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Naruto Shippuden-Quest for Power single cards
Quest for Power

Trading Cards

All cards are unlimited unless stated
All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated.

QFPM-233 100 Times Greater Power-Super Rare-1st edition $4.99
QFPM-216 Admonition-Uncommon-1st edition $0.21
QFPJ-218 Aerial Dynamic Marking-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-242 Akamaru-Common $0.21
QFPN-242 Akamaru-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPM-US026 Anbu Days-Uncommon $0.21
QFPN-249 Aoi Rokusho-Uncommon sold out
QFPJ-214 Application of the First Stage-Uncommon $0.21
QFPJ-214 Application of the First Stage-Uncommon-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-C013 Asuma Sarutobi & Kurenai Yuhi-Rare-1st edition $1.69
QFPJ-226 Black Seal-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPJ-215 Blade of the Thunder God-Rare-1st edition $1.21
QFPM-225 Blind Corner-Common $0.21
QFPM-225 Blind Corner-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPJ-213 Booby Trap-Common $0.21
QFPJ-213 Booby Trap-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPC-030 Boss Jirocho-Common $0.21
QFPC-030 Boss Jirocho-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPM-221 Bossy Attitude-Common $0.21
QFPM-221 Bossy Attitude-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPM-221 Bossy Attitude-Common-Wavy Foil $2.69
QFPM-US031 Bravado-Common $0.21
QFPM-US031 Bravado-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPJ-US034 Butterfly Bullet Bomb-Rare sold out
QFPJ-211 Chidori-Super Rare sold out
QFPJ-US022 Chidori-Super Rare sold out
QFPN-228 Choji Akimichi-Common $0.21
QFPN-239 Choji Akimichi-Rare sold out
QFPN-239 Choji Akimichi-Rare-Diamond Foil $4.29
FPM-US021 Combination-Uncommon $0.21
FPM-US021 Combination-Uncommon-1st edition $0.21
QFPJ-US031 Combined Transformation-Rare-1st edition $1.19
QFPM-220 Dedication Ceremony-Common $0.21
QFPM-220 Dedication Ceremony-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPM-219 Desperate Persuasion-Common $0.21
QFPM-223 Determination to Avenge-Uncommon sold out
QFPJ-US036 Digital Shrapnel-Uncommon sold out
QFPJ-US036 Digital Shrapnel-Uncommon-1st edition $0.21
QFPM-US022 Disappointment-Uncommon $0.21
QFPM-US022 Disappointment-Uncommon1st edition $0.21
QFPJ-220 Earth Style Barrier: Earth Dome Prison-Rare sold out
QFPJ-221 Earth Style: Ball of Graves-Common $0.21
QFPJ-221 Earth Style: Ball of Graves-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPJ-221 Earth Style: Ball of Graves-Common-Wavy Foil-1st edition $2.69
QFPJ-US025 Earth Style: Dark Swamp-Common $0.21
QFPJ-222 Earth Style: Terra Shield-Common sold out
QFPM-228 Emergency-Common $0.21
QFPM-228 Emergency-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPJ-US038 Extraordinary Power-Rare-1st edition $1.19
QFPJ-212 Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu-Rare $0.79
QFPJ-212 Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu-Rare-1st edition $0.79
QFPJ-US041 Flying Swallow-Uncommon-1st edition $0.21
QFPM-US035 Forbidden Word-Common $0.21
QFPM-US035 Forbidden Word-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPJ-225 Four Black Mists Formation-Super Rare sold out
QFPC-031 Fukusuke Hikyakuya-Common $0.21
QFPC-031 Fukusuke Hikyakuya-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPC-031 Fukusuke Hikyakuya-Common-Diamond Foil $3.29
QFPC-031 Fukusuke Hikyakuya-Common-Diamond Foil-1st edition $3.29
QFPN-287 Gaara of the Desert-Rare $1.19
