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Pokemon Sword & Shield Champions Path trading card singles
Sword & Shield 

Champions Path
Trading Cards

Release date: September 25, 2020

Champion's Path is a special expansion released during the Sword & Shield Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. The set features Generation VIII Pokémon and focuses on the Gym Leaders of the Galar region.

001 VenusaurV-Ultra
002 Weedle-Common $0.29
002 Weedle-Common-Reverse Foil $0.49
003 Kakuna-Common $0.29
004 Beedrill-Uncommon $0.29
005 EldegossV-Ultra
006 Vulpix-Common $0.29
007 Victini-Uncommon $0.29
008 IncineroarV-Ultra
009 Sizzlipede-Common $0.29
010 Centiskorch-Holo $0.69
011 Carvanha-Common $0.29
012 Sharpedo-Uncommon $0.29
012 Sharpedo-Uncommon-Reverse Foil $0.51
013 WailordV-Ultra
014 DrednawV-Ultra
015 DrednawVMAX-Ultra
016 GardevoirV-Ultra
017 GardevoirVMAX-Ultra
018 Hatenna-Common $0.29
018 Hatenna-Common-Reverse Holo- $0.49
019 Hattrem-Uncommon $0.29
019 Hattrem-Uncommon-Reverse Foil $0.49
020 Hatterene-Holo $0.56
021 Galarian CursolaV-Ultra
022 AlcremieV-Ultra
023 AlcremieVMAX-Ultra
024 Machop-Common $0.29
025 Machoke-Uncommon $0.29
026 Machamp-Holo $0.89
027 LucarioV-Ultra
028 Zygarde-Holo $0.29
028 Zygarde-Holo-Reverse Holo $0.34
029 Rockruff-Common $0.29
030 Lycanroc-Holo
030 Lycanroc-Holo Reverse Foil $0.89
031 Rolycoly-Common $0.29
032 GrapploctV-Ultra $1.49
033 Ekans-Common $0.29
034 Arbok-Uncommon $0.29
034 Arbok-Uncommon-Reverse Foil $0.49
035 Galarian Zigzagoon-Common $0.29
036 Galarian Linoone-Common $0.29
037 Galarian Obstagoon-Holo $0.89
038 Absol-Uncommon $0.29
039 Purrloin-Common $0.29
039 Purrloin-Common Reverse Foil $0.69
040 Liepard-Uncommon $0.29
041 Scraggy-Common $0.29
042 Scrafty-Holo $0.49
043 Trubbish-Common $0.29
044 Inkay-Common $0.29
044 Inkay-Common-Reverse Foil $0.49
045 Malamar-Uncommon $0.29
046 Nickit-Common $0.29
046 Nickit-Common-Reverse Foil $0.49
047 DuraludonV-Ultra
048 Swablu-Common $0.29
049 Altaria-Holo $0.89
050 Bede-Uncommon $0.29
051 Full Heal-Common $0.29
052 Great Ball-Uncommon $0.21
053 Hop-Uncommon $0.29
054 Hyper Potion-Uncommon $0.29
054 Hyper Potion-Uncommon-Reverse Foil $0.49
055 Kabu-Uncommon $0.21
055 Kabu-Uncommon-Reverse Foil $0.49
056 Marnie-Holo $0.89
057 Milo-Uncommon
058 Piers-Uncommon $0.29
059 Poké Ball-Common $0.29
059 Poké Ball-Common-Reverse Foil $0.49
060 Pokémon Center Lady-Uncommon $0.21
060 Pokémon Center Lady-Uncommon-Reverse Holo $0.49
061 Potion-Common $0.29
062 Professor's Research-Holo $0.63
063 Rotom Bike-Uncommon $0.29
063 Rotom Bike-Uncommon-Reverse Foil $0.49
064 Rotom Phone-Uncommon $0.21
065 Sonia-Uncommon $0.21
066 Suspicious Food Tin-Uncommon $0.29
067 Team Yell Grunt-Uncommon $0.29
068 Turffield Stadium-Uncommon $0.21
068 Turffield Stadium-Uncommon-Reverse Foil $0.51
069 DrednawV-Ultra $2.29
070 GardevoirV-Ultra
071 Galarian CursolaV-Ultra
072 GrapploctV-Ultra
073 Hop-Ultra
074 CharizardVMAX-Secret
075 DrednawVMAX-Secret
076 GardevoirVMAX-Secret
077 Kabu-Secret
078 Piers-Secret
079 CharizardV-Secret
080 Suspicious Food Tin-Uncommon

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Updated 03/04/2025

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