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Pokemon XY Primal Clash single card list
Primal Clash
Trading Cards
Release date: February 4, 2015

After centuries asleep, the deep power of Primal Groudon-EX erupts from the land as Primal Kyogre-EX crashes in from the sea, riding titanic waves into battle! With colossals like Mega Gardevoir-EX and Mega Aggron-EX, the Primal Clash expansion is alive with the primordial power of Ancient Traits - plus all-new Spirit Link and Special Energy cards.
The set includes over 150 cards with 12 new
Pokemon-EX, including 2 Mega Evolution Pokemon and 2 Primal Reversion Pokemon

Holofoil Cards

9 Sceptile
12 Ludicolo
19 Trevenant-EX-ultra
28 Blaziken
29 Camerupt-EX-ultra
36 Swampert
38 Wailord-EX-ultra
44 Milotic
50 Huntail
54 Kyogre-EX-ultra
55 Primal Kyogre-EX-ultra
56 Manaphy
61 Manectric
65 Eelektross
77 Rhyperior
80 Medicham
85 Groudon-EX-ultra
86 Primal Groudon-EX-ultra
88 Hippowdon
91 Sharpedo-EX-ultra
92 Crawdaunt
93 Aggron-EX
94 M Aggron-EX-ultra
97 Excadrill
100 Aegislash
104 Azumarill
105 Gardevoir-EX-ultra
106 M Gardevoir-EX-ultra
108 Kingdra
110 Flygon
145 Trevenant-EX-ultra
146 Camerupt-EX-ultra
147 Wailord-EX-ultra
148 Kyogre-EX-ultra
149 Primal Kyogre-EX-ultra
150 Groudon-EX-ultra
151 Primal Groudon-EX-ultra
152 Sharpedo-EX-ultra
153 Aggron-EX-ultra
154 M Aggron-EX-ultra
155 Gardevoir-EX-ultra
156 M Gardevoir-EX-ultra
157 Archie’s Ace in the Hole-ultra
158 Maxie’s Hidden Ball Trick-ultra
159 Professor Birch’s Observations-ultra
160 Teammates-ultra
161 Dive Ball-ultra
162 Enhanced Hammer-ultra
163 Switch-secret
164 Weakness Policy-secret
Rare Cards
3 Beedrill
5 Tangrowth
8 Sceptile
16 Breloom
21 Ninetales
24 Magcargo
35 Swampert
37 Ludicolo
41 Whiscash
48 Walrein
52 Gorebyss
53 Kyogre
64 Eelektrik
69 Nidoqueen
72 Tentacruel
73 Starmie
76 Rhyperior
81 Medicham
84 Groudon
90 Diggersby
95 Probopass
96 Excadrill
103 Azumaril
107 Kingdra
114 Delcatty
Uncommon Cards
2 Kakuna
7 Grovyle
11 Lombre
14 Masquerain
23 Magcargo
26 Torchic
27 Combusken
31 Seadra
34 Marshtomp
40 Whiscash
47 Sealeo
51 Gorebyss
58 Lanturn
60 Electrike
63 Electrike
67 Nidorina
68 Nidoqueen
71 Tentacool
75 Rhydon
99 Doublade
101 Mr. Mime
109 Vibrava
112 Linoone  
117 Bidoof
118 Bibarel
119 Bouffalant
121 Bunnelby
122 Acro Bike
123 Aggron Spirit Link  
124 Archie’s Ace in the Hole
125 Dive Ball
126 Energy Retrieval
127 Escape Rope
128 Exp. Share
129 Fresh Water Set
130 Gardevoir Spirit Link
131 Groudon Spirit Link
132 Kyogre Spirit Link
133 Maxie’s Hidden Ball Trick
134 Professor Birch’s Observations
135 Rare Candy
136 Repeat Ball
137 Rough Seas
138 Scorched Earth
139 Shrine of Memories
140 Silent Lab
141 Teammates
142 Weakness Policy
143 Shield Energy
144 Wonder Energy

Common Cards

1 Weedle
4 Tangela
6 Treecko
10 Lotad
13 Surskit
15 Shroomish
17 Volbeat
18 Illumise
20 Vulpix
22 Slugma
25 Torchic
30 Horsea
32 Staryu
33 Mudkip
39 Barboach
42 Corphish
43 Feebas
45 Spheal
46 Spheal
49 Clamperl
57 Chinchou
59 Electrike
62 Tynamo
66 Nidoran Female
70 Tentacool
74 Rhyhorn
78 Nosepass
79 Meditite
82 Trapinch
83 Solrock
87 Hippopotas
89 Drilbur
98 Honedge
102 Marill
111 Zigzagoon
113 Skitty
115 Spinda
116 Bidoof
120 Bunnelby

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Updated 02/13/2025

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