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Pokemon Crowm Zenith trading card singles
Crown Zenith
Trading Cards
Release date: January 20, 2023

Crown Zenith, which is a special set that will serve as the perfect goodbye to Sword and Shield’s generation. With over 160 cards in the set, it is not too difficult to complete, though it may be relatively expensive. Most special sets aren’t sold as separate booster packs, meaning that collectors have to purchase Collector’s Tins, Elite Trainer Boxes, and Premium Figure Collections as the Sword & Shield Series reaches its towering peak in the Pokémon TCG: Crown Zenith expansion

001 Oddish-Common
002 Gloom-Uncommon
003 Bellossom-Rare
004 Tangela-Common
005 Tangrowth-Rare
006 Scyther-Common
007 Sunkern-Common
008 Yanma-Common
.29 Yanmega-Rare
010 Kricketot-Common
011 Cherubi-Common
012 Carnivine-Uncommon
013 LeafeonV-Ultra-Rare
014 LeafeonVSTAR-
015 Grubbin-Common
016 Zarude-Rare Holo
017 Calyrex-Rare Holo
018 CharizardV-Ultra-Rare
019 CharizardVSTAR-
020 Radiant Charizard-Rare Radiant
021 Entei-Rare Holo
022 SimisearV-Ultra-Rare
023 SimisearVSTAR-
024 Larvesta-Common
025 Volcarona-Rare
026 Volcanion-Rare Holo
027 Salandit-Common
028 Salazzle-Uncommon
029 Seel-Common
030 Galarian Mr. Mime-Common
031 Wailmer-Common
032 Wailord-Rare
033 Corphish-Common
034 Snorunt-Common
035 Luvdisc-Common
036 Kyogre-Rare Holo
037 KyogreV-Ultra-Rare
038 GlaceonV-Ultra-Rare
039 Shinx-Common
040 Shinx-Common
041 Luxio-Uncommon
042 Luxio-Uncommon
043 Luxray-Rare
044 Luxray-Rare
045 RotomV-Rare Holo
046 RotomVSTAR-
047 Emolga-Common
048 Eelektrik-Uncommon
049 Helioptile-Common
050 Heliolisk-Rare
051 Radiant Charjabug-Rare Radiant
052 Zeraora-Rare
053 ZeraoraV-Rare Holo
054 ZeraoraVMAX-
055 ZeraoraVSTAR-
056 Pincurchin-Uncommon
057 Exeggcute-Common
058 Exeggutor-Rare
059 Mewtwo- Rare Holo
060 MewV-Rare Holo
061 Girafarig-Uncommon
062 Lunatone-Uncommon
063 Dusclops-Uncommon
064 Tapu Lele-Rare Holo
065 HattereneV-Rare Holo
066 HattereneVMAX-
067 Enamorus-Rare
068 Graveler-Uncommon
069 Solrock-Uncommon
070 Baltoy-Common
071 Riolu-Common
072 Pancham-Common
073 Rockruff-Common
074 Lycanroc-Rare
075 Koffing-Common
076 Absol-Rare Holo
077 Purrloin-Common
078 Liepard-Common
079 Krokorok-Uncommon
080 Pangoro-Rare
081 Skrelp-Common
082 Dragalge-Rare
083 Hoopa-Rare Holo
084 Galarian Meowth-Common
085 Galarian Perrserker-Rare
086 Scizor-Rare
087 Aron-Common
088 Lairon-Uncommon
089 Aggron-Rare Holo
.290 Metang-Uncommon
.291 Pawniard-Common
.292 Pawniard-Common
.293 Bisharp-Uncommon
.294 Zacian-Rare Holo
.295 ZacianV-Rare Holo
.296 ZacianVSTAR-
.297 Zamazenta-Rare Holo
.298 ZamazentaV-Ultra Rare
.299 ZamazentaVSTAR-
100 RayquazaV-Ultra -Rare
101 RayquazaVMAX-
102 RayquazaVMAX-
103 DuraludonV-Ultra Rare
104 DuraludonVMAX-
105 Radiant Eternatus-Rare Radiant
106 Tauros-Rare
107 Ditto-Rare Holo
108 EeveeV-Ultra Holo
.29 Snorlax-Rare
110 Starly-Common
111 Bidoof-Common
112 Chatot-Common
113 RegigigasV-Ultra-Rare
114 RegigigasVSTAR-
115 Shaymin-Uncommon
116 StoutlandV-Ultra-Rare
117 Yungoos-Common
118 Gumshoos-Rare
119 Oranguru-Rare
120 GreedentV-Ultra-Rare
121 Wooloo-Common
122 Dubwool-Rare
123 Bea-Rare Holo
124 Bede-Rare Holo
125 Crushing Hammer-Uncommon
126 Digging Duo-Uncommon
127 Energy Retrieval-Common
128 Energy SearchCommon-
129 Energy Switch-Uncommon
130 Friends in Hisui-Uncommon
131 Friends in Sinnoh-Uncommon
132 Great Ball-Uncommon
133 Hop-Rare Holo
134 Leon-Rare Holo
135 Lost Vacuum-
136 Nessa-Rare Holo
137 Poké Ball-Common
138 Pokémon Catcher-
139 Potion-Common
140 Raihan-Rare Holo
141 Rare Candy-Uncommon
142 Rescue Carrier-Uncommon
143 Sky Seal Stone-Rare Holo
144 Switch-Common
145 Trekking Shoes-Uncommon
146 Ultra Ball-Uncommon
147 Elesa's Sparkle-Ultra
148 Friends in Hisui-Ultra
149 Friends in Sinnoh-Ultra
150 Professor's Research [Professor Rowan]-Ultra
151 Volo-Ultra
152 Grass Energy-Ultra
153 Fire Energy-Ultra
154 Water Energy-Ultra
155 Lightning Energy-Ultra
156 Psychic Energy-Ultra
157 Fighting Energy-Ultra
158 Darkness Energy-Ultra
159 Metal Energy-Ultra
160 Pikachu-Secret

