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Duelist Pack Kaiba
Duelist Pack:
Trading Cards

Date released: April 2010
Duelist Pack: Kaiba is a Duelist Pack in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game (TCG).
It is the eleventh set in the TCG's Duelist Pack series, following Duelist Pack: Yusei 2.

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated.

Holofoil Cards
DPKB-EN001 Blue-Eyes White Dragon-Super Rare
DPKB-EN010 Cyber Jar-Ultimate Rare
DPKB-EN016 Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End-Ultimate Rare
DPKB-EN022 The White Stone of Legend-Super Rare
DPKB-EN023 Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon-Ultra Rare
DPKB-EN025 XYZ-Dragon Cannon-Super Rare
DPKB-EN026 Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon-Ultra Rare
DPKB-EN027 Dragon Master Knight-Ultra Rare
DPKB-EN029 Pot of Greed-Ulimate Rare
DPKB-EN035 Fiend's Sanctuary-Super Rare-1st edition $0.49
DPKB-EN036 Ring of Destruction-Ultra Rare
DPKB-EN038 Return from the Different Dimension-Super Rare
DPKB-EN039 Crush Card Virus-Ultimate Rare
Rare Cards
DPKB-EN008 Vorse Raider
DPKB-EN013 Vampire Lord
DPKB-EN014 Different Dimension Dragon
DPKB-EN015 Kaiser Glider $0.12
DPKB-EN017 Kaiser Sea Horse
DPKB-EN019 Peten the Dark Clown $0.12
DPKB-EN024 Paladin of White Dragon
DPKB-EN033 Cost Down $0.39
Common Cards
DPKB-EN002 Hitotsu-Me Giant
DPKB-EN003 Judge Man
DPKB-EN004 Swordstalker
DPKB-EN005 La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp
DPKB-EN006 Saggi the Dark Clown
DPKB-EN007 X-Head Cannon
DPKB-EN009 Lord of D.
DPKB-EN011 Y-Dragon Head
DPKB-EN012 Z-Metal Tank
DPKB-EN018 Enraged Battle Ox
DPKB-EN020 Familiar Knight
DPKB-EN021 Ancient Lamp
DPKB-EN028 Polymerization
DPKB-EN030 The Flute of Summoning Dragon
DPKB-EN031 Magic Reflector
DPKB-EN032 White Dragon Ritual
DPKB-EN034 Ring of Defense
DPKB-EN037 Interdimensional Matter Transporter
DPKB-EN040 Cloning
YuGiOh! Booster Packs

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Updated 02/13/2025

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