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YuGiOh Absolute Powerforce singles
Absolute Powerforce
Trading Cards
Release date:: February 2010

Absolute Powerforce features Jack Atlas' Majestic Red Dragon.
The set also includes new Koa'ki Meiru, X-Sabers, Ritual Monster cards, Reptiliannes, Spellcasters, Machines, and more!
There are also 4 new cards to add to players' Gravekeepers decks.

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated.

Short Print
ABPF-EN033 Consecrated Light
ABPF-EN061 Pot of Benevolence
ABPF-EN079 Widespread Dud
ABPF-EN080 Inverse Universe
Ultimate Rare
ABPF-EN025 Koa'ki Meiru Urnight
ABPF-EN039 Garlandolf, King of Destruction
ABPF-EN040 Majestic Red Dragon
ABPF-EN041 Drill Warrior
ABPF-EN042 Sun Dragon Inti
ABPF-EN043 Moon Dragon Quilla
ABPF-EN044 XX-Saber Hyunlei
ABPF-EN082 Alchemist of Black Spells
Ultra Rare
ABPF-EN006 Battle Fader
ABPF-EN012 Witch of the Black Rose
ABPF-EN025 Koa'ki Meiru Urnight
ABPF-EN039 Garlandolf, King of Destruction
ABPF-EN040 Majestic Red Dragon
ABPF-EN041 Drill Warrior
ABPF-EN042 Sun Dragon Inti
ABPF-EN043 Moon Dragon Quilla
ABPF-EN044 XX-Saber Hyunlei
ABPF-EN082 Alchemist of Black Spells
Secret Rare
ABPF-EN081 XX-Saber Emmersblade
ABPF-EN084 Cactus Bouncer
ABPF-EN087 Djinn Disserere of Rituals
ABPF-EN088 Earthbound Linewalker
ABPF-EN089 Core Transport Unit
ABPF-EN095 Shield Wing
ABPF-EN096 Underground Arachnid
ABPF-EN097 Zeman the Ape King
Rare Cards
ABPF-EN004 Drill Synchron
ABPF-EN010 Dark Bug
ABPF-EN018 Reptilianne Vaskii
ABPF-EN026 XX-Saber Garsem
ABPF-EN028 Gravekeeper's Descendant
ABPF-EN035 Cyber Dragon Zwei
ABPF-EN037 Djinn Cursenchanter of Rituals
ABPF-EN053 Power Pickaxe
ABPF-EN059 Ascending Soul
ABPF-EN060 Ritual Cage
ABPF-EN068 Offering to the Immortals
ABPF-EN072 Core Blast
ABPF-EN091 Berfomet
ABPF-EN092 Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast
ABPF-EN093 Viser Des
ABPF-EN094 Evil Blast
ABPF-EN098 Skull Conductor
ABPF-EN099 Shield Worm
Super Rare
ABPF-EN000 Gravekeeper's Priestess
ABPF-EN005 Ogre of the Scarlet Sorrow
ABPF-EN014 Dragon Queen of Tragic Endings
ABPF-EN019 Oracle of the Sun
ABPF-EN027 Gravekeeper's Visionary
ABPF-EN045 Cards of Consonance
ABPF-EN055 Iron Core Specimen Lab
ABPF-EN062 Synchro Control
ABPF-EN064 Fiendish Chain
ABPF-EN077 Tuner's Scheme
ABPF-EN085 Dragonic Guard
ABPF-EN086 The Dragon Dwelling in the Deep
Common Cards
ABPF-EN001 Unicycular
ABPF-EN002 Bicular
ABPF-EN003 Tricular
ABPF-EN007 Power Supplier
ABPF-EN008 Magic Hole Golem
ABPF-EN009 Power Invader
ABPF-EN011 Sword Master
ABPF-EN012 Break! Draw!
ABPF-EN013 Rose Fairy
ABPF-EN015 Reptilianne Servant
ABPF-EN016 Reptilianne Gardna
ABPF-EN017 Reptilianne Naga
ABPF-EN020 Fire Ant Ascator
ABPF-EN021 Weeping Idol
ABPF-EN022 Apocatequil
ABPF-EN023 Supay
ABPF-EN024 Informer Spider
ABPF-EN030 Shreddder
ABPF-EN031 Pandaborg
ABPF-EN034 Gundari
ABPF-EN036 Oilman
ABPF-EN046 Variety Comes Out
ABPF-EN047 Reptilianne Rage
ABPF-EN048 Advance Force
ABPF-EN049 Viper's Rebirth
ABPF-EN050 Temple of the Sun
ABPF-EN051 Rocket Pilder
ABPF-EN052 Break! Draw!
ABPF-EN056 Gravekeeper's Stele
ABPF-EN057 Machine Assembly Line
ABPF-EN058 Ritual of Destruction
ABPF-EN063 Changing Destiny
ABPF-EN065 Nature's Reflection
ABPF-EN066 Serpent Suppression
ABPF-EN067 Meteor Flare
ABPF-EN068 Power Supplier
ABPF-EN069 Destruct Potion
ABPF-EN070 Call of the Reaper
ABPF-EN071 Lair Wire
ABPF-EN074 Machine King - 3000 B.C
ABPF-EN075 Alien Brain
ABPF-EN076 Forgotten Temple of the Deep
ABPF-EN078 Psi-Curse
YuGiOh! Booster Packs

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Updated 02/13/2025

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