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Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Paradox Rift trading card singles
Scarlet & Violet:
Paradox Rift
Trading Cards
Release date: November 3, 2023

Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet Paradox Rift is the name given to the set that makes up the fourth expansion of cards from the Scarlet & Violet Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game

001 Surskit-Common
002 Masquerain-Uncommon
003 Froslassex-Double Rare
004 Pansage-Common
005 Simisage-Uncommon
006 Dwebble-Common
007 Crustle-Common
008 Bounsweet-Common
009 Steenee-Uncommon
010 Blipbug-Common
011 Dottler-Common
012 Orbeetle-Uncommon
013 Nymble-Common
014 Nymble-Common
015 Toedscool-Common
016 Toedscool-Common
017 Toedscruel-Uncommon
018 Wo-Chien-Rare
019 Magby-Common
020 Pansear-Common
021 Simisear-Uncommon
022 Volcanion-Rare
023 Fuecoco-Common
024 Crocalor-Uncommon
025 Charcadet-Common
026 Charcadet-Common
027 Armarougeex-Double Rare
028 Iron Moth-Rare
029 Chi-Yu-Rare
030 Horsea-Common
031 Seadra-Common
032 Kingdra-Rare
033 Remoraid-Common
034 Octillery-Common
035 Feebas-Common
036 Milotic-Rare
037 Snorunt-Common
038 Garchompex-Double Rare
039 Mantyke-Common
040 Palkia-Rare
041 Panpour-Common
042 Simipour-Uncommon
043 Vanillite-Common
044 Vanillish-Common
045 Vanilluxe-Uncommon
046 Tsareenaex-Double Rare
047 Wimpod-Common
048 Wimpod-Common
049 Golisopod-Rare
050 Golisopodex-Double Rare
051 Wiglett-Common
052 Wiglett-Common
053 Wugtrio-Uncommon
054 Veluza-Uncommon
055 Dondozo-Uncommon
056 Iron Bundle-Uncommon
057 Chien-Pao-Rare
058 Mewtwoex-
059 Elekid-Common
060 Plusle-Common
061 Minun-Common
062 Blitzle-Common
063 Zebstrika-Uncommon
064 Joltik-Common
065 Galvantula-Common
066 Zekrom-Rare
067 Oricorio-Common
068 Tapu Kokoex-Double Rare
069 Toxel-Common
070 Iron Handsex-Double Rare
071 Natu-Common
072 Xatu-Rare
073 Latios-Rare
074 Deoxys-Rare
075 Yamask-Common
076 Cofagrigusex-Double Rare
077 Pumpkaboo-Common
078 Gourgeist-Uncommon
079 Flittle-Common
080 Flittle-Common
081 Espathra-Rare
082 Tinkatink-Common
083 Tinkatink-Common
084 Tinkatuff-Common
085 Tinkaton-Uncommon
086 Scream Tail-Uncommon
087 Gimmighoul-Common
088 Gimmighoul-Common
089 Iron Valiantex-Double Rare
090 Onix-Common
091 Gligar-Common
092 Gliscor-Uncommon
093 Groudon-Rare
094 Gible-Common
095 Gabite-Uncommon
096 Mienfoo-Common
097 Mienshao-Uncommon
098 Hoopaex-Double Rare
099 Minior-Uncommon
100 Toxtricityex-Double Rare
101 Nacli-Common
102 Nacli-Common
103 Naclstack-Common
104 Garganacl-Rare
105 Klawf-Uncommon
106 Flamigo-Common
107 Slither Wing-Uncommon
108 Sandy Shocksex-Double Rare
109 Ting-Lu-Rare
110 Zubat-Common
111 Golbat-Common
112 Crobat-Uncommon
113 Absol-Uncommon
114 Purrloin-Common
115 Liepard-Common
116 Trubbish-Common
117 Garbodor-Uncommon
118 Yveltal-Rare
119 Nickit-Common
120 Thievul-Rare
121 Morpeko-Rare
122 Lokix-Rare
123 Brute Bonnet-Rare
124 Roaring Moonex-Double Rare
125 Steelix-Rare
126 Jirachi-Common
127 Ferroseed-Common
128 Ferrothorn-Uncommon
129 Durant-Uncommon
130 Honedge-Common
131 Honedge-Common
132 Doublade-Common
133 Doublade-Common
134 Aegislash-Rare
135 Aegislashex-Double Rare
136 Zacian-Rare
137 Skeledirgeex-Double Rare
138 Orthworm-Uncommon
139 Gholdengoex-Double Rare
140 Altariaex-Double Rare
141 Tatsugiri-Uncommon
142 Porygon-Common
143 Porygon2-Common
144 Porygon-Z-Rare
145 Aipom-Common
146 Ambipom-Uncommon
147 Miltank-Common
148 Whismur-Common
149 Loudred-Common
150 Exploud-Uncommon
151 Spinda-Common
152 Swablu-Common
153 Tandemaus-Common
154 Tandemaus-Common