QFPN-287 Gaara of the Desert-Rare-1st edition $1.19
QFPN-287 Gaara of the Desert-Rare-diamond foil $4.29
QFPN-US044 Gaara of the Desert-Uncommon-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-US043 Gaara of the Desert (Possessed Mode)-Rare sold out
QFPM-227 Game-Common $0.21
QFPM-227 Game-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPM-227 Game-Common-Diamond Foil-1st edition $3.29
QFPJ-US032 Genjutsu: Infinite Darkness Jutsu-Rare sold out
QFPN-243 Genma Shiranui-Common $0.21
QFPN-243 Genma Shiranui-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPJ-231 Gentle Fist-Rare sold out
QFPJ-US026 Guillotine Sword-Uncommon-1st edition $0.21
QFPJ-US026 Guillotine Sword-Uncommon-Wavy Foil $2.69
QFPN-C007 Haku-Uncommon sold out
QFPJ-US042 High Speed Move Taijutsu-Common $0.21
QFPJ-US042 High Speed Move Taijutsu-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-230 Hinata Hyuga-Common $0.21
QFPN-230 Hinata Hyuga-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-248 Idate Morino-Common $0.21
QFPN-248 Idate Morino-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPM-US034 Incarnation of The Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit-Uncommon sold out
QFPN-US053 Ino Yamanaka-Uncommon sold out
QFPN-US050 Inochi Yamanaka & Ino Yamanaka-Rare sold out
QFPJ-US043 Instant Killing-Uncommon sold out
QFPJ-US043 Instant Killing-Uncommon-Wavy Foil-1st edition $2.69
QFPM-213 Intruder-Common-Wavy Foil $2.69
QFPM-213 Intruder-Common-diamond foil $2.29
QFPM-213 Intruder-Common $0.21
QFPM-213 Intruder-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPM-US038 Irresistible!-Common $0.21
QFPM-US038 Irresistible!-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPM-US038 Irresistible!-Common-Diamond Foil-1st edition $3.29
QFPN-C008 Itachi Uchiha-Uncommon-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-C008 Itachi Uchiha-Uncommon-Wavy Foil $3.69
QFPN-US045 Itachi Uchiha-Common sold out
QFPN-245 Iwashi Tatami-Uncommon $0.21
QFPN-245 Iwashi Tatami-Uncommon-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-US046 Jiraiya-Uncommon sold out
QFPN-C014 Jiraiya & Tsunade-Super Rare $4.49
QFPN-251 Jirobo-Super Rare sold out
QFPN-229 Kakashi Hatake-Rare-1st edition $1.19
QFPN-C006 Kakashi Hatake-Uncommon-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-C012 Kakashi Hatake & Iruka Umino-Rare sold out
QFPM-210 Kakashi Sensei's True Face?-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-241 Kiba Inuzuka-Uncommon $0.21
QFPN-226 Kiba Inuzuka & Akamaru-Common $0.21
QFPN-226 Kiba Inuzuka & Akamaru-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-250 Kidomaru-Super Rare-1st edition sold out
QFPN-254 Kimimaro-Super Rare-1st edition sold out
QFPN-US047 Konohamaru-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPM-US030 Leaf Squad Organized!-Rare sold out
QFPM-214 Lifelong Promise-Common $0.21
QFPM-214 Lifelong Promise-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPM-224 Mind Awakening Pill-Rare-1st edition $1.21
QFPM-222 My Rule-Common-1st edition sold out
QFPN-224 Naruto Uzumaki-Uncommon $0.21
QFPN-224 Naruto Uzumaki-Uncommon-Alt.Art $1.81
QFPN-224 Naruto Uzumaki-Uncommon-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-224 Naruto Uzumaki-Uncommon-diamond foil-1st edition $3.29
QFPN-235 Naruto Uzumaki-Common $0.21
QFPN-235 Naruto Uzumaki-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-284 Naruto Uzumaki-Rare-1st edition $1.41
QFPN-C001 Naruto Uzumaki-Uncommon-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-C009 Naruto Uzumaki & Gamabunta-Super Rare $7.29
