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Gold Series Haunted Mine single card list
Gold Series 5 Haunted Mine
Trading Cards

Release date: June 2012

The Haunted Mine set is the first ever to include the new Ghost/Gold Rare hybrid cards, which contain the luster of a gold rare and 3D holographic illustration of a Ghost Rare!
There are 6 Ghost/Gold Rares to collect - Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, Herald of Perfection, Naturia Barkion, Mystical Space Typhoon, and Solemn Judgment.
There are 55 cards in the set. Each pack includes 1 Gold/Ghost Rare, 2 Gold Rares, and 22 Common cards.

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated

GLD5-EN001 Blue-GLD5-ENo White Dragon-Ghost / Gold Rare
GLD5-EN031 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier-Gold Rare
GLD5-EN046 Call of the Haunted-Gold Rare
GLD5-EN037 Dark Hole-Gold Rare
GLD5-EN026 Fabled Grimro-Gold Rare
GLD5-EN034 Formula Synchron-Gold Rare
GLD5-EN>024 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness-Ghost / Gold Rare
GLD5-EN028 Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World- Gold Rare
GLD5-EN030 Herald of Perfection-Ghost / Gold Rare
GLD5-EN035 Karakuri Steel Shogun-Gold Rare
GLD5-EN027 Master Hyperion-Gold Rare
GLD5-EN038 Mystical Space TyphoonGhost / Gold Rare
GLD5-EN 033 Naturia Barkion-Ghost / Gold Rare
GLD5-EN032 Naturia Beast-Gold Rare
GLD5-EN>036 Number 39: Utopia-Gold Rare
GLD5-EN029 Sephylon, the Ultimate Timelord-Gold Rare
GLD5-EN045 Solemn Judgment-Ghost / Gold Rare
GLD5-EN>052 Starlight Road-Gold Rare
Common Cards
GLD5-EN025 Bone Crusher
GLD5-EN039 Book of Life
GLD5-EN040 Call of the Mummy
GLD5-EN055 Copy Knight
GLD5-EN017 Dark Mimic LV1
GLD5-EN018 Dark Mimic LV3
GLD5-EN010 Dark Scorpion - Chick the Yellow
GLD5-EN007 Dark Scorpion - Cliff the Trap Remover
GLD5-EN011 Dark Scorpion - Gorg the Strong
GLD5-EN012 Dark Scorpion - Meanae the Thorn
GLD5-EN>004 Dark Scorpion Burglars
GLD5-EN044 Dawn of the Herald
GLD5-EN008 Despair from the Dark
GLD5-EN005 Don Zaloog
GLD5-EN>015 Double Coston
GLD5-EN050 Embodiment of Apophis
GLD5-EN009 Fear from the Dark
GLD5-EN>020 Gernia
GLD5-EN021 Goblin Zombie
GLD5-EN006 Helpoemer
GLD5-EN048 Hidden Spellbook
GLD5-EN051 Machine King - 3000 B.C.
GLD5-EN042 Mustering of the Dark Scorpions
GLD5-EN002 Patrician of Darkness
GLD5-EN047 Physical Double
GLD5-EN043 Pyramid of Wonders
GLD5-EN003 Pyramid Turtle
GLD5-EN023 Red Ogre
GLD5-EN016 Regenerating Mummy
GLD5-EN013 Ryu Kokki
GLD5-EN041 Spellbook Organization

GLD5-EN022 The Lady in Wight

GLD5-EN053 Tiki Curse

GLD5-EN054 Tiki Soul
GLD5-EN014 Vampire Lady
GLD5-EN049 Zoma the Spirit
GLD5-EN019 Zombie Master
YuGiOh! Booster Packs

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Updated 02/13/2025

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