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Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Temporal Forces trading card singles
Scarlet & Violet:
Temporal Forces
Trading Cards
Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & VioletTemporal Forces is the name given to the set that makes up the fifth expansion of cards from the Scarlet & Violet Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game
Release date: March 22, 2024

001 Scyther-Grass-Common
002 Pineco-Grass-Common
003 Seedot-Grass-Common
004 Nuzleaf-Grass-Common
005 Shiftry-Grass-Uncommon
006 Shroomish-Grass-Common
007 Breloom-Grass-Common
008 Roselia-Grass-Common
009 Roserade-Grass-Uncommon
010 Turtwig-Grass-Common
011 Grotle-Grass-Common
012 Torterraex--Double Rare
013 Shaymin-Grass-Uncommon
014 Cottonee-Grass-Common
015 Whimsicott-Grass-Rare
016 Deerling-Grass-Common
017 Sawsbuck-Grass-Uncommon
018 Grubbin-Grass-Common
019 Dhelmise-Grass-Uncommon
020 Bramblin-Grass-Common
021 Brambleghast-Grass-Rare
022 Scovillainex--Double Rare
023 Rellor-Grass-Common
024 Rabsca-Grass-Uncommon
025 Iron Leavesex-Grass-Double Rare
026 Ponyta-Fire-Common
027 Rapidash-Fire-Uncommon
028 Slugma-Fire-Common
029 Magcargo-Fire-Rare
030 Victini-Fire-Common
031 Heatmor-Fire-Common
032 Litten-Fire-Common
033 Torracat-Fire-Common
034 Incineroarex-Fire-Double Rare
035 Turtonator-Fire-Common
036 Sizzlipede-Fire-Common
037 Centiskorch-Fire-Uncommon
038 Gouging Fireex-Fire-Double Rare
039 Totodile-Water-Common
040 Croconaw-Water-Common
041 Feraligatr-Water-Rare
042 Carvanha-Water-Common
043 Sharpedo-Water-Uncommon
044 Keldeo-Water-Uncommon
045 Snom-Water-Common
046 Frosmoth-Water-Common
047 Wiglett-Water-Common
048 Finizen-Water-Common
049 Palafin-Water-Uncommon
050 Walking Wakeex-Water-Double Rare
051 Pikachu-Lightning-Common
052 Raichu-Lightning-Common
053 Electabuzz-Lightning-Common
054 Electivire-Lightning-Uncommon
055 Charjabug-Lightning-Common
056 Vikavolt-Lightning-Uncommon
057 Zeraora-Lightning-Uncommon
058 Yamper-Lightning-Common
059 Boltd-Lightning-Uncommon
060 Wugtrioex-Double Rare
061 Iron Hands-Lightning-Uncommon
062 Iron Thorns-Lightning-Rare
063 Mr. Mime-Psychic-Common
064 Marill-Psychic-Common
065 Azumarill-Psychic-Common
066 Girafarig-Psychic-Common
067 Latias-Psychic-Uncommon
068 Bronzor-Psychic-Common
069 Bronzong-Psychic-Uncommon
070 Solosis-Psychic-Common
071 Duosion-Psychic-Common
072 Reiclus-Psychic-Uncommon
073 Elgyem-Psychic-Common
074 Beheeyem-Psychic-Uncommon
075 Cutiefly-Psychic-Common
076 Ribombee-Psychic-Uncommon
077 Scream Tail-Psychic-Uncommon
078 Flutter Mane-Psychic-Rare
079 Iron Valiant-Psychic-Uncommon
080 Iron Valiant-Psychic-Rare
081 Iron Crownex-Psychic-Double Rare
082 Meditite-Fighting-Common
083 Medicham-Fighting-Common
084 Relicanth-Fighting-Rare
085 Drilbur-Fighting-Common
086 Excadrill-Fighting-Uncommon
087 Golett-Fighting-Common
088 Golurk-Fighting-Uncommon
089 Rockruff-Fighting-Common
090 Lycanroc-Fighting-Uncommon
091 Mudbray-Fighting-Common
092 Mudsdale-Fighting-Uncommon
093 Rolycoly-Fighting-Common
094 Carkol-Fighting-Common
095 Coalossal-Fighting-Uncommon
096 Great Tusk-Fighting-Uncommon
097 Great Tusk-Fighting-Uncommon
098 Sandy Shocks-Fighting-Uncommon
099 Iron Boulderex-Fighting-Double Rare
100 Ekans-Darkness-Common
101 Arbok-Darkness-Common
102 Gastly-Darkness-Common
103 Haunter-Darkness-Common
104 Gengarex-Darkness-Double Rare
105 Poochyena-Darkness-Common
106 Mightyena-Darkness-Common
107 Sableye-Darkness-Uncommon
108 Farigirafex-Darkness-Double Rare
109 Roaring Moon-Darkness-Rare
110 Forretress-Metal-Uncommon
111 Scizorex-Metal-Double Rare
112 Mawile-Metal-Common
113 Beldum-Metal-Common
114 Metang-Metal-Common
115 Metagross-Metal-Uncommon
