BODJ-US049 Additional Blow-Common |
$0.39 |
BODJ-US049 Additional Blow-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODJ-US049 Additional Blow-Common-Alt.
Foil |
$2.49 |
BODM-246 Ally of the Leaf Village-Uncommon |
sold out |
BODM-246 Ally of the Leaf
Village-Uncommon-wavy foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODM-US047 Announcement of the Pairing-Rare-unlimited |
$1.19 |
BODM-259 Another Way-Rare-unlimited |
sold out |
BODN-303 Arashi Fuma-Common |
$0.39 |
BODN-303 Arashi Fuma-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-304 Arashi Fuma-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODJ-237 Arhat Fist-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODJ-237 Arhat Fist-Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODJ-237 Arhat Fist-Uncommon-foil |
$2.29 |
BODJ-237 Arhat Fist-Uncommon-foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODM-US041 As Equals-Uncommon |
sold out |
BODM-240 Berserk-Uncommon |
sold out |
BODM-240 Berserk-Uncommon-wavy foil-unlimited |
$2.49 |
BODM-US042 Binding Threads of the Revenge-Rare-unlimited |
$1.19 |
BODN-271 Black Ant-Common |
$0.39 |
BODJ-264 Bracken Dance-Super Rare |
$4.49 |
BODM-247 Busy Life-Common |
$0.39 |
BODM-247 Busy Life-Common-diamond foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODJ-246 Camellia Dance-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODJ-256 Chakra Threads-Common |
sold out
BODJ-256 Chakra Threads-Common-diamond foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODJ-259 Chidori-Rare |
$1.19 |
BODJ-259 Chidori-Rare-unlimited |
$1.19 |
BODN-276 Choji Akimichi-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODN-276 Choji Akimichi-Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-276 Choji
Akimichi-Uncommon-diamond foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODJ-253 Clematis Dance: Flower-Rare-unlimited |
$0.79 |
BODJ-252 Clematis Dance: Vine-Uncommon |
sold out |
BODM-252 Concentration of Power-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODM-252 Concentration of Power-Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-272 Crow & Black Ant-Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-272 Crow & Black Ant-Uncommon-Diamond
Foil |
$2.39 |
BODJ-250 Cyclone Scythe Jutsu-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODM-257 Day of Separation-Uncommon |
sold out |
BODM-251 Delay in the Assault-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODJ-244 Demon Flute: Chains of Fantasia-Uncommon |
sold out |
BODJ-263 Demon Flute: Musical Manipulation-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODJ-263 Demon Flute: Musical Manipulation-Common-diamond foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODJ-243 Demon Revolution-Uncommon |
sold out |
BODJ-243 Demon Revolution-Uncommon-wavy
foil |
$2.29 |
BODN-267 Doki-Common |
$0.39 |
BODN-267 Doki-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-267 Doki-Common-unlimited-wavy
foil |
$2.49 |
BODN-US056 Dosu Kinuta-Rare |
$1.09 |
BODN-US056 Dosu Kinuta-Rare-unlimited |
$1.09 |
BODN-US056 Dosu Kinuta-Rare-diamond foil-unlimited |
$3.99 |
BODN-273 Double-Headed Wolf-Rare-unlimited |
$0.79 |
BODN-273 Double-Headed Wolf-Rare-wavy foil-unlimited |
$3.39 |
BODJ-235 Dynamic Marking-Common |
$0.39 |
BODM-265 Emergency Treatment-Rare-unlimited |
$1.09 |
BODM-265 Emergency Treatment-Rare-diamond foil-unlimited |
$3.99 |
BODJ-254 Excellent Teamwork-Common |
$0.39 |
BODJ-254 Excellent Teamwork-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODJ-254 Excellent Teamwork-Common-foil |
$2.49 |
BODJ-254 Excellent Teamwork-Common-diamond foil |
$2.49 |
BODM-237 Fake-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODM-237 Fake-Uncommon-diamond foil |
$2.39 |
BODJ-US054 Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODN-260 Fugaku Uchiha-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODN-260 Fugaku Uchiha-Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODJ-265 Fuma Ninja Art: Binding Mandala-Common |
