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Pokemon Sun and Moon Guardians Rising
Sun & Moon
Guardians Rising

Trading Cards
Release date: May 2017Visit Alola for Pokémon fun, from the beaches to the mountain peaks—and discover new traditions and new challenges! Meet the island guardians Tapu Koko-GX and Tapu Lele-GX, and sharpen your skills with Kahuna Hala and Captain Mallow! Be amazed by the secret powers of Kommo-o-GX, Lycanroc-GX, Metagross-GX, Sylveon-GX, Toxapex-GX, Vikavolt-GX, and many more! Come to the islands, and seize the power of the Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon—Guardians Rising expansion!

1 Bellsprout $0.26
2 Weepinbell
3 Victreebel
4 Petilil $0.26
5 Lilligant
6 Phantump $0.26
7 Trevenant
8 Wimpod $0.26
9 Golisopod-Holo
10 Victini-Holo
11 Litwick $0.26
12 Lampent $0.26
13 Chandelure-Holo
14 Oricorio
15 Salandit
16 Salazzle
17 Turtonator
18 Turtonator GX-Ultra Rare
19 Alolan Sandshrew $0.26
19 Alolan Sandshrew-Reverse Foil $0.63
20 Alolan Sandslash $0.31
21 Alolan Vulpix
22 Alolan Ninetales GX-Ultra Rare
23 Tentacool $0.26
24 Tentacruel
25 Politoed-Holo
26 Delibird $0.26
27 Carvanha $0.26
28 Sharpedo
29 Wailmer
30 Wailord
31 Snorunt
32 Glalie $0.26
33 Vanillite
34 Vanillish
35 Vanilluxe
36 Alomomola $0.26
37 Wishiwashi
38 Wishiwashi GX-Ultra Rare
39 Mareanie
40 Alolan Geodude
41 Alolan Graveler $0.26
42 Alolan Golem-Holo
43 Helioptile
44 Heliolisk
45 Vikavolt GX-Ultra Rare
46 Oricorio
47 Tapu Koko GX-Ultra Rare
48 Slowpoke
49 Slowbro
50 Trubbish
51 Garbodor
52 Gothita
53 Gothorita $0.26
54 Gothitelle $0.29
55 Oricorio
56 Oricorio
57 Toxapex GX-Ultra Rare
58 Mimikyu-Holo
59 Dhelmise-Holo
60 Tapu Lele GX-Ultra Rare
61 Lunala
62 Machop
63 Machop $0.26
64 Machoke
65 Machamp-Holo $1.29
66 Sudowoodo $0.26
67 Gligar $0.26
68 Gliscor
69 Nosepass $0.26
70 Barboach $0.26
71 Whiscash
72 Pancham
73 Rockruff
74 Lycanroc GX-Ultra Rare
75 Mudbray
76 Mudsdale-Holo
77 Minior-Holo
78 Murkrow
79 Honchkrow
80 Sableye
81 Absol-Holo
82 Pangoro
83 Beldum
84 Metang $0.26
85 Metagross GX-Ultra Rare
86 Probopass
87 Solgaleo
88 Clefairy $0.26
89 Clefable $0.26
90 Cottonee $0.26
91 Whimsicott
92 Sylveon GX-Ultra Rare
93 Comfey-Holo
94 Goomy $0.26
95 Sliggoo
96 Goodra-Holo
97 Drampa-Holo
98 Jangmo-o $0.26
99 Hakamo-o
100 Kommo-o GX-Ultra Rare
101 Chansey
102 Blissey-Holo
103 Taillow $0.26
104 Swellow $0.29
105 Castform
106 Rayquaza
107 Patrat
108 Watchog $0.26
109 Fletchling $0.26
110 Fletchinder
111 Talonflame
112 Stufful $0.26
113 Bewear
114 Komala $0.26
115 Drampa GX-Ultra Rare
116 Aether Paradise Conservation Area
117 Altar of the Moone
118 Altar of the Sunne
118 Altar of the Sunne
120 Brooklet Hill
121 Choice Band
122 Energy Loto
123 Energy Recycler $0.26
124 Enhanced Hammer
125 Field Blower $0.26
126 Hala
127 Mallow $0.26
128 Max Potion $0.26
129 Multi Switch
130 Rescue Stretcher
131 Turtonator GX-Full Art
132 Alolan Ninetales GX-Full Art
133 Wishiwashi GX-Full Art
134 Vikavolt GX-Full Art
135 Tapu Koko GX-Full Art
136 Toxapex GX-Full Art
137 Tapu Lele GX-Full Art
138 Lycanroc GX-Full Art
139 Metagross GX-Full Art
140 Sylveon GX-Full Art
141 Kommo-o GX-Full Art
142 Drampa GX-Full Art
143 Hala-Full Art
144 Hau-Full Art
145 Mallow-Full Art
146 Decidueye GX-Hyper Rare
147 Incineroar GX-Hyper Rare
148 Turtonator GX-Secret Rare
149 Primarina GX-Hyper Rare
150 Alolan Ninetales GX-Hyper Rare
151 Wishiwashi GX-Hyper Rare
152 Vikavolt GX-Hyper Rare
153 Tapu Koko GX-Hyper Rare
154 Toxapex GX-Hyper Rare
155 Tapu Lele GX-Hyper Rare
156 Lycanroc GX-Hyper Rare
157 Metagross GX-Hyper Rare
158 Sylveon GX-Hyper Rare
159 Kommo-o GX-Hyper Rare
160 Drampa GX-Hyper Rare
161 Aqua Patch-Secret Rare
162 Enhanced Hammer-Secret Rare
163 Field Blower-Secret Rare
164 Max Potion-Secret Rare
165 Rare Candy-Secret Rare
166 Double Colorless Energy-Secret Rare
167 Grass Energy-Secret Rare
168 Lightning Energy-Secret Rare
169 Fighting Energy-Secret Rare

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Updated 03/04/2025

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