155 Mausholdex-Double Rare
156 Bombirdierex-Double Rare
157 Cyclizar-Uncommon
158 Iron Jugulis-Rare
159 Ancient Booster Energy Capsule-Uncommon
160 Counter Catcher-Uncommon
161 Cursed Duster-Uncommon
162 Defiance Vest-Uncommon
163 Earthen Vessel-Uncommon
164 Future Booster Energy Capsule-Uncommon
165 Larry-Common
166 Luxurious Cape-Uncommon
167 Mela-Uncommon
168 Norman-Uncommon
169 Parasol Lady-Common
170 Professor Sada's Vitality-Uncommon
171 Professor Turo's Scenario-Uncommon
172 Rika-Uncommon
173 Roark-Uncommon
174 Shauntal-Uncommon
175 Snorlax Doll-Uncommon
176 Technical Machine: Blindside-Uncommon
177 Technical Machine: Devolution-Uncommon
178 Technical Machine: Evolution-Uncommon
179 Technical Machine: Turbo Energize-Uncommon
180 Techno Radar-Uncommon
181 Tulip-Uncommon
182 Medical Energy-Uncommon
183 Crustle-Illustration Rare
184 Dottler-Illustration Rare
185 Toedscruel-Illustration Rare
186 Magby-Illustration Rare
187 Iron Moth-Illustration Rare
188 Snorunt-Illustration Rare
189 Mantyke-Illustration Rare
190 Vanillish-Illustration Rare
191 Wimpod-Illustration Rare
192 Veluza-Illustration Rare
193 Plusle-Illustration Rare
194 Minun-Illustration Rare
195 Blitzle-Illustration Rare
196 Joltik-Illustration Rare
197 Espathra-Illustration Rare
198 Gimmighoul-Illustration Rare
199 Groudon-Illustration Rare
200 Mienshao-Illustration Rare
201 Minior-Illustration Rare
202 Garganacl-Illustration Rare
203 Slither Wing-Illustration Rare
204 Garbodor-Illustration Rare
205 Yveltal-Illustration Rare
206 Morpeko-Illustration Rare
207 Brute Bonnet-Illustration Rare
208 Steelix-Illustration Rare
209 Ferrothorn-Illustration Rare
210 Aegislash-Illustration Rare
211 Aipom-Illustration Rare
212 Loudred-Illustration Rare
213 Swablu-Illustration Rare
214 Porygon-Z-Illustration Rare
215 Cyclizar-Illustration Rare
216 Iron Jugulis-Illustration Rare
217 Froslassex-Ultra Rare
218 Armarougeex-Ultra Rare
219 Garchompex-Ultra Rare
220 Tsareenaex-Ultra Rare
221 Golisopodex-Ultra Rare
222 Tapu Kokoex-Ultra Rare
223 Iron Handsex-Ultra Rare
224 Cofagrigusex-Ultra Rare
225 Iron Valiantex-Ultra Rare
226 Hoopaex-Ultra Rare
227 Toxtricityex-Ultra Rare
228 Sandy Shocksex-Ultra Rare
229 Roaring Moonex-Ultra Rare
230 Aegislashex-Ultra Rare
231 Gholdengoex-Ultra Rare
232 Altariaex-Ultra Rare
233 Mausholdex-Ultra Rare
234 Bombirdierex-Ultra Rare
235 Larry-Ultra Rare
236 Mela-Ultra Rare
237 Norman-Ultra Rare
238 Parasol Lady-Ultra Rare
239 Professor Sada's Vitality-Ultra Rare
240 Professor Turo's Scenario-Ultra Rare
241 Rika-Ultra Rare
242 Roark-Ultra Rare
243 Shauntal-Ultra Rare
244 Tulip-Ultra Rare
245 Garchompex-Special Illustration Rare
246 Golisopodex-Special Illustration Rare
247 Tapu Kokoex-Special Illustration Rare
248 Iron Handsex-Special Illustration Rare
249 Iron Valiantex-Special Illustration Rare
250 Sandy Shocksex-Special Illustration Rare
251 Roaring Moonex-Special Illustration Rare
252 Gholdengoex-Special Illustration Rare
253 Altariaex-Special Illustration Rare
254 Mela-Special Illustration Rare
255 Parasol Lady-Special Illustration Rare
256 Professor Sada's Vitality-Special Illustration Rare
257 Professor Turo's Scenario-Special Illustration Rare
258 Rika-Special Illustration Rare
259 Tulip-Special Illustration Rare
260 Garchompex-Hyper Rare
261 Iron Valiantex-Hyper Rare
262 Roaring Moonex-Hyper Rare
263 Beach Court St-Hyper Rare
264 Counter Catcher-Hyper Rare
265 Luxurious Cape-Hyper Rare
266 Reversal Energy-Hyper Rare

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Updated 03/04/2025

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