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Hidden Arsenal 4 Trishulas Triumph
Hidden Arsenal 4
Trishula's Triumph
Trading Cards
1st edition

Release date: April 2011

5D's Hidden Arsenal 4: Trishula's Triumph features 60 cards from the OCG Duel Terminal - Charge of the Genex!!
and the OCG Duel Terminal - Pulse of the Trishula!!

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated.

Secret Rare Cards
HA04-EN056 Ancient Flamvell Deity
HA04-EN028 Dragunity Knight Trident
HA04-EN059 Dragunity Knight Barcha
HA04-EN012 Dragunity Primus Pilus
HA04-EN043 Fabled Dianaira
HA04-EN054 General Gantala of the Ice Barrier
HA04-EN025 General Raiho of the Ice Barrier
HA04-EN002 Genex Ally Powercell $0.39
HA04-EN026 Genex Ally Triarm $0.49
HA04-EN057 Genex Ally Triforce
HA04-EN029 Jurrac Meteor
HA04-EN055 Naturia Exterio
HA04-EN051 Naturia White Oak $0.39
HA04-EN030 Naturia Landoise
HA04-EN035 Neo Flamwell Sabre $0.49
HA04-EN060 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
HA04-EN008 The Fabled Cerburrel
HA04-EN058 The Fabled Kudabbi $0.39
HA04-EN027 The Fabled Unicore
Super Rare Cards
HA04-EN022 Defender of the Ice Barrier
HA04-EN047 Dragunity Angusticlavii $0.49
HA04-EN013 Dragunity Brandistock $0.49
HA04-EN013 Dragunity Brandistock-unlimited $0.49
HA04-EN044 Dragunity Corsesca $0.49
HA04-EN044 Dragunity Corsesca-unlimited $0.49
HA04-EN014 Dragunity Javelin $0.49
HA04-EN014 Dragunity Javelin-unlimited $0.49
HA04-EN011 Dragunity Militum $0.49
HA04-EN045 Dragunity Partisan $0.49
HA04-EN045 Dragunity Partisan-unlimited $0.49
HA04-EN046 Dragunity Pilum $0.49
HA04-EN038 Genex Ally Bellflame $0.49
HA04-EN037 Genex Ally Birdman
HA04-EN003 Genex Ally Changer $0.49
HA04-EN036 Genex Ally Chemistrer $0.49
HA04-EN039 Genex Ally Crusher $0.49
HA04-EN040 Genex Ally Reliever
HA04-EN001 Genex Ally Remote $0.49
HA04-EN005 Genex Ally Solid $0.49
HA04-EN004 Genex Ally Volcannon $0.49
HA04-EN004 Genex Ally Volcannon-unlimited $0.49
HA04-EN017 Jurrac Aeolo
HA04-EN015 Jurrac Dino
HA04-EN016 Jurrac Gallim $0.49
HA04-EN016 Jurrac Gallim-unlimited $0.49
HA04-EN018 Jurrac Herra
HA04-EN019 Naturia Butterfly
HA04-EN020 Naturia Ladybug $0.49
HA04-EN049 Naturia Mantis
HA04-EN048 Naturia Stinkbug-unlimted $0.49
HA04-EN050 Natura Ragweed $0.49
HA04-EN021 Naturia Strawberry $0.49
HA04-EN021 Naturia Strawberry-unlimited $0.49
HA04-EN034 Neo Flamvell Garuda $0.49
HA04-EN034 Neo Flamvell Garuda-unlimited $0.49
HA04-EN032 Neo Flamvell Hedgehog $0.49
HA04-EN032 Neo Flamvell Hedgehog-unlimited $0.49
HA04-EN031 Neo Flamvell Origin $0.49
HA04-EN033 Neo Flamvell Shaman $0.49
HA04-EN033 Neo Flamvell Shaman-unlimited $0.49
HA04-EN024 Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier $0.49
HA04-EN024 Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier-unlimited $0.49
HA04-EN053 Secret Guards of the Ice Barrier $0.49
HA04-EN052 Strategist of the Ice Barrier-unlimited $0.49
HA04-EN042 The Fabled Kokkator $0.49
HA04-EN007 The Fabled Catsith
HA04-EN006 The Fabled Chawa $0.49
HA04-EN009 The Fabled Ganashia $0.49
HA04-EN010 The Fabled Nozoochee $0.49
HA04-EN010 The Fabled Nozoochee-unlimted $0.49
HA04-EN041 The Fabled Peggulsus $0.49
HA04-EN023 Warlock of the Ice Barrier $0.49
HA04-EN023 Warlock of the Ice Barrier-unlimited $0.49
YuGiOh! Booster Packs

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Updated 02/13/2025

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