$0.39 |
BODJ-265 Fuma Ninja Art: Binding Mandala-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODJ-265 Fuma Ninja Art: Binding Mandala-Common-foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODJ-260 Fuma Ninja Sword: Horse Slayer-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-268 Gaara of the
Rare |
sold out
BODN-295 Gaara of the Desert-Rare |
$1.59 |
BODN-295 Gaara of the Desert-Rare-unlimited |
$0.59 |
BODJ-269 Giant Sand Burial-Rare-Wavy
Foil |
$2.39 |
BODM-238 Handsome Devil Returns-Uncommon |
sold out |
BODN-298 Hanzaki-Common |
$0.39 |
BODN-US065 Hinata Hyuga-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODN-US065 Hinata Hyuga-Uncommon-wavy foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODM-245 In the Darkness-Uncommon-unlimited |
sold out |
BODM-250 Incurable Illness-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODM-250 Incurable Illness-Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODM-250 Incurable Illness-Uncommon-diamond foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODM-263 Information Gathering-Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
Iruka Umino-Common |
$0.39 |
BODN-291 Iruka Umino-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-259 Itachi Uchiha-Super Rare |
sold out |
BODN-US061 Itachi Uchiha-Rare-unlimited |
$1.19 |
BODN-300 Jigumo-Common |
$0.39 |
BODN-300 Jigumo-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-300 Jigumo-Common-wavy foil-unlimited |
$2.49 |
BODN-300 Jigumo-Common-diamond foil-unlimited |
$2.49 |
BODN-294 Jiraiya-Rare |
$0.99 |
BODN-294 Jiraiya-Rare-unlimited |
$1.19 |
BODN-281 Jirobo-Rare |
sold out |
BODN-301 Kagero-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODN-301 Kagero-Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-301 Kagero-Uncommon-wavy foil-unlimited |
$2.49 |
BODN-301 Kagero-Uncommon-Diamond. Foil |
$2.29 |
BODN-302 Kagero-Rare |
$0.79 |
BODN-302 Kagero-Rare-unlimited |
$0.79 |
BODN-302 Kagero-Rare-wavy foil-unlimited |
$3.99 |
BODJ-273 Kagero Ninja Art: Bubbles-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODJ-273 Kagero Ninja Art: Bubbles-Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODM-243 Kaguya Clan-Rare-unlimited |
$1.09 |
BODM-243 Kaguya Clan-Rare-diamond foil-unlimited |
$3.29 |
BODN-293 Kakashi Hatake-Super Rare-1st
Edition |
$9.79 |
BODN-293 Kakashi
Hatake-Super Rare-unlimited |
$9.79 |
BODN-299 Kamikiri-Common |
$0.39 |
BODN-299 Kamikiri-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-299 Kamikiri-Common-wavy foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODN-269 Kankuro-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODN-269 Kankuro-Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-269 Kankuro-Uncommon-Wavy Foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODN-275 Kiba Inuzuka-Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-US062 Kiba Inuzuka & Akamaru-Rare-unlimited |
$1.39 |
BODN-280 Kidomaru-Rare |
$0.99 |
BODN-280 Kidomaru-Rare-unlimited |
$0.99 |
BODN-280 Kidomaru-Rare-alt foil |
$3.59 |
BODN-266 Kimimaro-Rare |
$1.39 |
BODN-279 Kimimaro-Super Rare |
$10.99 |
Kimimaro-Super Rare |
sold out
BODN-297 Kotohime-Common |
$0.39 |
BODN-297 Kotohime-Common-wavy foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODJ-247 Larch Dance-Uncommon |
sold out
BODJ-232 Leaf's Severe Hurricane-Uncommon-unlimited |
sold out |
BODJ-232 Leaf's Severe Hurricane-Uncommon-diamond foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODJ-233 Loopy Fist-Rare |
$0.79 |
BODJ-233 Loopy Fist-Rare-unlimited |
$0.79 |
BODM-239 Man-Beast Transformation Combo-Rare |
sold out |
BODN-261 Mikoto Uchiha-Common |
$0.39 |
BODN-261 Mikoto Uchiha-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-261 Mikoto
Uchiha-Common-diamond foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODM-244 Monstrous Appearance-Common |
$0.39 |
