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Pokemon XY Steam Siege single card list
Steam Siege

Trading Cards
Release date: August 2, 2015

Long years of stability come to an end when Shiny Mega Gardevoir-EX lays siege to the mighty Gear Palace with a host of greedy forces. The Mythical Steam Pokemon Volcanion must wield the dual powers of fire and water to stop them! As the battle rages, Xerneas BREAK and Yveltal BREAK face off in the Pokemon TCG XY - Steam Siege expansion. There are over 110 cards in the set, including 8 new dual-type Pokemon (many of them Shiny), 6 Pokemon-EX (including 2 Mega Evolution Pokemon), and 7 Pokemon BREAK.

Holofoil Cards
8 Yanmega BREAK-ultra
11 Shiftry
20 Infernape
21 Talonflame BREAK-ultra
24 Pyroar BREAK-ultra
26 Volcanion-EX-ultra
35 Clawitzer BREAK-ultra
40 Ampharos
50 Chandelure
64 Bisharp
65 Yveltal
66 Yveltal BREAK-ultra
67 Steelix-EX-ultra
68 M Steelix-EX
73 Klinklang
75 Magearna-EX
78 Gardevoir-EX-ultra
79 M Gardevoir-EX-ultra
81 Xerneas
82 Xerneas BREAK-ultra
86 Hydreigon
87 Hydreigon BREAK-ultra
107 Volcanion-EX-ultra
108 Steelix-EX
109 M Steelix-EX
110 Magearna-EX
111 Gardevoir-EX-ultra
112 M Gardevoir-EX-ultra
113 Pokémon Ranger
114 Professor Sycamore
115 Volcanion-EX-ultra
116 Gardevoir-EX-ultra
Rare Cards
5 Jumpluff
7 Yanmega
13 Amoonguss
15 Volcarona
23 Pyroar $0.63
25 Volcanion
29 Gastrodon $0.59
32 Samurott
34 Clawitzer $0.63
37 Avalugg
42 Galvantula
45 Nidoking
51 Hoopa
53 Primeape
55 Probopass
57 Armaldo
59 Toxicroak
61 Weavile
62 Spiritomb
70 Bastiodon $0.63
74 Cobalion
83 Druddigon $0.63
96 Talonflame
Uncommon Cards
2 Tangrowth $0.31
4 Skiploom
10 Nuzleaf
17 Rapidash
19 Monferno $0.31
31 Dewott
39 Flaaffy
44 Nidorino
47 Drifblim
49 Lampent
56 Anorith
69 Shieldon $0.31
72 Klang
77 Azumarill
80 Klefki $0.31
85 Zweilous $0.31
89 Persian $0.31
91 Ambipom $0.31
93 Braviary $0.31
95 Fletchinder
97 Hawlucha
98 Armor Fossil Shieldon
99 Captivating Poké Puff
100 Claw Fossil Anorith
101 Gardevoir Spirit Link
102 Greedy Dice $0.53
103 Ninja Boy
104 Pokémon Ranger
105 Special Charge
106 Steelix Spirit Link
Common Cards
1 Tangela
3 Hoppip $0.31
3 Hoppip-reverse foil $0.89
6 Yanma $0.31
9 Seedot
12 Foongus $0.31
14 Larvesta $0.31
16 Ponyta $0.31
18 Chimchar $0.31
22 Litleo $0.31
27 Mantine $0.31
28 Shellos $0.31
30 Oshawott
33 Clauncher $0.31
36 Bergmite $0.31
38 Mareep
41 Joltik
43 Nidoran Male
46 Drifloon $0.31
48 Litwick
52 Mankey $0.31
54 Nosepass
58 Croagunk
60 Sneasel $0.31
63 Pawniard $0.31
71 Klink
76 Marill $0.31
84 Deino $0.31
88 Meowth
90 Aipom $0.31
92 Rufflet
94 Fletchling

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Updated 03/04/2025

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