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Black & White
Plasma Freeze

Trading Cards

Release date: May 18, 2013

Team Plasma's frosty assault on Unova continues in the Pokemon TCG: Black & White Plasma Freeze expansion, and Trainers everywhere must show an icy resolve if they are to halt the relentless deep freeze. The struggle will be bitter as Team Plasma releases a blizzard of Team Plasma Pokemon, including Deoxys-EX, Thundurus-EX, and all of Eevee's evolutions, backed by Team Plasma Energy, Item, and Supporter cards. But, with the Legendary Eon Pokémon Latios and Latias standing by your side and a host of Pokemon-EX ready to do battle, your opponents will find that now is the winter of their discontent!

Holofoil Cards
67 Absol
16 Chandelure
56 Cofagrigus
111 Deoxys EX-full art
53 Deoxys EX-ultra
83 Dragonite
33 Electrode
117 Empoleon-ultra
119 Garbodor-ultra
120 Garchomp-ultra
101 Ghetsis
115 Ghetsis-full art
109 Heatran EX-full art
13 Heatran EX-ultra
78 Hydreigon
84 Kingdra
31 Kyurem
112 Latias EX-full art
85 Latias EX-ultra
113 Latios EX-full art
86 Latios EX-ultra
107 Life Dew
121 Max Potion-ultra
52 Metagross
17 Reshiram  
108 Rock Guard
118 Sigilyph-ultra  
110 Thundurus EX-full art
38 Thundurus EX-ultra
114 Tornadus EX-full art
98 Tornadus EX-ultra
122 Ultra Ball-secret
64 Umbreon
39 Zekrom
Rare Cards
3 Beedrill
73 Bisharp
10 Cacturne
16 Chandelure
57 Cofagrigus
33 Electrode
5 Exeggutor
23 Glaceon
63 Hariyama
34 Jolteon
94 Kecleon
70 Krookodile
11 Leafeon
47 Mr. Mime
46 Muk
58 Nidoking
42 Nidoqueen
22 Quagsire
88 Raticate
49 Sableye
8 Sceptile
26 Seismitoad
97 Staraptor
79 Steelix
29 Vanilluxe
66 Weavile
Uncommon Cards
3 Beedrill
73 Bisharp
74 Bisharp
30 Cryogonal
82 Dragonair
48 Espeon
4 Exeggcute
12 Flareon
99 Float Stone
100 Frozen City
7 Grovyle
34 Jolteon
2 Kakuna
69 Krokorok
15 Lampent
36 Lanturn
80 Mawile
51 Metang
93 Miltank
41 Nidorina
44 Nidorino
92 Noctowl
61 Onix
25 Palpitoad
106 Plasma Energy
19 Seadra
102 Shadow Triad
96 Staravia
103 Superior Energy Retrieval
104 Team Plasma Badge
105 Team Plasma Ball
28 Vanillish
20 Vaporeon
77 Zweilous
Common Cards
50 Beldum
9 Cacnea
35 Chinchou
75 Deino
76 Deino
81 Dratini
89 Eevee
90 Eevee
45 Grimer
91 Hoothoot
18 Horsea
14 Litwick
62 Makuhita
59 Mankey
40 Nidoran
43 Nidoran
37 Pachirisu
71 Pawniard
72 Pawniard
60 Primeape
87 Rattata
68 Sandile
65 Sneasel
95 Starly
6 Treecko
24 Tympole
27 Vanillite
32 Voltorb
1 Weedle
21 Wooper
54 Yamask
55 Yamask

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Updated 03/04/2025

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