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Black and White Plasma Blast 10
Black & White
Plasma Blast

Trading Cards

Release date: August 14, 2013

Challenges ring out, Pokemon duel, and the battle for Unova enters the next chapter in the Pokemon TCG: Black & White-Plasma Blast expansion! With Virizion-EX, Dialga-EX, Palkia-EX and Genesect-EX, supported by devastating ACE SPEC cards that give additional attacks! Trainers, it's time to break the ice!

Holofoil Cards
54 Archeops
16 Blastoise
99 Dialga EX-full art
104 Dusknoir-ultra
33 Eelektross
102 Exeggcute-ultra
92 G Booster
93 G Scope
11 Genesect EX-ultra
97 Genesect EX-full art
46 Golurk
69 Haxorus
56 Houndoom
101 Iris-full art
60 Jirachi EX-ultra
98 Jirachi EX-full art
30 Kyurem EX-ultra
49 Machamp
94 Master Ball
37 Mesprit
100 Palkia EX-full art
66 Palkia EX-ultra
74 Porygon-Z
105 Rare Candy-secret
64 Salamence
95 Scoop Up Cyclone
41 Sigilyph
96 Virizion EX-full art
103 Virizion-ultra
9 Virizion EX-ultra
Rare Cards
8 Accelgor
59 Aggron
38 Azelf
28 Carracosta
4 Cradily
35 Drifblim
61 Escavalier
23 Froslass
10 Genesect
50 Machamp
2 Masquerain
44 Reuniclus
20 Suicune
36 Uxie
13 Volcarona
Uncommon Cards
26 Abomasnow
53 Archen
78 Caitlin
77 Chatot  
79 Cover Fossil
43 Duosion
32 Eelektrik
80 Energy Retrieval
68 Fraxure
22 Glalie
81 Iris
58 Lairon  
3 Lileep
48 Machoke
40 Musharna
19 Octillery
91 Plasma Energy
82 Plume Fossil
83 Pokemon Catcher
73 Porygon2
84 Professor Juniper
85 Rare Candy
24 Relicanth
86 Reversal Trigger
87 Root Fossil Lileep
63 Shelgon
88 Silver Bangle
89 Silver Mirror
27 Tirtouga
5 Tropius
90 Ultra Ball
76 Ursaring
15 Wartortle
Common Cards
57 Aron
67 Axew
62 Bagon
34 Drifloon
70 Druddigon
29 Ducklett
45 Golett
55 Houndour
71 Kangaskhan
6 Karrablast
17 Lapras
12 Larvesta
47 Machop
39 Munna
72 Porygon
18 Remoraid
52 Sawk
7 Shelmet
21 Snorunt
25 Snover
42 Solosis
14 Squirtle
1 Surskit
75 Teddiursa
51 Throh
31 Tynamo

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Updated 03/04/2025

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