116 Meltan-Metal-Common
117 Melmetal-Metal-Rare
118 Iron Treads-Metal-Uncommon
119 Koraidon-Dragon-Rare
120 Koraidonex-Dragon-Double Rare
121 Miraidon-Dragon-Double Rare
122 Miraidonex-Dragon-Double Rare
123 Raging Boltex-Dragon-Double Rare
124 Lickitung-Colorless-Common
125 Lickilicky-Colorless-Common
126 Hoothoot-Colorless-Common
127 Noctowl-Colorless-Common
128 Dunsparce-Colorless-Common
129 Dudunsparce-Colorless-Rare
130 Skitty-Colorless-Common
131 Delcatty-Colorless-Uncommon
132 Chatot-Colorless-Common
133 Pidove-Colorless-Common
134 Tranquill-Colorless-Common
135 Unfezant-Colorless-Uncommon
136 Minccino-Colorless-Common
137 Cinccino-Colorless-Uncommon
138 Drampa-Colorless-Rare
139 Iron Jugulis-Colorless-Uncommon
140 Ancient Booster Energy Capsule-PT-Uncommon
141 Awakening Drum-I-ACE SPEC-Rare
142 Bianca's Devotion-Su-Uncommon
143 Boxed Order-I-Uncommon
144 Buddy-Buddy Poffin-I-Uncommon
145 Ciphermaniac's Codebreaking-Su-Uncommon
146 Eri-Su-Uncommon
147 Explorer's Guidance-Su-Uncommon
148 Full Metal Lab-Su-Uncommon
149 Future Booster Energy Capsule-PT-Uncommon
150 Hand Trimmer-I-Uncommon
151 Heavy Baton-PT-Uncommon
152 Hero's Cape-PT-ACE SPEC-Rare
153 Master Ball-I-ACE SPEC-Rare
154 Maximum Belt-PT-ACE SPEC-Rare
155 Morty's Conviction-Su-Uncommon
156 Perilous Jungle-St-Uncommon
157 Prime Catcher-I-ACE SPEC-Rare
158 Reboot Pod-I-ACE SPEC-Rare
159 Rescue Board-PT-Uncommon
160 Salvatore-St-Uncommon
161 Mist Energy-Colorless E-Uncommon
162 Neo Upper-Rainbow E-ACE SPEC-Rare
163 Shiftry-Illustration-Rare
164 Grotle-Illustration-Rare
165 Deerling-Illustration-Rare
166 Sawsbuck-Illustration-Rare
167 Litten-Illustration-Rare
168 Snom-Illustration-Rare
169 Charjabug-Illustration-Rare
170 Bronzor-Illustration-Rare
171 Reuniclus-Illustration-Rare
172 Cutiefly-Illustration-Rare
173 Relicanth-Illustration-Rare
174 Excadrill-Illustration-Rare
175 Mudsdale-Illustration-Rare
176 Arbok-Illustration-Rare
177 Gastly-Illustration-Rare
178 Metagross-Illustration-Rare
179 Meltan-Illustration-Rare
180 Lickitung-Illustration-Rare
181 Chatot-Illustration-Rare
182 Minccino-Illustration-Rare
183 Cinccino-Illustration Illustration-Rare
184 Drampa-Illustration Illustration-Rare
185 Torterraex-Grass-Ultra Rare
186 Iron Leavesex-Grass-Ultra Rare
187 Incineroarex-Fire-Ultra Rare
188 Gouging Fireex-Fire-Ultra Rare
189 Walking Wakeex-Water-Ultra Rare
190 Wugtrioex-Lightning-Ultra Rare
191 Iron Crownex-Psychic-Ultra Rare
192 Iron Boulderex-Darkness-Ultra Rare
193 Gengarex-Darkness-Ultra Rare
194 Farigirafex-Darkness-Ultra Rare
195 Scizorex-Metal-Ultra Rare
196 Raging Boltex-Dragon-Ultra Rare
197 Bianca's Devotion-Ultra Rare
198 Ciphermaniac's Codebreaking-Su-Ultra Rare 
199 Eri-Su-Ultra Rare 
200 Explorer's Guidance-Su-Ultra Rare 
201 Morty's Conviction-Su-Ultra Rare 
202 Salvatore-Su-Ultra Rare 
203 Iron Leaves ex-Grass-Special Illustration-Rare 
204 Gouging Fire ex-Fire-Special Illustration-Rare 
205 Walking Wake ex-Water-Special Illustration-Rare
206 Iron Crown ex-Psychic-Special Illustration-Rare
207 Iron Boulder ex-Fighting-Special Illustration-Rare
208 Raging Bolt ex-Dragon-Special Illustration-Rare
209 Bianca's Devotion-Su-Special Illustration-Rare
210 Eri-Su-Special Illustration-Rare 
211 Morty's Conviction-Su-Special Illustration-Rare
212 Salvatore-Su-Special Illustration Rare 
213 Iron Leaves ex-Grass-Hyper Rare
214 Gouging Fire ex-Fire-Hyper Rare
215 Walking Wake ex-Water-Hyper Rare
216 Iron Crown ex-Psychic-Hyper Rare 
217 Iron Boulder ex-Fighting-Hyper Rare
218 Raging Bolt ex-Dragon-Hyper Rare
099 Iron Boulderex-Fighting-Double Rare

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Updated 03/18/2025

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