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Pokemon Sun and Moon-Celestial Storm trading card singles
Sun & Moon
Celestial Storm
Trading Cards

Release date: August 3, 2018

Celestial Storm is the name given to the seventh main expansion of the Sun & Moon Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game..
Celestial Storm featured modernized reprints of cards from the Neo, e-Card, and EX Series. The Pokémon's HP, Abilities, attacks, Resistance, and Retreat cost were updated to fit the current format

1 Bellsprout-Common $0.32
2 Weepinbell-Uncommon $0.32
3 Victreebel-Holo sold out
4 Scyther-Uncommon sold out
5 Spinarak-Common sold out
6 Ariados-Holo sold out
7 Treecko-Common $0.32
8 Treecko-Common sold out
9 Grovyle-Uncommon sold out
10 Sceptile-Rare sold out
11 Seedot-Common $0.32
12 Seedot-Common sold out
13 Nuzleaf-Uncommon sold out
14 ShiftryGX-Ultra sold out
15 Surskit-Common $0.32
16 Masquerain-Uncommon $0.32
17 Volbeat-Uncommon sold out
18 Illumise-Uncommon sold out
19 Cacnea-Common sold out
20 Cacturne-Uncommon sold out
21 Tropius-Uncommon sold out
22 Dhelmise-Rare sold out
23 Slugma-Common sold out
24 Magcargo-Rare sold out
25 Torchic-Common sold out
26 Torchic-Common sold out
27 Combusken-Uncommon sold out
28 BlazikenGX-Ultra sold out
29 Torkoal-Uncommon sold out
30 Oricorio-Uncommon $0.32
31 ArticunoGX-Ultra sold out
32 Mudkip-Common $0.32
33 Mudkip-Common sold out
34 Marshtomp-Uncommon sold out
35 Swampert-Rare sold out
36 Lotad-Common sold out
37 Lombre-Uncommon sold out
38 Ludicolo-Holo sold out
39 Wailmer-Common sold out
40 Wailord-Rare sold out
41 Clamperl-Common $0.32
42 Huntail-Uncommon sold out
43 Gorebyss-Uncommon sold out
44 Luvdisc-Common $0.32
45 Regice-Rare sold out
46 Kyogre-Holo sold out
47 Voltorb-Common $0.32
48 ElectrodeGX-Ultra   sold out
49 Chinchou-Common sold out
50 Lanturn-Uncommon sold out
51 Electrike-Common sold out
52 Manectric-Rare sold out
53 Plusle-Uncommon sold out
54 Minun-Uncommon sold out
55 Oricorio-Uncommon sold out
56 Mr. MimeGX-Ultra sold out
57 Gulpin-Common $0.32
58 Swalot-Uncommon sold out
59 Spoink-Common sold out
60 Grumpig-Rare sold out
61 Lunatone-Holo sold out
62 Solrock-Uncommon sold out
63 Shuppet-Common $0.32
64 Shuppet-Common sold out
65 Banette-Rare sold out
66 BanetteGX-Ultra sold out
67 Deoxys-Holo sold out
68 Deoxys-Rare sold out
69 Deoxys-Rare sold out
70 Lunala-Holo sold out
71 Onix-Common sold out
72 Phanpy-Common $0.32
73 Donphan-Uncommon sold out
74 Larvitar-Common sold out
75 Pupitar-Uncommon $0.32
76 Meditite-Common sold out
77 Medicham-Rare sold out
78 Baltoy-Common sold out
79 Claydol-Rare sold out
80 Regirock-Rare sold out
81 Groudon-Holo sold out
82 PalossandGX-Ultra sold out
83 Minior-Uncommon sold out
84 Alolan Rattata-Common sold out
85 Alolan RaticateGX-Ultra sold out
86 Sneasel-Common sold out
87 Tyranitar-Holo sold out
88 Sableye-Uncommon sold out
89 Steelix-Holo sold out
90 ScizorGX-Ultra sold out
91 Mawile-Uncommon sold out
