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Pokemon: McDonalds 25th Anniversary 2021

Pokemon: McDonalds Collection 2021 trading cards
McDonalds 25th Anniversary 2021
Trading Cards
Release date: February 9, 2021

After skipping a year, the McDonald's Collection 2021 are back with a limited edition 25th Anniversary set. Like the McDonald's Collections before it, all the cards in the set are reprints from the Black & White, XY, Sun & Moon, and Sword & Shield series. Each card retains its original layout and has the 25th Anniversary logo in the bottom right corner of the card's artwork with two versions for each of the 25 cards in the set (non-holo and holofoil) for a total of 50 unique cards to collect. The cards come in a pack of 4 when you order a Happy Meal. Each 4-pack contains 3 non-holo cards and 1 holofoil card.

All cards are near mint condition

McDonald's 25th Anniversary Pack of 4 cards $2.99
1. Bulbasaur $0.79
2. Chikorita $0.29
3. Treeko $0.29
4. Turtwig $0.29
4. Turtwig Foil $2.89
5. Snivey $0.29
6. Chespin $0.29
7. Rowlet
8. Grookey $0.29
9. Charmander $0.89
10. Cyndaquil $0.39
11. Torchic $0.39
12. Chimchar $0.39
12. Chimchar Foil $2.39
13. Tepig $0.29
14. Fennekin $0.29
15. Litten $0.29
15. Litten Foil $1.89
16. Scorbunny $0.29
16. Scorbunny Foil $3.69
17. Squirtle $0.69
18. Totodile $0.39
19. Mudkip
20. Piplup $0.29
20. Piplup Foil $3.39
21. Oshowat
22. Froakie $0.29
23. Poppilio $0.29
24. Sobble $0.29
25. Pikachu-Foil $3.29
BW01 Snivey-Jumbo $2.29
BW02 Tepig-Jumbo $2.29
BW03 Oshawott-Jumbo $2.29

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Updated 02/13/2025

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