QFPN-233 Naruto Uzumaki & Konohamaru-Uncommon-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-231 Neji Hyuga-Uncommon $0.21
QFPN-240 Neji Hyuga-Common $0.21
QFPN-240 Neji Hyuga-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-C011 Neji Hyuga & Tenten-Rare sold out
QFPJ-US027 Ninja Art of Beast Mimicry: Man Beast Clone-Common $0.21
QFPJ-US027 Ninja Art of Beast Mimicry: Man Beast Clone-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPJ-US044 Ninja Art: Mitotic Regeneration-Rare sold out
QFPJ-223 Ninja Art: Spiral Spider Web-Rare sold out
QFPJ-224 Ninja Art: Sticky Spider Thread-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPM-235 Optimum Formation-Starter sold out
QFPN-US048 Pakkun-Common $0.21
QFPN-US048 Pakkun-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-C015 Pakkun & Tonton-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPJ-229 Partial Expansion Justu-Common $0.21
QFPJ-229 Partial Expansion Justu-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPJ-227 Perimeter Barrier-Common-1st edition sold out
QFPM-226 Power of the Curse Mark-Rare-1st edition $1.19
QFPM-226 Power of the Curse Mark-Rare-wavy foil-1st edition $2.69
QFPM-US037 Pretty Please!-Common $0.21
QFPM-US037 Pretty Please!-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPM-US024 Punishment-Uncommon sold out
QFPM-US025 Pursuit-Rare-1st edition $1.21
QFPM-US039 Raid of Akatsuki-Uncommon sold out
QFPM-US039 Raid of Akatsuki-Uncommon-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-244 Raido Namiashi-Common $0.21
QFPN-244 Raido Namiashi-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPJ-210 Rasengan-Super Rare-1st edition $7.99
QFPJ-US021 Rasengan-Super Rare $4.99
QFPJ-US037 Rasengan-Rare $1.19
QFPJ-US037 Rasengan-Rare-1st edition $1.19
QFPJ-US037 Rasengan-Rare-Diamond Foil $2.29
QFPM-212 Release from the Nightmare-Rare $1.21
QFPM-212 Release from the Nightmare-Rare-1st edition $1.21
QFPJ-US035 Release of Chakra-Uncommon sold out
QFPJ-US033 Research-Common $0.21
QFPJ-US033 Research-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPM-209 Reunion with the Former Teacher-Uncommon $0.21
QFPM-209 Reunion with the Former Teacher-Uncommon-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-C005 Rock Lee-Common $0.21
QFPN-C005 Rock Lee-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-C005 Rock Lee-Common-Wavy Foil $0.89
QFPN-252 Sakon-Super Rare-1st edition sold out
QFPN-237 Sakura Haruno-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-285 Sakura Haruno-Rare $0.59
QFPN-285 Sakura Haruno-Rare-1st edition $1.21
QFPN-C003 Sakura Haruno-Uncommon $0.21
QFPN-C003 Sakura Haruno-Uncommon-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-US054 Sakura Haruno-Uncommon sold out
QFPM-234 Sasuke Retrieval Team-Rare-1st edition $1.19
QFPM-234 Sasuke Retrieval Team-Rare-Diamond Foil-1st edition $3.29
QFPN-225 Sasuke Uchiha-Uncommon $0.21
QFPN-225 Sasuke Uchiha-Uncommon-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-236 Sasuke Uchiha-Rare $1.79
QFPN-C001 Sasuke Uchiha-Common sold out
QFPN-C002 Sasuke Uchiha-Common sold out
QFPN-C002 Sasuke Uchiha-Common-Diamond Foil $3.79
QFPN-C010 Sasuke Uchiha & Sakura Haruno-Rare sold out
QFPJ-US024 Secret Wood Style Jutsu: Deep Forest Creation-Rare sold out
QFPM-US036 Shadow of The Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit-Rare $1.79
QFPM-US036 Shadow of The Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit-Rare-1st edition $1.79
QFPM-US036 Shadow of The Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit-Rare-Wavy Foil $3.69