BODJ-US047 Motto-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODJ-US047 Motto-Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODJ-US052 Multiple Attacks-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODJ-US052 Multiple Attacks-Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODJ-US052 Multiple Attacks-Uncommon-wavy foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODJ-239 Multiple Fists Barrage-Common |
$0.39 |
BODJ-239 Multiple Fists Barrage-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-256 Naruto Uzumaki-Common |
$0.39 |
BODN-256 Naruto Uzumaki-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-256 Naruto Uzumaki-Common-wavy foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODN-274 Naruto Uzumaki Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODN-274 Naruto Uzumaki Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-288 Naruto Uzumaki-Super Rare |
sold out
BODN-306 Naruto Uzumaki & Sakura Haruno-Rare-unlimited |
$1.99 |
BODN-306 Naruto Uzumaki & Sakura Haruno-Rare-wavy
foil |
$3.99 |
BODN-278 Naruto Uzumaki & Shikamaru Nara-Super Rare |
sold out |
BODN-277 Neji Hyuga-Rare |
$0.99 |
BODN-277 Neji Hyuga-Rare-unlimited |
$0.99 |
BODN-277 Neji Hyuga-Rare-wavy foil |
$3.59 |
BODN-US058 Neji Hyuga-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODN-US058 Neji Hyuga-Uncommon-Wavy
foil |
$2.29 |
BODN-US058 Neji Hyuga-Uncommon-diamond foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODJ-272 Ninja Art: Doodlebug Jutsu-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODJ-271 Ninja Art: Wind Spider-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODJ-271 Ninja Art: Wind Spider-Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODJ-US053 One Last Punch-Common |
$0.39 |
BODJ-US053 One Last Punch-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODM-253 One-On-One Fight-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODM-253 One-On-One Fight-Uncommon-wavy foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODN-255 Orochimaru-Rare-unlimited |
sold out |
Orochimaru-Rare-wavy foil |
$3.59 |
BODN-US055 Orochimaru-Rare-unlimited |
$1.19 |
BODM-260 Orochimaru's Den-Common |
$0.39 |
BODM-260 Orochimaru's Den-Common-diamond foil-unlimited |
$1..79 |
BODJ-US046 Paper Bomb-Common |
$0.39 |
BODJ-US046 Paper Bomb-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODJ-241 Parasitic Demon Jutsu-Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODJ-241 Parasitic Demon Jutsu-Uncommon-wavy foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODM-254 Power of State 2-Super Rare-unlimited |
$8.99 |
Predicament-Common |
$0.39 |
BODM-241 Predicament-Common-diamond foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODM-US046 Prohibition of Sharingan Eye-Common |
$0.39 |
BODM-US043 Prompt Instruction-Rare-unlimited |
$1.19 |
BODM-US043 Prompt Instruction-Rare-wavy foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODM-262 Protean-Rare-unlimited |
$1.19 |
BODJ-249 Puppet Show, Secret Black Move, Iron Maiden-Common |
$0.39 |
BODJ-249 Puppet Show, Secret Black Move, Iron
Maiden-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODJ-US048 Rapid Movement-Common |
$0.39 |
BODJ-US048 Rapid Movement-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODJ-255 Rasengan-Rare-unlimited |
$0.99 |
BODJ-255 Rasengan-Rare-wavy foil-unlimited |
$3.49 |
BODM-US048 Reaction of the Power-Common |
$0.39 |
BODJ-266 Regenerative Healing Jutsu-Common-unlimited |
sold out |
BODM-261 Repetition of the Tragedy-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-258 Rock Lee-Super Rare-1st
edition |
$2.39 |
BODN-US063 Rock Lee-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODN-US063 Rock Lee-Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
Rock Lee & Might Guy-Super Rare-1st
edition |
$10.39 |
BODN-282 Sakon-Rare |
sold out
BODN-290 Sakura Haruno-Common |
$0.39 |
BODN-290 Sakura Haruno-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODJ-267 Sand Shower-Uncommon |
