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Pokemon 2013 McDonalds promo single card list

Black and White
McDonald's Collection 2013

Trading Cards
Release date: 2013

The McDonald's Collection 2013 is a collection of cards released in French McDonald's Happy Meals for a limited time in 2013, from October 13 to November 26. It was only released in French.

The McDonald's Collection 2013 contains a total of twelve cards, each of which are reprints from Black & White, Emerging Powers, Next Destinies, and Dark Explorers. There were also 6 toys that came with 1 card each, based on Pikachu, Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Eevee, and Mewtwo. Even though the set featured reprints from sets as early as Black & White, the Standard format for 2013-2014 ignored the reprints as they weren't released in English.

All cards are near mint condition

1 Leafeon Grass
2 Flareon Fire
3 Vaporeon Water
4 Glaceon Water
5 Pikachu Lightning
6 Jolteon Lightning
7 Espeon Psychic
8 Timburr Fighting
9 Umbreon Darkness
10 Scraggy Darkness
11 Zorua Darkness
12 Eevee Colorless

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Updated 03/04/2025

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