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Pokemon XY Evolutions trading cards

Trading Cards
Release date: November, 2015

All Trainers and Pokemon grow and evolve  and this expansion restores the very first Pokemon trading cards to glory! With the exhilarating power of Mega VenusaurEX, Mega CharizardEX, and Mega BlastoiseEX, plus some wild surprises like DragoniteEX, Ninetales BREAK, Machamp BREAK, and Mega SlowbroEX, the classic hardbattling Pokemon and oldschool trainers are reinvented for a new generation.
The set contains over 110 cards in the set, including 8 dualtype Pokemon,  PokemonEX (including 2 Mega Evolution Pokemon), and 7 Pokemon BREAK.

Holofoil Cards
21 Blastoise EX-ultra rare
107 Brock's Grit-full art
70 Chansey
11 Charizard
12 Charizard EX-ultra rare
63 Clefairy
106 Dragonite EX-full art
72 Dragonite EX-ultra rare    
109 Exeggutorsecret rare
110 Flying Pikachu-secret rare
34 Gyarados
113 Here Comes Team Rocket!-secret rare
62 Hitmonchan
112 Imakuni?'s Doduo-secret rare
102 M Blastoise EX-full art
22 M Blastoise EX-ultra rare
101 M Charizard EX-full art
13 M Charizard EX-ultra rare
105 M Pidgeot EX-full art
65 M Pidgeot EX-ultra rare
27 M Slowbro EX-ultra rare
100 M Venusaur EX-full art
2 M Venusaur EX-ultra rare
59 Machamp
60 Machamp-break rare
38 Magneton
53 Mew
103 Mewtwo EX-full art
52 Mewtwo EX-ultra rare
108 Misty's Determination-full art
45 Nidoking
46 Nidoking-break rare
15 Ninetales
16 Ninetales-break rare
104 Pidgeot EX-full art
64 Pidgeot EX-ultra rare
25 Poliwrath
36 Raichu
26 Slowbro EX-ultra rare
32 Starmie-break rare
111 Surfing Pikachu-secret rare
1 Venusaur EX-ultra rare
42 Zapdos
Rare Cards
18 Arcanine
7 Beedrill
29 Dewgong $0.29
56 Dugtrio
40 Electrode
68 Farfetch'd $0.29
51 Mewtwo
67 Raticate $0.29
31 Starmie
Uncommon Cards
73 Blastoise Spirit Link $0.09
74 Brock's Grit $0.09
75 Charizard Spirit Link $0.09
10 Charmeleon
76 Devolution Spray $0.09
90 Double Colorless Energy
77 Energy Retrieval $0.09
78 Full Heal $0.09
48 Haunter
6 Kakuna $0.09
50 Koffing $0.09
58 Machoke $0.09
20 Magmar $0.09
79 Maintenance $0.09
4 Metapod $0.09
80 Misty's Determination
44 Nidorino $0.09
81 Pidgeot Spirit Link
82 Pokedex $0.09
24 Poliwhirl $0.09
71 Porygon $0.09
83 Potion $0.09
84 Professor Oak's Hint $0.09
85 Revive $0.09
86 Slowbro Spirit Link- $0.13
87 Super Potion $0.09
88 Switch $0.09
89 Venusaur Spirit Link $0.09
Common Cards
3 Caterpie
9 Charmander
97 Darkness Energy $0.09
55 Diglett $0.09
69 Doduo $0.09
49 Drowzee $0.09
41 Electabuzz- $0.13
99 Fairy Energy
96 Fighting Energy
92 Fire Energy
47 Gastly $0.09
91 Grass Energy
17 Growlithe $0.09
94 Lightning Energy
57 Machop- $0.13
33 Magikarp $0.09
37 Magnemite $0.09
98 Metal Energy
43 Nidoran $0.09
61 Onix $0.09
35 Pikachu $0.09
23 Poliwag
19 Ponyta $0.09
95 Psychic Energy
66 Rattata $0.09
54 Sandshrew $0.09
28 Seel $0.09
30 Staryu $0.09
8 Tangela $0.09
39 Voltorb- $0.09
14 Vulpix $0.09
93 Water Energy
5 Weedle $0.09

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Updated 03/04/2025

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