Common
LC5-EN 194 March Towards Ragnarok-Common
LC5-EN 195 The Nordic Lights-Common
LC5-EN 196 Divine Relic Mjollnir-Rare
LC5-EN 197 Solemn Authority-Common
LC5-EN 198 Nordic Relic Brisingamen-Rare
LC5-EN 199 Nordic Relic Laevateinn-Rare
LC5-EN 200 Nordic Relic Gungnir-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 201 The Golden Apples-Rare
LC5-EN 202 Odin's Eye-Common
LC5-EN 203 Gleipnir, the Fetters of Fenrir-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 204 Nordic Relic Megingjord-Rare
LC5-EN 205 T.G. Cyber Magician-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 206 T.G. Striker-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 207 T.G. Jet Falcon-Common
LC5-EN 208 T.G. Catapult Dragon-Common
LC5-EN 209 T.G. Warwolf-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 210 T.G. Rush Rhino-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 211 T.G. Hyper Librarian-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 212 T.G. Recipro Dragonfly-Common
LC5-EN 213 T.G. Wonder Magician-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 214 T.G. Power Gladiator-Common
LC5-EN 215 T.G. Blade Blaster-Super Rare
LC5-EN 216 T.G. Halberd Cannon-Super Rare
LC5-EN 217 TGX1-HL-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 218 TGX300-Common
LC5-EN 219 TGX3-DX2-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 220 TG-SX1-Common
LC5-EN 221 TG1-EM1-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 222 Black Salvo-Common
LC5-EN 223 Oracle of the Sun-Common
LC5-EN 224 Fire Ant Ascator-Rare
LC5-EN 225 Supay-Rare
LC5-EN 226 Super-Nimble Mega Hamster-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 227 Maxx "C"-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 228 Metaion, the Timelord-Super Rare
LC5-EN 229 Sephylon, the Ultimate Timelord-Super Rare
LC5-EN 230 Avenging Knight Parshath-Common
LC5-EN 231 Goyo Guardian-Super Rare
LC5-EN 232 Magical Android-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 233 Thought Ruler Archfiend-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 234 Dark Strike Fighter
LC5-EN 235 Hyper Psychic Blaster-Rare
LC5-EN 236 Power Tool Dragon-Common
LC5-EN 237 Trident Dragion-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 238 Ancient Fairy Dragon-Common
LC5-EN 238 Ancient Fairy Dragon-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 239 Ancient Sacred Wyvern-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 240 Mist Wurm-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 241 Sun Dragon Inti-Common
LC5-EN 242 Moon Dragon Quilla-Common
LC5-EN 243 Stygian Sergeants-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 244 Naturia Beast-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 245 Naturia Barkion-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 246 Life Stream Dragon-Common
LC5-EN 247 Orient Dragon-Ultra Rare
LC5-EN 248 Driven Daredevil-Rare
LC5-EN 249 Vulcan the Divine-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 250 Synchro Blast Wave-Common
LC5-EN 251 Emergency Teleport-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 252 Savage Colosseum-Common
LC5-EN 253 Vanity's Emptiness-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 254 Roaring Earth-Common
LC5-EN 255 Debunk-Secret Rare
LC5-EN 256 Full House-Secret Rare
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Updated 02/13/2025
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