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Naruto Shippuden-Weapons of War single cards
"Weapons of War"

Trading Cards

All cards are 1st edition unless stated
All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated.

WWM-792 12 Shinobi Guardians-Rare sold out
WWM-792 12 Shinobi Guardians-Rare-foil $0.89
WWM-815 A Gift-Rare $0.89
WWM-801 A GOOD BOOK-Uncommon sold out
WWM-801 A GOOD BOOK-Uncommon-foil $0.89
WWN-1217 Akamaru-Common $0.11
WWM-808 Ambush-Common $0.11
WWM-808 Ambush-Common-foil $0.89
WWN-1246 Anko Mitarashi-Rare sold out
WWN-1238 Anko Mitarashi (Kimono)-Uncommon sold out
WWN-1269 Baki-Uncommon $0.11
WWM-799 Brotherhood-Rare sold out
WWJ-839 Byakugan-Rare sold out
WWJ-853 Chakra Cannon-Uncommon sold out
WWJ-857 Chidori Lance-Rare sold out
WWN-1212 Chiriku-Rare $1.19
WWN-1268 Chiyo-Uncommon sold out
WWN-1268 Chiyo-Uncommon-foil $0.89
WWN-1206 Choji Akimichi-Common $0.11
WWN-1206 Choji Akimichi-Common-foil $0.89
WWN-1225 Danzo-Rare sold out
WWJ-840 Deflection-Common sold out
WWJ-840 Deflection-Common-foil $1.59
WWN-1214 Deidara-Rare $1.19
WWM-804 Disaster of the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit-Rare sold out
WWM-803 Ditched-Common $0.11
WWM-803 Ditched-Common-foil $0.89
WWJ-850 Double Impact-Uncommon sold out
WWJ-859 Earth Style Barrier: Earth Dome Prison-Uncommon sold out
WWN-1242 Eight Tails-Rare sold out
WWM-798 Fading Touch-Rare sold out
WWM-798 Fading Touch-Rare-foil $4.99
WWM-806 Fierce Clash-Uncommon sold out
WWJ-862 Finger Flick-Rare $1.19
WWJ-848 Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu-Rare sold out
WWJ-864 Flamethrower-Uncommon sold out
WWM-807 Flashback-Uncommon sold out
WWM-807 Flashback-Uncommon-foil $0.89
WWN-1267 Gaara of the Desert-Common $0.11
WWN-1267 Gaara of the Desert-Common-foil $0.89
WWM-795 Guidance-Uncommon sold out
WWM-795 Guidance-Uncommon-foil $0.89
WWN-1265 Haku-Uncommon
WWN-1226 Hidan-Rare sold out
WWN-1213 Hinata Hyuga-Common $0.11
WWN-1207 Hinata Hyuga (Kimono)-Common $0.11
WWM-797 Hokage Rocks-Uncommon sold out
WWM-814 Ignorance-Uncommon $0.11
WWN-1232 Ink Lion-Common $0.11
WWN-1209 Ino Yamanaka (Kimono)-Uncommon sold out
WWN-1235 Iruka Umino-Common $0.11
WWN-1228 Itachi Uchiha-Uncommon sold out
WWN-1240 Jiraiya-Rare sold out
WWN-1262 Jirobo (State 1)-Common sold out
WWN-1248 Jugo (State 1)-Uncommon sold out
WWM-805 Just Like That Hero-Rare $1.19
WWM-805 Just Like That Hero-Rare-foil $0.89
WWN-1263 Kabuto Yakushi-Common $0.11
WWN-1263 Kabuto Yakushi-Common-foil sold out
WWM-816 Kage of the Leaf-Uncommon sold out
WWM-816 Kage of the Leaf-Uncommon-foil $0.89
WWN-1227 Kakashi Hatake-Uncommon sold out
WWN-1253 Kankuro-Common $0.11
WWN-1253 Kankuro-Common-foil $0.89
WWN-1245 Karin-Common sold out
WWN-1218 Kiba Inuzuka-Common $0.11
WWN-1218 Kiba Inuzuka-Common-foil $0.89
WWN-1237 Killer Bee-Uncommon sold out
WWN-1237 Killer Bee-Uncommon-foil-unlimited $0.89
WWN-1230 Konohamaru-Common $0.11
WWN-1230 Konohamaru-Common-foil $0.89
WWN-1258 Kurenai Yuhi-Rare $1.19
WWN-1260 Kurenai Yuhi (Kimono)-Rare $1.19
WWJ-852 Lariat-Super Rare sold out
WWM-789 Leaf Squad Organized!-Rare $1.19
WWM-789 Leaf Squad Organized!-Rare-foil $0.89
WWM-802 Mad Skillz-Rare sold out
WWJ-847 Mangekyo Sharingan-Rare sold out
WWN-1239 Might Guy-Rare sold out
