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Pokemon Sun and Moon Lost Thunder trading cards
Sun & Moon
Team Up
Trading Cards
Release date: February 2.21
TAG TEAM Pokémon-GX are here, cards that feature paired-up and powered-up Pokémon! The Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon—Team Up expansion offers many amazing battle teams including Pikachu & Zekrom-GX, plus Lycanroc-GX, Hoopa-GX, Cobalion-GX, and more! When the teams put their moves into motion, it's a total free-for-all. Check out the awesome action and dynamic duos in the Sun & Moon—Team Up expansion!

1 Celebi & Venusaur GX-Ultra sold out
2 Weedle-Common $0.39
3 Weedle-Common sold out
4 Kakuna-Uncommon sold out
5 Beedrill-Rare sold out
6 Paras-Common sold out
7 Parasect-Rare sold out
8 Exeggcute-Common sold out
9 Pinsir-Rare sold out
10 Shaymin Prism Star sold out
11 Charmander-Common sold out
12 Charmander-Common sold out
13 Charmeleon-Uncommon sold out
14 Charizard-Rare sold out
15 Vulpix-Common sold out
16 Ninetales-Rare sold out
17 Ponyta-Common sold out
18 Rapidash-Uncommon $0.39
19 Moltres-Holo sold out
20 Litten-Common sold out
21 Torracat-Uncommon sold out
22 Squirtle-Common sold out
23 Squirtle-Common sold out
24 Wartortle-Uncommon sold out
25 Blastoise-Rare sold out
26 Psyduck-Common sold out
27 Golduck-Uncommon sold out
28 Staryu-Common sold out
28 Staryu-Common-Reverse Foil $0.39
29 Magikarp-Common $0.39
30 Gyarados-Holo sold out
31 Lapras-Rare sold out
32 Articuno-Holo sold out
33 Pikachu & Zekrom GX-Ultra sold out
34 Alolan Geodude-Common $0.39
35 Alolan Geodude-Common $0.39
35 Alolan Geodude-Common Reverse Foil $0.69
38 Voltorb-Common sold out
39 Electrode-Holo $0.69
40 Zapdo-Holo sold out
41 Mareep-Common $0.39
42 Flaaffy-Uncommon sold out
43 Ampharos GX-Ultra sold out
44 Blitzle-Common $0.39
46 Emolga-Common sold out
47 Joltik-Common $0.21
48 Galvantula-Rare sold out
49 Helioptile-Common $0.21
50 Heliolisk-Common $0.21
51 Tapu Koko Prism Star
52 Zeraora-Holo sold out
53 Gengar & Mimikyu GX-Ultra sold out
54 Nidoran?-Common sold out
55 Nidorina-Uncommon sold out
56 Nidoqueen-Common sold out
57 Nidoran?-Common sold out
58 Nidorino-Uncommon sold out
59 Nidoking-Rare sold out
60 Tentacool-Common sold out
61 Tentacruel-Uncommon sold out
62 Grimer-Common sold out
63 Muk-Rare sold out
64 Alolan Marowak-Rare sold out
65 Starmie-Rare sold out
66 Mr. Mime-Rare sold out
67 Mr. Mime GX-Ultra sold out
68 Jynx-Uncommon sold out
69 Cosmog-Common $0.39
70 Cosmoem-Uncommon sold out
72 Primeape-Rare sold out
73 Hitmonlee-Uncommon $0.39
74 Hitmonchan-Uncommon sold out
75 Omanyte-Uncommon $0.39
76 Omastar-Holo sold out
77 Kabuto-Uncommon sold out
78 Kabutops-Rare sold out
80 Pupitar-Uncommon $0.39
81 Pancham-Common $0.39
82 Lycanroc GX-Ultra sold out
83 Alolan Grimer-Common sold out
84 Alolan Muk-Rare sold out
85 Tyranitar-Holo sold out
86 Poochyena-Common sold out
87 Mightyena-Rare sold out
88 Absol-Holo sold out
89 Spiritomb-Uncommon sold out
90 Zorua-Uncommon $0.39
91 Zoroark-Holo sold out
92 Vullaby-Uncommon $0.21
93 Mandibuzz-Rare sold out
94 Pangoro-Rare sold out
95 Yveltal-Holo sold out
96 Hoopa GX-Ultra sold out
97 Incineroar GX-Ultra sold out
98 Skarmory-Rare sold out
99 Jirachi-Holo sold out
100 Bronzor-Common sold out
101 Bronzong-Rare sold out
102 Ferroseed-Common $0.39
103 Ferrothorn-Rare $0.59
