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Pokemon XY Roaring Skies single card list
Roaring Skies

Trading Cards
Release date: May 6, 2015

Ride the winds of battle with the Pokémon TCG:XY—Roaring Skies expansion! Ascend to the clouds and soar to victory with over 100 new cards, including 4 Mega Evolution Pokémon and 7 Pokémon-EX. Diving from the edge of space, Mega Rayquaza-EXmakes its magnificent debut while Mega Latios-EX and a horde of Dragon-type Pokémon bellow their challenge. High-flying superstars such as Deoxys, Dragonite, Zekrom, Hydreigon-EX, and Thundurus-EXcall you to battle higher, faster, stronger. And with boosts like Mega Turbo and Double Dragon Energy cards, the sky's the limit in the XY—Roaring Skies expansion!

Holofoil Cards
5 Beautifly
26 Thundurus-EX-ultra
33 Deoxys
34 Gallade-EX-ultra
35 M Gallade-EX-ultra
40 Absol $1.59
42 Jirachi
46 Togekiss
52 Dragonite
57 Salamence
58 Latios-EX-ultra
59 M Latios-EX-ultra
60 Rayquaza-EX-ultra
61 M Rayquaza-EX-ultra
62 Hydreigon-EX-ultra
63 Reshiram
64 Zekrom
72 Swellow
77 Shaymin-EX-ultra
75 Rayquaza-EX-ultra
76 M Rayquaza-EX-ultra
98 Thundurus-EX-ultra
99 Gallade-EX-ultra
100 M Gallade-EX-ultra
101 Latios-EX-ultra
102 M Latios-EX-ultra
103 Hydreigon-EX-ultra
104 Rayquaza-EX-ultra
105 M Rayquaza-EX-ultra
106 Shaymin-EX-ultra
107 Wally-ultra
108 Winona-ultra
109 Energy Switch-secret
110 VS Seeker-secret
Rare Cards
8 Dustox
11 Shedinja
13 Victini
15 Talonflame
16 Articuno
17 Articuno
23 Zapdos  
29 Xatu
31 Banette
32 Banette
45 Togekiss
47 Carbink
48 Klefki
51 Dragonite
69 Skarmory
71 Swellow
74 Altaria
81 Unfezant
Uncommon Cards
2 Exeggutor
4 Silcoon
7 Dustox
10 Ninjask
12 Tropius
14 Fletchinder
19 Pelipper
22 Electrode
25 Manectric
37 Gliscor
44 Togetic
50 Dragonair
53 Altaria
56 Shelgon
66 Fearow
79 Tranquill
80 Unfezant
83 Gallade Spirit Link
84 Healing Scarf
85 Latios Spirit Link
86 Mega Turbo
87 Rayquaza Spirit Link $0.19
88 Revive
89 Sky Field
90 Steven
91 Switch
92 Trainers Mail
92a Trainers Mail-foil $2.19
93 Ultra Ball
94 Wally
95 Wide Lens
96 Winona
97 Double Dragon Energy
Common Cards
1 Exeggcute
3 Wurmple
6 Cascoon $0.19
9 Nincada
18 Wingull
20 Pikachu
21 Voltorb
24 Electrike
27 Natu
28 Natu
30 Shuppet
36 Gligar
38 Binacle
39 Hawlucha
41 Inkay $0.19
43 Togepi
49 Dratini
54 Bagon
55 Bagon
65 Spearow
67 Meowth $0.19
68 Dunsparce
70 Taillow
73 Swablu
78 Pidove
82 Fletchling

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Updated 03/04/2025

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