Experience the full beauty of the Pokémon TCG with Crown Zenith’s Galarian Gallery! Witness the ghoulish gaze of Hisuian Zoroark VSTAR under a full moon, observe Darkrai VSTAR over a moonlit lake as it wields the power of nightmares, and take a stroll with the ambitious Cynthia as she researches the myths and legends of Sinnoh on these special alternate-art cards.

GG1 Hisuian Voltorb-Holo Rare
GG2 Kricketune-Holo Rare
GG3 Magmortar-Holo Rare
GG4 Oricorio-Holo Rare
GG5 Lapras-Holo Rare
GG6 Manaphy-Holo Rare
GG7 Keldeo-Holo Rare
GG8 Electivire-Holo Rare
GG9 Toxtricity-Holo Rare
GG10 Mew-Holo Rare
GG11 Lunatone-Holo Rare
GG12 Deoxys-Holo Rare
GG13 Diancie-Holo Rare
GG14 Comfey-Holo Rare
GG15 Solrock-Holo Rare
GG16 Absol-Holo Rare
GG17 Thievul-Holo Rare
GG18 Magnezone-Holo Rare
GG19 Altaria-Holo Rare
GG20 Latias-Holo Rare
GG21 Hisuian Goodra-Holo Rare
GG22 Ditto-Holo Rare
GG23 Dunsparce-Holo Rare
GG24 Miltank-Holo Rare
GG25 Bibarel-Holo Rare
GG26 Riolu-Holo Rare
GG27 Swablu-Holo Rare
GG28 Duskull-Holo Rare
GG29 Bidoof-Holo Rare
GG30 Pikachu-Holo Rare
GG31 Turtwig-Holo Rare
GG32 Paras-Holo Rare
GG33 Poochyena-Holo Rare
GG34 Mareep-Holo Rare
GG35 Leafeon VSTAR-
GG36 Entei V-Ultra
GG37 Simisear VSTAR-
GG38 Suicune V-Ultra
GG39 Lumineon V-Ultra
GG40 Glaceon VSTAR-
GG41 Raikou V -Ultra
GG42 Zeraora VMAX-
GG43 Zeraora VSTAR-
GG44 Mewtwo VSTAR-
GG45 Deoxys VMAX-
GG46 Deoxys VSTAR-
GG47 Hatterene VMAX-
GG48 Zacian V-Ultra
GG49 Drapion V-Ultra
GG50 Darkrai VSTAR-
GG51 Hisuian Samurott V-
GG52 Hisuian Samurott VSTAR-
GG53 Hoopa V-Ultra
GG54 Zamazenta V-Ultra
GG55 Regigigas VSTAR-
GG56 Hisuian Zoroark VSTAR-
GG57 Adaman-Ultra
GG58 Cheren's Care-Ultra
GG59 Colress's Experiment-Ultra
GG60 Cynthia's Ambition-Ultra
GG61 Gardenia's Vigor-Ultra
GG62 Grant-Ultra
GG63 Irida-Ultra
GG64 Melony-Ultra
GG65 Raihan-Ultra
GG66 Roxanne-Ultra
GG67 Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR-
GG68 Origin Forme Dialga VSTAR-
GG69 Giratina VSTAR-
GG70 Arceus VSTAR-

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Updated 03/04/2025

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