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YuGiOh: Duel Davastator single card list
Duel Devastator:
Trading Cards

Release date: October 2019

Duel Devastator is a TCG collector's set, and the first set of its kind with a guaranteed collection of cards not made into a particular deck.
Decks and strategies may come and go, but some cards are eternal! Duel Devastator is packed with 56 Ultra Rare cards that transcend individual strategies, headlined by spectacular new variant artwork of Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit, Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries, Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion, and Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood!

These are 5 of the most famous and most frequently played cards in the entire Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME. They're used at all levels of play by players at every skill and experience level, and now they're getting brand new artwork befitting their status! Every Duelist, even if they already have a regular copy of these cards, will want this set of variant art cards to either play or collect. But Duel Devastator isn't just about giving experienced Duelist cool new versions of their favorite cards.

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated.

Red Blossoms from Underroot Field Center Card $0.12
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring Field Center Card $0.49
Seto Kaiba & Blue-Eyes White Dragon Field Center Card $0.12
Maximillion Pegasus & Toon Summoned Skull Field Center Card $0.12
DUDE-EN001 Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit-Ultra Rare   sold out
DUDE-EN002 Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries-Ultra Rare   sold out
DUDE-EN003 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring-Ultra Rare sold out
DUDE-EN004 Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion-Ultra Rare sold out
DUDE-EN005 Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood-Ultra Rare $0.59
DUDE-EN006 Red Blossoms from Underroot-Ultra Rare $0.59
DUDE-EN007 Ally of Justice Catastor-Ultra Rare $0.12
DUDE-EN008 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier-Ultra Rare $0.12
DUDE-EN009 Metaphys Horus-Ultra Rare $0.12
DUDE-EN010 Black Rose Dragon-Ultra Rare $0.12
DUDE-EN011 Clear Wing Fast Dragon-Ultra Rare $0.12
DUDE-EN012 Stardust Spark Dragon-Ultra Rare $0.12
DUDE-EN013 Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend-Ultra Rare   sold out
DUDE-EN014 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier-Ultra Rare $0.16
DUDE-EN015 Vermillion Dragon Mech-Ultra Rare $0.12
DUDE-EN016 Abyss Dweller-Ultra Rare sold out
DUDE-EN017 Number 101: Silent Honor ARK-Ultra Rare $0.12
DUDE-EN018 Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer-Ultra Rare $0.16
DUDE-EN019 Tornado Dragon-Ultra Rare sold out
DUDE-EN020 Underclock Taker-Ultra Rare $0.12
DUDE-EN021 LANphorhynchus-Ultra Rare $0.12
DUDE-EN022 Gaia Saber, the Lightning Shadow-Ultra Rare $0.12
DUDE-EN023 Decode Talker-Ultra Rare $0.12
DUDE-EN024 Decode Talker Extended-Ultra Rare $0.12
DUDE-EN025 Topologic Bomber Dragon-Ultra Rare $0.12
DUDE-EN026 Saryuja Skull Dread-Ultra Rare $0.89
DUDE-EN027 D.D. Crow-Ultra Rare   sold out
DUDE-EN028 Veiler-Ultra Rare   sold out
DUDE-EN029 Gate Blocker-Ultra Rare $0.12
DUDE-EN030 Denko Sekka-Ultra Rare $0.39
DUDE-EN031 Inspector Boarder-Ultra Rare $0.59
DUDE-EN032 Spell Canceller-Ultra Rare $0.12
DUDE-EN033 Artifact Lancea-Ultra Rare sold out
DUDE-EN034 Vanity's Fiend-Ultra Rare $0.16
DUDE-EN035 Majesty's Fiend-Ultra Rare $0.12
DUDE-EN036 Dinowrestler Pankratop-Ultra Rare $0.39
Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju-Ultra Rare sold out
DUDE-EN038 Mind Control-Ultra Rare $0.59
DUDE-EN039 Wave-Motion Cannon-Ultra Rare $0.12
DUDE-EN040 Super Polymerizationin-Ultra Rare   sold out
DUDE-EN041 Book of Eclipse-Ultra Rare $0.16
DUDE-EN042 Silent Graveyard-Ultra Rare $0.12
DUDE-EN043 Cosmic Cyclone-Ultra Rare sold out
DUDE-EN044 Called by the Grave-Ultra Rare $4.39
DUDE-EN045 Different Dimension Ground-Ultra Rare $0.49
DUDE-EN046 Typhoon-Ultra Rare $0.16
DUDE-EN047 Forbidden Apocrypha-Ultra Rare $0.12
DUDE-EN048 Dimensional Barrier-Ultra Rare   sold out
DUDE-EN049 Lost Wind-Ultra Rare $0.59
DUDE-EN050 Heavy Storm Duster-Ultra Rare $0.59
DUDE-EN051 Royal Decree-Ultra Rare $0.12
DUDE-EN052 Anti-Spell Fragrance-Ultra Rare   sold out
DUDE-EN053 There Can Be Only One-Ultra Rare   sold out
DUDE-EN054 Wiretap-Ultra Rare $1.39
DUDE-EN055 Solemn Strike-Ultra Rare sold out
DUDE-EN056 Red Reboot-Ultra Rare    
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Updated 02/13/2025

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