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Pokemon Sword & Shield Celebrations trading card singles
Sword & Shield
25th Anniversary Collection
Trading Cards

Release date: October 28. 2021

Pokémon TCG: Celebrations set is to celebrate Pokémon's 25th anniversary and the 25th anniversary of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Every Pokémon TCG expansion is unique, but the Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Collection takes extraordinary to another level. Featuring a Classic Collection subset of 25 reprints of old cards through promos.
Release date: October 8, 2021


001 Ho-Oh-Rare Foil $0.47
002 Reshiram-Rare Foil $0.47
003 Kyogre-Rare Foil $0.47
004 Palkia-Rare Foil $0.47
005 Pikachu-Holo $0.57
006 Flying PikachuV-Ultra
007 Flying PikachuVMAX-VMAX $2.97
008 Surfing PikachuV-Ultra $2.27
009 Surfing PikachuVMAX-Rare 
010 Zekrom-Rare Foil $0.47
011 Mew-Rare Holo $0.47
012 Xerneas-Rare-Foil $0.47
013 Cosmog-Rare-Foil $0.47
014 Cosmoem-Rare-Foil $0.47
015 Lunala-Holo $0.57
016 ZacianV-Rare-Foil $2.27
017 Groudon-Rare Foil $0.47
018 ZamazentaV-Ultra $2.27
019 Yveltal-Rare Foil $0.47
020 Dialga-Rare Foil $0.47
021 Solgaleo-Holo $0.47
022 Lugia-Rare Foil $0.47
023 Professor's Research-Rare Foil $0.47
024 Professor's Research-Ultra Rare
025 Mew-Secret Rare
Classic Collection
2/102 Blastoise-[Base Set]-Rare
4/102 Charizard-[Base Set]-Rare
15/102 Venusaur-[Base Set]-Rare
73/102 Imposter Professor Oak-[Base Set]-Rare
8/82 Dark Gyarados-[Team Rocket]-Rare-Holo= $1.79
15/82 Here Comes Team Rocket!-[Team Rocket]-Rare
15/132 Rocket's Zapdos-[Gym Challenge]-Rare
24 _____'s Pikachu-[Wizards Black Star Promos]-Rare Holo= $6.80
20/111 Cleffa-[Neo Genesis]-Rare
66/64 Shining Magikarp-[Neo Revelation]-Rare
9/95 Team Magma's Groudon-[EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua]-Rare Holo= $0.63
86/109 Rocket's Admin-[EX Team Rocket Returns]-Rare
88/92 Mew ex-[EX Legend Maker]-Rare
93/101 Gardevoir ex d-[EX Dragon Frontiers]-Rare
17/17 Umbreon Star-[POP Series 5]-Rare
15/106 Claydol-[Great Encounters]-Rare
.29/111 Luxray Pokémon GL LV.X-[Rising Rivals]-Rare
145/147 Garchomp Pokémon C LV.X-[Supreme Victors]-Rare
107/123 Donphan-[HeartGold & SoulSilver]-Rare
113/114 Reshiram-[Black & White]-Rare Holo= $3.99
114/114 Zekrom-[Black & White]-Rare
54/99 MewtwoEX-[Next Destinies]-Rare
76/108 MegaRayquazaEX-[Roaring Skies]-Rare
60/145 Tapu LeleGX-[Guardians Rising]-Rare

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Updated 03/04/2025

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