QFPN-227 Shikamaru Nara-Rare sold out
QFPN-232 Shikamaru Nara-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-238 Shikamaru Nara-Rare-1st edition $1.79
QFPN-286 Shikamaru Nara-Rare $1.89
QFPN-C004 Shikamaru Nara-Common $0.21
QFPN-C004 Shikamaru Nara-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-234 Shikamaru Nara & Choji Akimichi-Rare sold out
QFPN-234 Shikamaru Nara & Choji Akimichi-Rare-Wavy Foil-1st edition $4.99
QFPM-232 Shikamaru's Analysis-Uncommon sold out
QFPN-246 Shizune-Common $0.21
QFPN-246 Shizune-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPM-US028 Solitude and Thirst-Rare $1.19
QFPJ-228 Spiky Human Boulder-Common $0.21
QFPM-218 Strength of Jutsu-Uncommon sold out
QFPJ-217 String Manipulation Jutsu-Uncommon $0.21
QFPJ-217 String Manipulation Jutsu-Uncommon-1st edition $0.21
QFPJ-217 String Manipulation Jutsu-Uncommon-Wavy Foil-1st edition $2.69
QFPM-229 Sudden Encounter-Rare $1.19
QFPM-229 Sudden Encounter-Rare-1st edition $1.19
QFPM-229 Sudden Encounter-Rare-wavy foil-1st edition $2.69
QFPM-US027 Sudden Eruption-Rare $1.21
QFPM-US027 Sudden Eruption-Rare-1st edition $1.21
QFPJ-US040 Summoning Jutsu: Blade Dance-Common $0.21
QFPJ-US040 Summoning Jutsu: Blade Dance-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPJ-230 Super Expansion Jutsu-Super Rare sold out
QFPM-217 Supreme Order-Common $0.21
QFPM-217 Supreme Order-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPM-211 Surprise-Starter $0.21
QFPM-US033 Take it again!-Uncommon $0.21
QFPM-US033 Take it again!-Uncommon-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-253 Tayuya-Super Rare-1st edition sold out
QFPN-US052 Temari-Common $0.21
QFPN-US052 Temari-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-US051 Tenten-Common $0.21
QFPN-US051 Tenten-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPM-US032 The 9th Match-Uncommon sold out
QFPM-US032 The 9th Match-Uncommon-Wavy Foil $2.69
QFPN-247 The Fifth Hokage-Super Rare-1st edition sold out
QFPN-US041 The First Hokage-Super Rare sold out
QFPN-US042 The Second Hokage-Super Rare-1st edition sold out
QFPM-US029 The Sound Ninja Five-Uncommon sold out
QFPM-230 The Triad Colored Pills-Uncommon-1st edition $0.21
QFPM-215 The Will of Fire-Common sold out
QFPM-US023 Tiny Reinforcer-Common $0.21
QFPM-US023 Tiny Reinforcer-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPJ-216 Toothpick-Common $0.21
QFPM-231 True Worth of the Gentle Fist-Common- $0.21
QFPM-231 True Worth of the Gentle Fist-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-US049 Tsunade-Uncommon-1st edition sold out
QFPN-US049 Tsunade-Uncommon-Wavy Foil-1st edition $3.99
QFPJ-219 Tunneling Fang-Common $0.21
QFPM-208 Unpredicted Clue-Rare sold out
QFPM-208 Unpredicted Clue-Rare-Wavy Foil $3.69
QFPJ-US028 Water Style: Giant Vortex Jutsu-Common sold out
QFPJ-US023 Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu-Uncommon sold out
QFPJ-US023 Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu-Uncommon-Wavy Foil-1st edition $2.69
QFPJ-US030 Wind Style: Air Bullets-Uncommon sold out
QFPJ-US029 Wind Style: Infinite Sand Storm Devastation-Uncommon sold out
QFPJ-US039 Wound Healing-Common $0.21
QFPJ-US039 Wound Healing-Common-1st edition $0.21
QFPM-US040 Youthful Appearance-Uncommon $0.21
QFPM-US040 Youthful Appearance-Uncommon-1st edition $0.21
QFPN-C016 Zabuza Momochi & Haku-Rare sold out

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Updated 03/04/2025

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