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YuGiOh Flaming Eternity

Flaming Eternity:
Trading Cards

Like the Phoenix that rises from the ashes, so do monsters from this Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG booster release Flaming Eternity.
With a new look and new collectable trading card this set marks the new unification
with Japanese sets with monsters as the primary images.
This exciting Booster offers new game play options with monsters that can revive from the graveyard,
and more cards that reward long-term, carefully planned strategies.

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated.

Holofoil/Rare Cards
FET-EN005 Sacred Phoenix of Neophyts-Ultra Rare sold out
FET-EN007 Ultimate Insect LV5 sold out
FET-EN008 Silent Swordsman LV5 sold out
FET-EN009 Granmarg the Rock Monarch-Super Rare sold out
FET-EN014 Behemoth the King of All Animals-Super Rare $0.89
FET-EN015 Big-Tusked Mammoth $0.59
FET-EN020 Blast Magician-Super Rare $0.89
FET-EN021 Chiron the Mage $0.89
FET-EN022 Gearfried the Swordmaster sold out
FET-EN024 Shadowslayer $0.59
FET-EN034 Brain Jacker $0.59
FET-EN035 Gatling Dragon-Ultra Rare sold out
FET-EN036 King Dragun sold out
FET-EN037 A Feather of the Phoenix-Super Rare $0.89
FET-EN039 Spell Absorption $0.59
FET-EN040 Lightning Vortex-Super Rare sold out
FET-EN041 Meteor of Destruction sold out
FET-EN042 Swords of Concealing Light $0.59
FET-EN043 Spiral Spear Strike $0.59
FET-EN049 Cros counter $0.59
FET-EN051 Penalty Game $0.59
FET-EN053 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast sold out
FET-EN056 Assault on GHQ $0.59
FET-EN058 Deck Devastation Virus-Super Rare
FET-EN060 Forced Ceasefire $0.59
Uncommon Cards
FET-EN038 Poison Fangs $0.12
FET-EN044 Release Restraint $0.12
FET-EN045 Centrifugal $0.12
FET-EN046 Fulfillment of the Contract $0.12
FET-EN047 Re-Fusion $0.12 sold out
FET-EN048 The Big March of Animals $0.12
FET-EN050 Pole Position $0.12
FET-EN052 Threatening Roar $0.12
FET-EN054 Good Goblin Housekeeping $0.12
FET-EN054 Draining Shield $0.12
FET-EN055 Beast Soul Swap $0.12
FET-EN057 D.D. Dynamite $0.12
FET-EN059 Elemental Burst $0.12
Common Cards
FET-EN001 Space Mambo $0.12
FET-EN002 Divine Dragon Ragnarok $0.12
FET-EN003 Chu-Ske the Mouse Fighter $0.12
FET-EN004 Insect Knight sold out
FET-EN006 Hand of Nephthys $0.12
FET-EN010 Element Valkyrie $0.12
FET-EN011 Element Doom $0.12
FET-EN012 Maji-Gire Panda $0.12
FET-EN013 Catnipped Kitty $0.12
FET-EN016 Kangaroo Champ $0.12
FET-EN017 Hyena $0.12
FET-EN018 Blade Rabbit $0.12
FET-EN019 Mecha-Dog Marron $0.12
FET-EN023 Armed Samurai - Ben Kei $0.12
FET-EN025 Golem Sentry $0.12
FET-EN026 Abare Ushioni $0.12
FET-EN027 The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion   sold out
FET-EN028 The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion   sold out
FET-EN029 The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion sold out
FET-EN030 Whirlwind Prodigy $0.12
FET-EN031 Flame Ruler $0.12
FET-EN032 Firebird $0.12
FET-EN033 Rescue Cat sold out
YuGiOh! Booster Packs

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Updated 02/13/2025

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