PokezorWor d

Roaring Skies
Trading Cards
Release date: May 6, 2015
Ride the winds of battle with the Pokémon TCG:XY—Roaring Skies expansion! Ascend to the clouds and soar to victory with over 100 new cards, including 4
Mega Evolution Pokémon and 7 Pokémon-EX. Diving from the edge of space, Mega Rayquaza-EXmakes its magnificent debut while Mega Latios-EX and a horde of Dragon-type Pokémon bellow their challenge. High-flying superstars such as Deoxys, Dragonite, Zekrom, Hydreigon-EX, and Thundurus-EXcall you to battle higher, faster, stronger. And with
boosts like Mega Turbo and Double Dragon Energy cards, the sky's the limit in
the XY—Roaring Skies expansion!
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Updated 03/04/2025
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