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Pokemom XY Phantom Forces trading card singles
Phantom Forces

Trading Cards
Release date: November, 2014

Gather your courage and peer into the haunted void with the Pokemon TCG: XY - Phantom Forces expansion! Mega Manectric-EX makes a shocking appearance to light the way, while the ghostly grin of Mega Gengar-EX frightens challengers near and far. Take along Aegislash-EX to give you an edge, push the limits of Mega Evolution with Spirit Link cards, and call on all of your Trainer knowledge to escape the eerie forces at work!

- Over 110 cards
- 6 new Pokemon-EX
- 2 new Mega Evolution Pokemon

Holofoil Cards
65 Aegislash EX-ultra
117 AZ-full art
43 Chandelure
62 Dialga EX-ultra
122 Dialga EX-secret
71 Diancie
17 Feraligatr
67 Florges EX-ultra
116 Florges EX-full art
34 Gengar EX-ultra
114 Gengar EX-full art
50 Gigalith
77 Goodra
45 Gourgeist
97 Head Ringer
34 Gengar EX
63 Heatran
30 Heliolisk
74 Hydreigon
98 Jamming Net
118 Lysandres Trump Card-full art
35 M Gengar EX-ultra
121 M Gengar EX-secret
24 M Manectric EX-ultra
120 M Manectric EX-secret
58 Malamar EX-ultra
115 Malamar EX-full art
23 Manectric EX-ultra
113 Manectric EX-full art
12 Pyroar
86 Regigigas
69 Slurpuff
69 Slurpuff
69 Slurpuff
10.Talonflame-Shatter Foil
119.Xerosic-full art
Rare Cards
81 Blissey
61 Bronzong
33 Crobat
88 Diggersby
64 Escavalier
85 Exploud
27 Galvantula
47 Gliscor
21 Jellicent
54 Mightyena
7 Leavanny
40 Musharna
25 Pachirisu
38 Swalot
55 Spiritomb
10 Talonflame
2 Venomoth
4 Yanmega
Uncommon Cards
91 AZ
92 Battle Compressor
49 Boldore
16 Croconaw
93 Dimension Valley
111 Double Colorless Energy
94 Enhanced Hammer
79 Fearow
9 Fletchinder
90 Furfrou
95 Gengar Spirit Link
82 Girafarig
32 Golbat
96 Hand Scope
112 Mystery Energy
101 Professor Sycamore
102 Robo Substitute
103 Roller Skates
104 Shauna
59 Skarmory
76 Sliggoo
105 Steel Shelter
6 Swadloon
106 Target Whistle
107 Tierno
108 Trick Coin
109 VS Seeker
36 Wobbuffet
110 Xerosic
73 Zweilous
Common Cards
22 Alomomola
60 Bronzor
87 Bunnelby
80 Chansey
70 Dedenne
72 Deino
89 Fletchling
18 Finneon
20 Frillish
46 Gligar
75 Goomy
37 Gulpin
28 Helioptile
29 Helioptile
52 Honchkrow
26 Joltik
51 Murkrow
39 Munna
53 Poochyena
56 Purrloin
44 Pumpkaboo
48 Roggenrola
5 Sewaddle
78 Spearow
68 Swirlix
15 Totodile
1 Venonat
83 Whismur
31 Zubat
3 Yanma

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Updated 03/04/2025

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