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YuGiOh Ancient Prophecy
Ancient Prophecy:
Trading Cards

Release date: September 2009

Ancient Prophecy
is the fifth set of the OCG's sixth series. It is followed by Stardust Overdrive.
Packs of the TCG set were also printed in the Ancient Prophecy: Special Edition.

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated

ANPR-EN000 XX-Saber Gardestrike-Secret Rare
ANPR-EN005 Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor-Ultra Rare
ANPR-EN009 Jester Confit-Super Rare
ANPR-EN016 Earthbound Immortal Cusillu-Uktra Rare
ANPR-EN017 Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua-Ultra Rare
ANPR-EN019 Koa'ki Meiru Crusader-Super Rare
ANPR-EN034 Minefieldriller-Super Rare
ANPR-EN035 XX-Saber Faultroll-Super Rare
ANPR-EN040 Ancient Fairy Dragon-Ultra Rare
ANPR-EN041 Turbo Cannon-Super Rare
ANPR-EN042 Archfiend Zombie-Skull-Super Rare
ANPR-EN043 Ancient Sacred Wyvern-Ultra Rare
ANPR-EN044 XX-Saber Gottoms-Ultra Rare
ANPR-EN048 Ancient Forest-Super Rare
ANPR-EN051 Future Visions-Super Rare
ANPR-EN052 Core Compression-Super Rare
ANPR-EN058 Saber Slash-Super Rare
ANPR-EN063 Skill Successor-Super Rare
ANPR-EN068 Discord-Super Rare
ANPR-EN082 Koa'ki Meiru Ghoulungulate-Ultra Rare
ANPR-EN083 Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose-Ultra Rare
ANPR-EN085 Card Guard-Secret Rare
ANPR-EN086 Flamvell Commando-Ultra Rare $3.89
ANPR-EN088 Greed Grado-Secret Rare
ANPR-EN089 Revival of the Immortals-Super Rare
ANPR-EN091 Armityle the Chaos Phantom-Secret Rare
ANPR-EN092 White Night Dragon-Secret Rare
ANPR-EN093 Card Blocker-Secret Rare
ANPR-EN094 Gaia Plate the Earth Giant-Ultra Rare
ANPR-EN097 Beast Machine King Barbaros-Ultra Rare
ANPR-EN098 Kasha-Secret Rare
ANPR-EN099 Elemental Hero Gaia-Secret Rare
Rare Cards
ANPR-EN001 Kuribon
ANPR-EN008 Jester Lord
ANPR-EN010 Fortune Lady Light
ANPR-EN011 Fortune Lady Fire
ANPR-EN013 Darksea Rescue
ANPR-EN015 Turbo Rocket
ANPR-EN020 Koa'ki Meiru Speeder
ANPR-EN021 Koa'ki Meiru Tornado
ANPR-EN031 Magicat
ANPR-EN037 Flamvell Firedog
ANPR-EN039 Falchionß
ANPR-EN054 Solidarity
ANPR-EN064 Reinforce Truth
ANPR-EN073 Core Reinforcement
ANPR-EN081 XX-Saber Fulhelmknight
ANPR-EN084 Psychic Emperor
ANPR-EN087 Pseudo Space
ANPR-EN090 Arcana Knight Joker
ANPR-EN095 Sauropod Brachion
ANPR-EN096 Gaap the Divine Soldier
Common Cards
ANPR-EN002 Sunny Pixie
ANPR-EN003 Sunlight Unicorn
ANPR-EN004 Blackwing - Mistral the Silver Shield
ANPR-EN006 Blackwing - Fane the Steel Chain
ANPR-EN007 Morphtronic Magnen Bar
ANPR-EN012 Infernity Beast
ANPR-EN014 Darksea Float
ANPR-EN018 Koa'ki Meiru Boulder
ANPR-EN022 Koa'ki Meiru Hydro Barrier
ANPR-EN023 Scary Moth
ANPR-EN024 Shiny Black "C"
ANPR-EN025 Armed Sea Hunter
ANPR-EN026 Divine Dragon Aquabizarre
ANPR-EN027 Fishborg Blaster
ANPR-EN028 Shark Cruiser
ANPR-EN029 Armored Axon Kicker
ANPR-EN030 Genetic Woman
ANPR-EN032 Cyborg Doctor
ANPR-EN033 White Potan
ANPR-EN036 XX-Saber Ragigura
ANPR-EN038 Ancient Crimson Ape
ANPR-EN045 Release Restraint Wave
ANPR-EN046 Silver Wing
ANPR-EN047 Advance Draw
ANPR-EN049 Emergency Assistance
ANPR-EN050 Spirit Burner
ANPR-EN053 Core Blaster
ANPR-EN055 Hydro Pressure Cannon
ANPR-EN056 Water Hazard
ANPR-EN057 Brain Research Lab
ANPR-EN059 Sword of Sparkles
ANPR-EN060 Rekindling
ANPR-EN061 Ancient Leaf

ANPR-EN062 Fossil Dig

ANPR-EN065 Pixie Ring
ANPR-EN066 Fairy Wind
ANPR-EN067 Imperial Custom
ANPR-EN069 Slip of Fortune
ANPR-EN070 Depth Amulet
ANPR-EN071 Damage Translation
ANPR-EN072 Battle Teleportation
ANPR-EN074 Iron Core Luster
ANPR-EN075 Battle of the Elements
ANPR-EN076 Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord
ANPR-EN077 Psychic Soul
ANPR-EN078 Flamvell Counter
ANPR-EN079 At One With the Sword
ANPR-EN080 A Major Upset
YuGiOh! Booster Packs

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Updated 02/13/2025

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