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Pokemon Sun and Moon Shining Legends
Sun & Moon
Shining Legends

Trading Cards
Release date: October 2017The best way to start your Shining Legends collection is with this Elite Trainer Box. Inside, you'll find all sorts of goodies to get you geared up for competitive play. In addition to the whopping ten Shining Legends booster packs, you get some cool card sleeves featuring the Legendary Pokémon Ho-Oh to keep those cards mint fresh. Also included are some high-quality dice and condition markers, as well as a player's guide that gives special tips on becoming a skilled Pokémon TCG player. Of course, everything fits inside the collector's box, which makes a great place to store your Shining Legends collection.

1 Bulbasaur-Common sold out
2 Ivysaur-Common sold out
3 Venusaur-Uncommon sold out
4 Shroomish sold out
5 Breloom sold out
6 Carnivine-Uncommon sold out
7 Shaymin-Rare Holo sold out
8 Virizion-Rare Holo sold out
9 Shining Genesect-Rare Holo sold out
10 Entei-GX-Ultra Rare sold out
11 Torkoal-Common sold out
12 Larvesta-Common sold out
13 Volcarona-Uncommon sold out
14 Reshiram-Rare Holo sold out
15 Litten-Common sold out
16 Torracat-Common sold out
17 Incineroar-Uncommon sold out
18 Totodile-Common sold out
19 Croconaw-Common sold out
20 Feraligatr-Uncommon sold out
21 Qwilfish-Common sold out
22 Buizel-Common sold out
23 Floatze-Uncommon sold out
24 Palkia-Rare Holo sold out
25 Manaphy-Rare Holo sold out
26 Keldeo-Rare Holo sold out
27 Shining Volcanion-Shining Holo sold out
28 Pikachu-Common sold out
29 Raichu-GX-Ultra Rare sold out
30 Voltorb-Common sold out
31 Electrode-Uncommon sold out
32 Raikou-Rare Holo sold out
33 Plusle-Common sold out
34 Minun-Common sold out
35 Zekrom-Rare Holo sold out
36 Ekans-Common sold out
37 Arbok-Uncommon sold out
38 Jynx-Common sold out
39 Mewtwo-GX-Ultra Rare sold out
40 Shining Mew-Shining Holo sold out
41 Latios-Rare Holo sold out
42 Shining Jirach-Shining Holo sold out
43 Golett-Common sold out
44 Golurk-Uncommon sold out
45 Marshadow-Rare Holo sold out
46 Stunfisk-Common sold out
47 Spiritomb-Uncommon sold out
48 Purrloin-Common sold out
49 Liepard-Uncommon sold out
50 Scraggy-Common sold out
51 Scrafty-Uncommon sold out
52 Zorua-Common sold out
53 Zoroark-GX-Ultra Rare sold out
54 Yveltal-Rare Holo sold out
55 Hoopa-Rare Holo sold out
56 Shining Rayquaza-Shining Holo sold out
57 Shining Arceus-Shining Holo sold out
58 Damage Remover-Uncommon sold out
59 Energy Retriever-Uncommon sold out
60 Great Ball-Uncommon sold out
61 Hau-Uncommon sold out
62 Lillie-Uncommon sold out
63 Pokemon Breeder-Uncommon sold out
64 Pokemon Catcher-Uncommon sold out
65 Sophocles-Uncommon sold out
66 Super Scoop Up-Uncommon sold out
67 Switch-Uncommon sold out
68 Ultra Ball-Common sold out
69 Double Colorless Energy-Uncommon sold out
70 Warp Energy-Uncommon sold out
71 Entei-GX-Ultra Holo sold out
72 Mewtwo-GX-Ultra Holo sold out
73 Pokemon Breeder-Ultra Holo sold out
74 Entei-GX-Secret Holo sold out
75 Raichu-GX-Secret Holo sold out
76 Mewtwo-GX-Secret Holo sold out
77 Zoroark-GX-Secret Holo sold out
78 Mewtwo-GX-Ultra Holo sold out

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Updated 03/04/2025

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