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Pokemon: McDonalds Collection 2019 single card list

Sun and Moon
McDonald's Collection 2019

Trading Cards
Release date: October 15 - November 11, 2019

The McDonald's Collection 2019 comprises 12 reprints of cards sourced from several Sun & Moon Series expansions that feature an exclusive Confetti Holofoil treatment. A random card and an accompanying Pokémon toy was included in every Pokémon-themed Happy Meal during the promotional period or while stocks lasted.

All cards are near mint condition

1 Caterpie
2 Alolan Exeggutor
3 Magmar
4 Alolan Sandshrew
5 Lapras
6 Pikachu
7 Gastly
8 Mankey
9 Onix
10 Alolan Meowth
11 Alolan Dugtrio
12 Eevee

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Updated 03/04/2025

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