92 Beldum-Common sold out
93 Beldum-Common $0.32
94 Metang-Uncommon sold out
95 Metagross-Holo sold out
96 Registeel-Rare sold out
97 Jirachi-Prism Star sold out
98 Heatran-Holo sold out
99 Solgaleo-Holo sold out
100 Celesteela-Holo sold out
101 Kartana-Rare sold out
102 StakatakaGX-Ultra sold out
103 Bagon-Common sold out
104 Bagon-Common sold out
105 Shelgon-Uncommon sold out
106 Salamence-Holo sold out
107 Latias-Prism Star sold out
108 Latios-Prism Star sold out
109 RayquazaGX-Ultra sold out
110 Dunsparce-Uncommon sold out
111 Wingull-Common sold out
112 Pelipper-Uncommon sold out
113 Slakoth-Common sold out
114 Vigoroth-Uncommon $0.32
115 Slaking-Holo sold out
116 Whismur-Common sold out
117 Whismur-Common sold out
118 Loudred-Uncommon sold out
119 Exploud-Rare sold out
120 Skitty-Common $0.32
121 Delcatty-Holo sold out
122 Kecleon-Uncommon sold out
123 Acro Bike-Uncommon sold out
124 Apricorn Maker-Uncommon sold out
125 Beast Ball-Uncommon sold out
126 Bill's Maintenance-Uncommon $0.32
127 Copycat-Uncommon sold out
128 Energy Recycle System-Uncommon sold out
129 Energy Switch-Uncommon sold out
130 Fisherman-Uncommon sold out
131 Friend Ball-Uncommon sold out
132 Hau-Uncommon sold out
133 Hiker-Uncommon sold out
134 Hustle Belt-Uncommon sold out
135 Last Chance Potion-Uncommon sold out
136 Life Herb-Uncommon sold out
137 Lisia-Uncommon sold out
138 Lure Ball-Uncommon sold out
139 The Masked Royal-Uncommon sold out
140 PokéNav-Uncommon sold out
141 Rainbow Brush-Uncommon sold out
142 Rare Candy-Uncommon sold out
143 Shrine of Punishment-Uncommon sold out
144 Sky Pillar-Uncommon sold out
145 Steven's Resolve-Holo sold out
146 Super Scoop Up-Uncommon $0.32
147 Switch-Uncommon sold out
148 Tate & Liza-Uncommon sold out
149 TV Reporter-Uncommon sold out
150 Underground Expedition-Uncommon sold out
151 Rainbow Energy-Uncommon sold out
152 ShiftryGX-Ultra sold out
153 BlazikenGX-Ultra sold out
154 ArticunoGX-Ultra sold out
155 ElectrodeGX-Ultra sold out
156 Mr. MimeGX-Ultra sold out
157 BanetteGX-Ultra sold out
158 ScizorGX-Ultra sold out
159 StakatakaGX-Ultra sold out
160 RayquazaGX-Ultra sold out
161 Apricorn Maker-Ultra sold out
162 Bill's Maintenance-Ultra sold out
163 Copycat-Ultra sold out
164 Lisia-Ultra sold out
165 Steven's Resolve-Ultra sold out
166 Tate & Liza-Ultra sold out
167 TV Reporter-Ultra sold out
168 Underground Expedition-Ultra sold out
169 ShiftryGX-Rainbow sold out
170 BlazikenGX-Rainbow sold out
171 ArticunoGX-Rainbow sold out
172 ElectrodeGX-Rainbow sold out
173 Mr. MimeGX-Rainbow sold out
174 BanetteGX-Rainbow sold out
175 ScizorGX-Rainbow sold out
176 StakatakaGX-Rainbow sold out
177 RayquazaGX-Rainbow sold out
178 Acro Bike-Secret sold out
179 Hustle Belt-Secret sold out
180 Life Herb-Secret sold out
181 PokéNav-Secret sold out
182 Rainbow Brush-Secret sold out
183 Rainbow Energy-Secret sold out

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Updated 03/04/2025

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