104 Pawniard-Common sold out
105 Bisharp-Rare sold out
106 Cobalion GX-Ultra sold out
107 Honedge-Common sold out
108 Doublade-Uncommon sold out
.21 Aegislash-Holo sold out
110 Klefki-Common sold out
111 Alolan Ninetales-Holo sold out
112 Mimikyu-Rare sold out
113 Latias & Latios GX-Ultra sold out
114 Alolan Exeggutor-Rare sold out
115 Alolan Exeggutor-Rare sold out
116 Dratini-Common sold out
117 Dratini-Common sold out
118 Dragonair-Uncommon sold out
.21 Dragonite-Holo sold out
120 Eevee & Snorlax GX-Ultra sold out
121 Pidgey-Common sold out
122 Pidgey-Common sold out
123 Pidgeotto-Common sold out
124 Pidgeot-Rare sold out
125 Meowth-Common $0.39
126 Persian-Uncommon sold out
127 Farfetch'd-Uncommon sold out
128 Kangaskhan-Uncommon sold out
129 Tauros-Uncommon sold out
130 Aerodactyl-Rare sold out
131 Lugia-Holo sold out
132 Zangoose-Holo sold out
133 Bill's Analysis-Holo sold out
134 Black Market Prism Star sold out
135 Brock's Grit-Uncommon sold out
136 Buff Padding-Uncommon sold out
137 Dana-Uncommon $0.39
138 Dangerous Drill-Uncommon sold out
139 Electrocharger-Uncommon sold out
140 Erika's Hospitality-Holo sold out
141 Evelyn-Uncommon $0.39
142 Fairy Charm UB-Uncommon sold out
143 Grass Memory-Uncommon sold out
144 Ingo & Emmet-Uncommon $0.39
145 Jasmine-Uncommon sold out
146 Judge Whistle-Uncommon $0.39
147 Lavender Town-Uncommon $0.39
148 Metal Goggles-Uncommon sold out
149 Morgan-Uncommon $0.39
150 Nanu-Uncommon sold out
151 Nita-Uncommon sold out
152 Pokémon Communication-Uncommon sold out
153 Return Label-Uncommon sold out
154 Sabrina's Suggestion-Uncommon sold out
155 Unidentified Fossil-Uncommon sold out
156 Viridian Forest-Uncommon sold out
157 Water Memory-Uncommon sold out
158 Wondrous Labyrinth Prism Star sold out
159 Celebi & Venusaur GX-Ultra sold out
160 Magikarp & Wailord GX-Ultra sold out
161 Magikarp & Wailord GX-Ultra sold out
162 Pikachu & Zekrom GX-Ultra sold out
163 Ampharos GX-Ultra sold out
164 Gengar & Mimikyu GX-Ultra sold out
165 Gengar & Mimikyu GX-Ultra sold out
166 Hoopa GX-Ultra sold out
167 Incineroar GX-Ultra sold out
168 Cobalion GX-Ultra sold out
169 Latias & Latios GX-Ultra sold out
170 Latias & Latios GX-Ultra sold out
171 Eevee & Snorlax GX-Ultra sold out
172 Brock's Grit-Ultra sold out
173 Dana-Ultra sold out
174 Erika's Hospitality-Ultra sold out
175 Evelyn-Ultra sold out
176 Ingo & Emmet-Ultra sold out
177 Jasmine-Ultra sold out
178 Morgan-Ultra sold out
179 Nanu-Ultra sold out
180 Nita-Ultra sold out
181 Sabrina's Suggestion-Ultra sold out
182 Celebi & Venusaur GX-Secret sold out
183 Magikarp & Wailord GX-Secret sold out
184 Pikachu & Zekrom GX-Secret sold out
185 Ampharos GX-Secret sold out
186 Gengar & Mimikyu GX-Secret sold out
187 Hoopa GX-Secret sold out
188 Incineroar GX-Secret sold out
189 Cobalion GX-Secret sold out
190 Latias & Latios GX-Secret sold out
191 Eevee & Snorlax GX-Secret sold out
192 Dangerous Drill-Secret sold out
193 Electrocharger-Secret sold out
194 Judge Whistle-Secret sold out
195 Metal Goggles-Secret sold out
196 Pokémon Communication-Secret sold out
Darkness Energy $0.21
Fighting Energy $0.21
Fire Energy $0.21
Grass Energy $0.21
Lightning Energy $0.99
Water Energy $0.21

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Updated 03/04/2025

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