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Pokemon Sword & Shield 25th Anniversary Collection trading card singles
Sword & Shield
25th Anniversary Collection
Trading Cards

Release date: October 22. 2021

The 25th Anniversary Collection set is to celebrate Pokémon's 25th anniversary and the 25th anniversary of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It features many recent Pokémon with old mechanics including Delta Species, Dark Pokémon, Light Pokémon, Pokémon Star, Pokémon C, Pokémon Lvl X, Pokémon Prime and more and a subset of 25 reprints of old cards through promos

001 Ho-Oh-Rare
002 Reshiram-Rare
003 Kyogre-Rare
004 Palkia-Rare
005 Pikachu-Holo
006 Flying PikachuV-Ultra
007 Flying PikachuVMAX-VMAX
008 Surfing PikachuV-Ultra
.29 Surfing PikachuVMAX-Rare
010 Zekrom-Rare
011 Scatterbug-Rare
012 Xerneas-Rare
013 Cosmog-Rare
014 Cosmoem-Rare
015 Lunala-Holo
016 ZacianV-Rare
017 Groudon-Rare
018 ZamazentaV-Ultra
019 Yveltal-Rare
020 Dialga-Rare
021 Solgaleo-Holo
022 Lugia-Rare
023 Professor's Research-Rare
024 Professor's Research-Ultra
025 Mew-Rare Holo
02 Lugia-Rare
023 Professor's Research-Rare
024 Professor's Research-Ultra

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Updated 03/18/2025

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