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Pokemon Sun and Moon Crimson Invasion single cards
Sun & Moon
Crimson Invasion
Trading Cards
Release date: November 2017
The Alola region is being invaded by mysterious and powerful creatures!
Can the allies of Alola defend the islands – or will the Ultra Beasts take control?
Find out when you battle for the prize with the Pokemon TCG: Sun & Moon – Crimson Invasion expansion!
• Over 110 cards in the master set, each booster pack has 10 random cards from the master
• 8 Pokemon-GX in the master set
• 9 Trainer cards and 1 Special Energy card in the master set
• The Ultra Beasts make their debut, including Guzzlord-GX and Nihilego-GX!

1 Weedle-Common $0.32
2 Kakuna-Uncommon sold out
3 Beedrill-Rare sold out
4 Exeggcute-Common sold out
5 Cacnea-Common sold out
6 Cacturne-Rare sold out
7 Karrablast-Common $0.32
  sold out
8 Shelmet-Common $0.32
9 Accelgor-Uncommon sold out
10 Skiddo-Common sold out
11 Gogoat-Rare Holo sold out
12 Alolan Marowak-Rare Holo sold out
13 Numel-Common sold out
14 Camerupt-Rare sold out
15 Staryu-Common sold out
16 Starmie-Rare $0.36
17 Magikarp-Common sold out
18 Gyarados GX-Ultra Rare sold out
19 Swinub-Common $0.32
20 Piloswine-Uncommon sold out
21 Mamoswine-Rare sold out
22 Remoraid-Common sold out
23 Octillery-Rare sold out
24 Corphish-Common $0.32
25 Crawdaunt-Rare sold out
26 Feebas-Common $0.32
27 Milotic-Rare Holo sold out
28 Regice-Rare Holo sold out
29 Shellos-Common sold out
29 Shellos-Reverse Foil $0.67
30 Pikachu-Common $0.32
31 Alolan Raichu-Holo Rare sold out
32 Alolan Geodude-Common sold out
33 Alolan Graveler-Uncommon sold out
34 Alolan Golem GX-Ultra Rare sold out
35 Emolga-Uncommon $0.32
36 Gastly-Common sold out
37 Haunter-Uncommon sold out
38 Gengar-Rare Holo sold out
39 Misdreavus-Common sold out
40 Mismagius-Rare sold out
41 Spoink-Common sold out
42 Grumpig-Uncommon sold out
43 Chimecho-Common sold out
44 Pumpkaboo-Common $0.32
45 Gourgeist-Rare sold out
46 Salandit-Common sold out
47 Salazzle-Rare Holo sold out
48 Oranguru-Rare sold out
49 Nihilego GX-Ultra Rare sold out
50 Mankey-Common sold out
51 Primeape-Rare sold out
52 Cubone-Common sold out
53 Regirock-Rare $0.29
54 Gastrodon-Uncommon sold out
55 Stufful-Common sold out
56 Bewear-Rare Holo sold out
57 Buzzwole GX-Ultra Rare sold out
58 Houndour-Common $0.32
59 Houndoom-Rare sold out
60 Deino-Common sold out
61 Zweilous-Uncommon sold out
62 Hydreigon-Rare sold out
63 Guzzlord GX-Ultra Rare sold out
64 Mawile-Uncommon sold out
65 Aron-Common sold out
66 Lairon-Uncommon sold out
67 Aggron-Rare Holo sold out
68 Registeel-Rare sold out
69 Escavalier-Rare sold out
70 Kartana GX-Ultra Rare sold out
71 Jigglypuff-Common $0.32
72 Wigglytuff-Rare sold out
73 Xerneas-Rare Holo sold out
74 Alolan Exeggutor GX-Ultra Rare sold out
75 Jangmo-o-Common sold out
76 Hakamo-o-Uncommon $0.32
77 Kommo-o-Rare sold out
78 Miltank-Uncommon sold out
79 Swablu-Common sold out
80 Altaria-Rare sold out
86 Cinccino-Uncommon sold out
81 Starly-Common $0.32
81 Starly-Reverse Foil $0.67
82 Staravia-Uncommon $0.32
83 Staraptor-Rare sold out
84 Regigiga-Rare Holo sold out
85 Minccino-Common sold out
85 Minccino-Reverse Foil $0.67
86 Cinccino $0.32
87 Bunnelby-Common $0.32
88 Diggersby-Uncommon sold out
89 Type: Null-Rare Holo sold out
90 Silvally GX-Ultra Rare sold out
91 Counter Catcher-Uncommon sold out
92 Dashing Pouch-Uncommon sold out
93 Devoured Field-Uncommon sold out
94 Fighting Memory-Uncommon sold out
95 Gladion-Uncommon sold out
96 Lusamine-Uncommon sold out
97 Peeking Red Card-Uncommon sold out
98 Psychic Memory-Uncommon sold out
99 Sea of Nothingness-Uncommon sold out
100 Counter Energy-Uncommon $0.32
101 Gyarados GX-Full Art sold out
102 Alolan Golem GX-Full Art109 Gladion-Full Art sold out
103 Nihilego GX-Full Art sold out
104 Buzzwole GX-Full Art sold out
105 Guzzlord GX-Full Art sold out
106 Kartana GX-Full Art sold out
107 Alolan Exeggutor GX-Full Art sold out
108 Silvally GX-Full Art sold out
109 Gladion-Full Art sold out
110 Lusamin-Full Art sold out
111 Olivia-Full Art sold out
112 Gyarados GX-Hyper Rare sold out
113 Alolan Golem GX-Hyper Rare sold out
114 Nihilego GX-Hyper Rare sold out
115 Buzzwole GX-Hyper Rare sold out
116 Guzzlord GX-Hyper Rare sold out
117 Kartana GX-Hyper Rare sold out
118 Alolan Exeggutor GX-Hyper Rare sold out
119 Silvally GX-Hyper Rare sold out
120 Counter Catcher-Secret Rare sold out
121 Wishful Baton-Secret Rare sold out
122 Counter Energy-Secret Rare sold out
123 Warp Energy-Secret Rare sold out
124 Water Energy-Secret Rare sold out

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Updated 03/04/2025

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