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Pokemon: Black Star promo trading card list
Trading Cards

Throughout their occupation of the Pokemon Trading Card Game, Wizards of the Coast produced many exclusive cards for promotional events such as tournaments, special events or through Pokemon-related merchandise.
These all had a black star with the word "PROMO" written across it where the expansion symbol would normally occur, giving them their name as Black Star Promos.
Wizards of the Coast produced a total of 53 numbered Promotional cards before they lost their license. Had they kept their rights to produce the cards longer, it is likely more Promotional cards would have been produced, as the Vending Machine cards were a collection Wizards certainly planned to bring into English. Most of these cards were speculated to have been released in Jamboree with the remainder as promotional cards. All cards were previously released as promotional cards or in special promotional sets in Japan, with the exception of Mew (#8 and #9), which appeared in the Japanese Fossil expansion.
The promotional cards released in connection with Mewtwo Strikes Back in cinemas have a gold foil stamp with
"Kids WB Presents: Pokemon: The First Movie" on the card art.
The promotional cards Articuno, Moltres and Zapdos released in connection with The Power of One in cinemas have different card art to their Japanese All Nippon Airways promotional counterparts.
The Pokemon Center promotional card also has English-exclusive artwork.

**All cards are near mint condition**

Pokemon McDonalds Promos
Sword&Shield Promos
Sun & Moon Promos

XY Promos

HeartGold SoulSilver Promos

Black & White Promos

Diamond & Pearl Promos

Wizards of the Coast BLACKSTAR
July 1999 - March 2003
#2.Electabuzz 1st Movie
#3.Mewtwo 1st Movie
#4.Pikachu 1st Movie
#5.Dragonite 1st Movie
#10.Meowth Game Boy
#15.Cool Porygon
#16.Computer Error
#17.Dark Persian
#18.Team Rocket's Meowth
#19.Sabrina's Abra
#21. Moltres Pokemon 2000
#22. Articuno Pokemon 2000
#23. Zapdos Pokemon 2000
#24.Birthday Pikachu
#25.Flying Pikachu
#26.Trainer Pikachu
#27.Tiger Pikachu
#28.Surfing Pikachu
#29.American Marill
#34.Entei Neo
35.Pichu Neo
#38.Unknown J
#39.American Misdreavus
#40. Pokemon Center
#41.Lucky Stadium
#42.Pokemon Tower
#47. Mew "Lily Pad"
#50. Celebi
Pikachu Gold W 1st edition
Wartortle Gold "W"
Dark Arbok Gold W
Brock's Vulpix Gold
Kabuto Gold W
Dark Charmeleon Gold W

1st Edition Aerodactyl
Dark Gyarados    
Misty's Seadra-Prerelease $12.99
Kirlia-Secret Wonders 53/132
Ivysaur-Crystal Guardians-35/100
Grass Energy 2011 Foil
Psychic Energy 2011 Foil
Rainbow Energy Foil
Fighting Energy Holo
Fire Energy 2003 Holo
Grass Energy 2003 Holo
Water Energy 2003 Holo
Psychic Energy 2003 Holo
Lightning Energy 2003 Holo
Luxray-National Championships
Karrablast-Noble Victories-Championship League
#4/10 Latias
#2/10 Latios
#001 Kyogre ex
#002 Groudon ex
#003 Treecko Reverse Foil
#004 Grovyle
#005 Mudkip
#006 Torchic
#007 Treecko
#008 Torchic
#009 Combusken
#010 Mudkip
#011 Marshtomp
#012 Pikachu
#013 Meowth
#014 Latias
#015 Latios
#016 Treecko
#017 Torchic
#018 Mudkip
#019 Whismur
#020 Ludicolo
#021 Jarachi
#022 Bedlum
#023 Metang
#024 Chimecho
#025 Flygon
#026 Trainer Tropical Wind
#027 Tropical Tidal Wave
#028 Championship Arena
#029 Celebi
#030 Suicune
#031 Moltres ex
#032 Articuno ex
#033 Zapdos ex
#034 Typhlosion
#035 Pikachu
#036 Tropical Tidal Wave
#037 Kyogre ex
#038 Groudon ex
#039 Rayquaza ex
#040 Mew
Empoleon 27/147 Supreme Victors
Butterfree FB 17/147
Lightning Energy 108/114 B & W
Metal Energy 112/114 B & W
Krokorok 64/114 B & W
Whirlipede 53/114 Bl & W
Zebstrika 42/114 B & W
Fighting Energy 110/114 B & W
Neo 1 Binder
#1 Winner Electabuzz
#2 Best Hitmonchan
#3 Professor Elm Trainer
#4 Grovyle WINNER
#5 Best Rocket's Sneasel
#6 Best Dark Venusaur
#7 Best Dark Venusaur
#8 Best Rocket's Mewtwo-Winner
#9 Best Rocket's Hitmonchan
#11 Marshtomop WINNER

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Updated 03/04/2025

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