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Hidden Arsenal 3
Hidden Arsenal 3
Trading Cards
1st edition

Release date: December 2010

5D's Hidden Arsenal 3 features 60 cards from the OCG Duel Terminal - Champion of Chaos!!
and the OCG
Duel Terminal - Dragunity of the Hurricane!!

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated.

Super Rare Cards
HA03-EN052 Ally of Justice Cycle Reader
HA03-EN051 Ally of Justice Quarantine $0.16
HA03-EN021 Caravan of the Ice Barrier
HA03-EN020 Dewdark of the Ice Barrier $0.16
HA03-EN034 Dragunity Darkspear $0.16
HA03-EN032 Dragunity Legionnaire $0.16
HA03-EN035 Dragunity Phalanx
HA03-EN033 Dragunity Tribus $0.16
HA03-EN036 Fabled Dyf $0.16
HA03-EN005 Fabled Miztoji $0.16
HA03-EN038 Fabled Oltro $0.16
HA03-EN003 Fabled Topi $0.16
HA03-EN003 Fabled Topi-unlimited $0.16
HA03-EN001 Fabled Urustos $0.16
HA03-EN008 Jurrac Brachis
HA03-EN040 Jurrac Guaiba
HA03-EN007 Jurrac Iguanon
HA03-EN006 Jurrac Ptera
HA03-EN009 Jurrac Spinos
HA03-EN041 Jurrac Stauriko
HA03-EN010 Naturia Dragonfly
HA03-EN043 Naturia Fruitfly $0.16
HA03-EN042 Naturia Hornneedle
HA03-EN044 Naturia Hydrangea $0.16
HA03-EN011 Naturia Sunflower $0.16
HA03-EN013 Naturia Tulip $0.16
HA03-EN016 R- Genex Crusher $0.16
HA03-EN045 R-Genex Accelerator
HA03-EN017 R-Genex Magma $0.16
HA03-EN046 R-Genex Oracle $0.16
HA03-EN046 R-Genex Oracle $0.16
HA03-EN15 R-Genex Overseer-unlimited $0.16
HA03-EN014 R-Genex Turbo $0.16
HA03-EN047 R-Genex Ultimum $0.16
HA03-EN047 R-Genex Ultimum-unlimited $0.16
HA03-EN019 Samurai of the Ice Barrier
HA03-EN018 Shock Troops of the Ice Barrier $0.16
HA03-EN048 Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier
HA03-EN022 Worm Solid
HA03-EN023 Worm Tentacles
HA03-EN024 Worm Ugly
HA03-EN053 Worm Warlord $0.16
HA03-EN054 Worm Xex
HA03-EN055 Worm Yagan
Secret Rare Cards
HA03-EN060 Ally of Justice Reader
HA03-EN050 Ally of Justice Omni-Weapon
HA03-EN031 Dragunity Dux
HA03-EN057 Dragunity Gae Bulg
HA03-EN037 Fabled Ashenveil $0.16
HA03-EN002 Fabled Krus
HA03-EN026 Fabled Leviathan
HA03-EN058 Fabled Ragin
HA03-EN004 Fabled Soulkius
HA03-EN049 General Grunard of the Ice Barrier
HA03-EN030 Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
HA03-EN039 Jurrac Titano
HA03-EN027 Jurrac Velphito
HA03-EN29 Locomotion R-Genex
HA03-EN028 Naturia Barkion
HA03-EN012 Naturia Cliff
HA03-EN059 Vindikite R-Genex
HA03-EN025 Worm Victory
HA03-EN056 Worm Zero
YuGiOh! Booster Packs

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Updated 02/13/2025

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