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Astral Pack 8
Astral Pack 8
Trading Cards

Release date: October 2015
Astral Pack 8 is a booster pack that was released to TCG tournament locations.

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated

AP08-EN001 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier-Ultimate Rare
AP08-EN002 Mystical Space Typhoon-Ultimate Rare
AP08-EN003 Fiendish Chain-Ultimate Rare
AP08-EN004 Igknight Margrave-Super Rare
AP08-EN005 Igknight Gallant-Super Rare
AP08-EN006 Toon Masked Sorcerer-Super Rare
AP08-EN007 Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss-Super Rare
AP08-EN008 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Evening Twilight-Super Rare
AP08-EN009 Spiritual Beast Rampengu-Super Rare
AP08-EN010 Instant Fusion-Super Rare
AP08-EN011 Kozmotown-Super Rare
AP08-EN012 Book of Eclipse-Super Rare
AP08-EN013 Lose 1 Turn-Super Rare
AP08-EN014 Rhaimundos of the Red Sword-Short Print
AP08-EN015 Fireyarou-Short Print
AP08-EN016 Twin-Headed Behemoth-Common
AP08-EN017 Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight-Common
AP08-EN018 Kinka-byo-Common
AP08-EN019 Red-Eyes Wyvern-Common
AP08-EN020 Gem-Knight Obsidian-Common
AP08-EN021 Vermillion Sparrow-Short Print
AP08-EN022 Masked HERO Koga-Common
AP08-EN023 Machine Duplication-Common
AP08-EN024 U.A. Stadium-Common
AP08-EN025 Black Horn of Heaven-Common
AP08-EN026 Safe Zone-Common
AP08-EN027 Unpossessed-Common
YuGiOh! Booster Packs

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Updated 02/13/2025

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