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Duelist League 14
Duelist League14
Trading Cards

Release date: June 1, 2012
These cards were handed out to participants of the 2012 Duelist League, open only to those aged 14 and under. All cards were available in purple, red, green, and blue Rare versions.
This set is followed by Duelist League 15 participation cards.

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated

DL14-EN001 Kabazauls-Rare
DL14-EN002 Command Knight-Rare
DL14-EN003 Armed Samurai - Ben Kei-Rare
DL14-EN004 Doom Dozer-Rare
DL14-EN005 Tuningware-Rare
DL14-EN006 Defender, the Magical Knight-Rare
DL14-EN007 Shiny Black C-Rare
DL14-EN008 Raiza the Storm Monarch-Rare
DL14-EN009 Arcanite Magician-Rare
DL14-EN010 Number 39: Utopia-Rare
DL14-EN011 Fuhma Shuriken-Rare
DL14-EN012 Preciou cards from Beyond-Rare
DL14-EN013 Secret Village of the Spellcasters-Rare
DL14-EN014 Arcane Barrier-Rare
DL14-EN015 Nobleman of Crossout-Rare
DL14-EN016 Mask Change-Rare
DL14-EN017 Glorious Illusion-Rare
DL14-EN018 Fish Depth Charge-Rare
DL14-EN019 Light-Imprisoning Mirror-Rare
DL14-EN020 Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror-Rare
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Updated 02/13/2025

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