WWN-1239 Might Guy-Rare-Foil $0.89
WWJ-861 Mind Scour-Common $0.11
WWJ-861 Mind Scour-Common-foil $2.11
WWJ-841 Mind Transfer Jutsu-Uncommon sold out
WWN-1231 Naruto Uzumaki-Common sold out
WWN-1231 Naruto Uzumaki-Common-foil $0.89
WWN-1234 Naruto Uzumaki (Clone)-Common sold out
WWM-796 Naruto vs. Sasuke-Super Rare sold out
WWJ-849 Needle Jizo-Common $0.11
WWJ-849 Needle Jizo-Common-foil $0.89
WWN-1210 Neji Hyuga-Common $0.11
WWN-1210 Neji Hyuga-Common-foil $0.89
WWN-1223 Obito Uchiha-Rare sold out
WWN-1243 Orochimaru-Common $0.11
WWM-794 Pad-Common $0.11
WWM-794 Pad-Common-foil $1.19
WWN-1220 Pakkun-Common sold out
WWJ-860 Parasitic Insect Jutsu-Rare $1.19
WWJ-860 Parasitic Insect Jutsu-Rare-foil $0.89
WWJ-842 Partial Expansion Jutsu-Rare sold out
WWJ-842 Partial Expansion Jutsu-Rare-foil $0.89
WWJ-863 Puppet Master Jutsu-Common $0.11
WWJ-863 Puppet Master Jutsu-Common-foil $0.89
WWM-793 Quicksand-Common $0.11
WWM-793 Quicksand-Common-foil $0.89
WWM-811 Research-Uncommon sold out
WWM-809 Rite of Succession-Super Rare $4.99
WWN-1233 Rock Lee-Common $0.11
WWN-1233 Rock Lee-Common-foil $0.89
WWM-800 Sage Training-Rare sold out
WWN-1236 Sai-Rare sold out
WWN-1244 Sakon-Common $0.11
WWN-1244 Sakon-Common-foil $0.89
WWN-1256 Sakura Haruno-Rare sold out
WWN-1252 Sakura Haruno (Kimono)-Common $0.11
WWN-1219 Sasuke Uchiha-Common sold out
WWN-1222 Sasuke Uchiha-Common $0.11
WWN-1250 Sasuke Uchiha-Super Rare sold out
WWM-813 Sealing Barrier-Rare $1.19
WWJ-851 Seven Swords Dance-Rare sold out
WWJ-854 Severe Leaf Hurricane-Uncommon sold out
WWJ-854 Severe Leaf Hurricane-Uncommon-foil $0.89
WWJ-843 Shadow Possession Jutsu-Common $0.11
WWJ-843 Shadow Possession Jutsu-Common-foil $2.11
WWJ-846 Sharingan Eye-Common sold out
WWN-1211 Shikamaru Nara-Common $0.11
WWN-1255 Shino Aburame-Common sold out
WWJ-844 Shuriken-Common $0.11
WWJ-844 Shuriken-Common-foil $0.89
WWJ-845 Smash-Common sold out
WWJ-858 Snake Sword-Super Rare $7.99
WWN-1247 Suigetsu Hozuki-Uncommon sold out
WWM-790 Sweet Treat-Uncommon $0.11
WWN-1264 Tayuya-Common $0.11
WWN-1264 Tayuya-Common-foil $0.89
WWM-810 Teacher and Pupil-Rare $1.19
WWM-810 Teacher and Pupil-Rare-foil $3.99
WWN-1266 Temari-Common sold out
WWN-1266 Temari-Common-foil $0.89
WWN-1208 Tenten (Kimono)-Common $0.11
WWN-1216 The 1st Hokage-Super Rare sold out
WWN-1251 The 2nd Hokage-Super Rare sold out
WWN-1229 The 3rd Hokage-Super Rare sold out
WWN-1241 The 4th Hokage-Super Rare sold out
WWN-1259 The 5th Hokage-Super Rare sold out
WWM-812 The Blank Page-Common $0.11
WWM-812 The Blank Page-Common-foil $0.89
WWN-1224 Tobi-Common $0.11
WWN-1224 Tobi-Common-foil $0.89
WWN-1254 Tonton-Common $0.11
WWN-1254 Tonton-Common-foil $0.89
WWN-1261 Tsunade (Kimono)-Rare sold out
WWJ-856 Walking on Water-Common $0.11
WWJ-856 Walking on Water-Common-foil $0.89
WWJ-855 Water Style: Demon Wave-Rare sold out
WWM-791 Weapons of War-Rare $1.19
WWM-791 Weapons of War-Rare-foil $0.89
WWM-788 Wrath of the Two Tails-Uncommon $0.11
WWM-788 Wrath of the Two Tails-Uncommon-foil $0.89
WWN-1215 Yamato-Rare $1.19
WWN-1221 Yugao Uzuki-Uncommon $0.11
WWN-1221 Yugao Uzuki-Uncommon-foil $2.11
WWN-1249 Zabuza Momochi-Super Rare sold out

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Updated 03/04/2025

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