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Pokemon XY Double Crisis trading card list
Double Crisis

Trading Cards
Release date: March 25, 2015

Two teams of villains emerge from their hideouts to clash over the fate of the world in Pokémon TCG: Double Crisis!
Team Aqua brings sheer brawn and willpower while Team Magma leverages logic, and both are willing to move land and sea to accomplish their goals.
While Team Aqua's Kyogre-EX rampages against Team Magma's Groudon-EX, their rival ambitions could change the Hoenn region forever!
Choose your team and declare your loyalty!

Holofoil Cards
2.Team Magma's Camerupt
5.Team Aqua's Walrein
6.Team Aqua's Kyogre EX-ultra rare
8.Team Aqua's Muk
11.Team Magma's Claydol
14.Team Magma's Aggron
15.Team Magma's Groudon EX-ultra rare
21.Team Aqua's Sharpedo
Uncommon Cards
23.Aqua Diffuser
24.Magma Pointer
25.Team Aqua Admin
26.Team Aqua Grunt
27.Team Aqua's Great Ball
28.Team Aqua's Secret Base
29.Team Magma Admin
30.Team Magma Grunt
31.Team Magma's Great Ball
32.Team Magma's Secret Base
33.Double Aqua Energy
34.Double Magma Energy
Common Cards
1.Team Magma's Numel
3.Team Aqua's Spheal
4.Team Aqua's Sealeo
7.Team Aqua's Grimer
9.Team Aqua's Seviper
10.Team Magma's Baltoy
12.Team Magma's Aron
13.Team Magma's Lairon
16.Team Aqua's Poochyena
17.Team Magma's Poochyena
18.Team Aqua's Mightyena
19.Team Magma's Mightyena
20.Team Aqua's Carvanha
22.Team Magma's Zangoose

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Updated 03/04/2025

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