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Pokemon Black and White Legendary Treasures trading card list
Legendary Treasures
Trading Cards

Release date: November 2013

Legends lost are recovered, buried treasures are found, and in the Pokemon TCG: Black & White-Legendary Treasures expansion, Pokemon as you've never seen them will dazzle you! Discover new Pokemon-EX , as well as the return of mighty champions. Find new Trainer cards to revolutionize your battle strategy! Command your forces and drive onward to victory! Locate the scattered jewels of the Radiant Collection!
Holofoil Cards
32 Articuno
100 Black Kyurem EX-ultra
77 Chandelure EX-ultra
19 Charizard
105 Cinccino
91 Cobalion
88 Darkrai EX-ultra
27 Emboar
82 Excadrill EX-ultra
68 Garbodor
96 Garchomp
16 Geesect
72 Gothitelle
9 Hydreigon
45 Keldeo EX-ultra
43 Kyurem
44 Kyurem EX-ultra
5 Landorus
12 Leavanny
80 Lucario
102 Lugia EX-ultra
78 Meloetta
53 Mewtwo
54 Mewtwo EX-ultra
22 Moltres
93 Rayquaza
114 Reshiram-full art
28 Reshiram
29 Reshiram EX-ultra
39 Samurott
8 Serperior
66 Sigilyph
84 Terrakion
50 Thundurus
108 Tornadus
23 Victini
24 Victini EX-ultra
15 Virizion
101 White Kyurem EX-ultra
46 Zapdos
115 Zekrom-full art
51 Zekrom
52 Zekrom EX-ultra
90 Zoroark
RC21 Shaymin EX-full art
Rare Cards
35 Empoleon
81 Gallade
31 Gyarados
86 Meloetta
58 Mismagius
21 Ninetales
36 Phione
76 Reunicles
42 Seismitoad
2 Tangrowth
63 Toxicroak
56 Xatu
90 Zoroark
Uncommon Cards
92 Altaria
109 Bianca
107 Bouffalant
5 Carnivine  
110 Cedric Juniper
18 Charmeleon
4 Cherubi
111 Crushing Hammer
14 Crustle
38 Dewott
113 Double Colorless Energy
106 Druddigon
75 Duosion
49 Emogla
112 Energy Switch
95 Gabite
71 Gothorita
48 Minun
41 Palpitoad
26 Pignite
47 Plusle
34 Prinplup
79 Riolu
61 Sableye
7 Servine
3 Shuckle
87 Spiritomb
83 Stunfisk
11 Swadloon  
65 Swoobat
98 Zweilous
RC19 Cinccino
RC14 Eevee
RC10 Gardevoir
RC4 Growlithe
RC7 Pikachu
RC6 Piplup
RC13 Purrloin
RC3 Serperior
RC12 Stunfisk
Common Cards
17 Charmander
62 Croagunk
97 Deino
13 Dwebble
94 Gible
69 Gothita
70 Gothita
60 Kirlia
30 Magikarp
104 Minccino
57 Misdreavus
55 Natu
37 Oshawott
33 Piplup
59 Ralts
10 Sewaddle
9 Sewaddle
6 Snivy
73 Solosis
103 Swablu
1 Tangela
25 Tepig
67 Trubbish
40 Tympole
20 Vulpix
64 Woobat
89 Zorua
RC17 Audino
RC20 Elesa
RC9 Kirlia
RC18 Minccino
RC8 Ralts
RC2 Servine
RC1 Snivy
RC15 Teddiursa
RC5 Torchic
RC16 Ursaring

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Updated 03/04/2025

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