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Pokemon Sword & Shield Promomotional trading card singles
Sword and Shield
rading Cards

Pokemon McDonalds Promos
Blackstar Promos
Sun & Moon Promos

XY Promos

HeartGold SoulSilver Promos

Black & White Promos

Diamond & Pearl Promos

SWSH018 Zacian V $0.89
SWSH055 HattereneV $0.89
SWSH061 PikachuV $2.19
SWSH084 EldegossV $2.38
SWSH086 CramorantV $2.38
SWSH093 Arrokuda $0.79
SWSH094 Jolteon $0.93
SWSH062 Pikachu VMAX
SWSH132 Dragapult
SWSH133 Lance's Charizard V
SWSH134 Dark Sylveon V $2.19
SWSH135 Zacian LV.X
SWSH136 Mimikyu δ
SWSH137 Light Toxtricity
SWSH138 Hydreigon C
SWSH139 Pikachu V-UNION
SWSH143 Pikachu V
SWSH144 Greninja ☆
SWSH145 GOLD Pikachu V
SWSH146 GOLD Poké Ball
SWSH167 Professor Burnet $0.35
SWSH118 Eevee-Foil $0.65
SWSH127 Eevee-Foil $0.35
Over Size Promo
SWSU 067 Pikachu-Foil $3.99
SWSH 055 Hatterene $1.99

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Updated 03/04/2025

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