sold out |
BODJ-270 Sand Tomb-Rare |
$0.69 |
BODJ-270 Sand Tomb-Rare-unlimited |
$0.59 |
BODJ-270 Sand Tomb-Rare-wavy foil |
$3.49 |
BODJ-270 Sand Tomb-Rare-diamond foil-unlimited |
$3.49 |
BODJ-268 Sand Tsunami-Rare-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-296 Sasame Fuma-Common |
$0.39 |
BODN-296 Sasame Fuma-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-296 Sasame Fuma-Common-wavy foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODN-257 Sasuke Uchiha-Rare-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-289 Sasuke Uchiha-Super Rare |
sold out
BODN-263 Sasuke Uchiha & Itachi Uchiha-Uncommon |
sold out |
BODM-248 Selecting the Strongest-Super
Rare |
$8.79 |
BODJ-251 Shadow Strangle Jutsu-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODJ-251 Shadow Strangle Jutsu-Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-264 Shikamaru Nara & Temari-unlimited-Super
Rare |
$6.39 |
BODN-US064 Shino Aburame-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODN-US064 Shino Aburame-Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-292 Shizune-Rare |
$0.99 |
BODN-292 Shizune-Rare-unlimited |
$0.99 |
BODM-249 Sign for Reunion-Common |
$0.39 |
BODM-249 Sign for Reunion-Common-Diamond
Foil |
$2.49 |
BODJ-238 Spider Bow: Fierce Rip-Rare-unlimited |
sold out
BODJ-238 Spider Bow: Fierce Rip-Rare-wavy
foil |
$3.29 |
BODM-236 Sudden Encounter-Common |
$0.39 |
BODM-236 Sudden Encounter-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODJ-234 Suicidal Action-Common |
$0.39 |
BODJ-234 Suicidal Action-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODJ-242 Summoning Jutsu-Common |
$0.39 |
BODJ-242 Summoning Jutsu-Common-wavy foil-unlimited |
$1.39 |
BODJ-240 Summoning Jutsu: Rashomon-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODJ-240 Summoning Jutsu:
Rashomon-Uncommon-wavy foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODN-283 Tayuya-Rare |
$1.19 |
BODN-270 Temari-Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODM-US044 Temptation-Rare |
$1.19 |
BODM-US044 Temptation-Rare-unlimited |
$1.19 |
BODC-032 Teyaki Uchiha-Uncommon-unlimited |
sold out |
BODM-255 The Final Valley-Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BDOM-238 The Handsome Devil Returns-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BDOM-238 The Handsome Devil Returns-Uncommon-diamond foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODM-US049 The Power of Hatred-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODM-US049 The Power of Hatred-Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODM-US050 Things to Protect-Rare |
$0.79 |
BODJ-US050 Thinking Mode-Common |
$0.39 |
BODJ-US050 Thinking Mode-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODJ-US056 Threat-Common |
$0.39 |
BODJ-US056 Threat-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODJ-US056 Threat-Common-wavy foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODJ-US056 Threat-Common-diamond foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODM-267 Time for the Showdown-Rare |
sold out |
BODJ-US045 Toad Mouth Trap-Rare |
sold out |
BODJ-US045 Toad Mouth Trap-Rare-diamond foil-unlimited |
$3.59 |
BODJ-US055 Tsukuyomi-Rare |
$1.69 |
Tsukuyomi-Rare-Alt. Foil-unlimited |
$4.49 |
BODN-US059 Tsunade-Super Rare |
$8.29 |
BODN-US059 Tsunade-unlimited-Super Rare |
$8.29 |
BODN-US060 Tsunade &
Katsuyu-Super Rare-1st edition |
sold out |
BODM-266 Ugly Guinea Pig-Common |
$0.39 |
BODM-266 Ugly Guinea Pig-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODM-266 Ugly Guinea Pig-Common-foil |
$2.29 |
BODN-265 Ukon-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODN-265 Ukon-Uncommon-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODJ-248 Ultimate Defense: Shield of the Shukaku-unlimited-Super
Rare |
$5.99 |
BODJ-US051 Unexpected Attack-Uncommon |
sold out |
BODC-033 Uruchi Uchiha-Common |
$0.39 |
BODM-242 Vessel for Dreams-Common |
$0.39 |
BODM-242 Vessel for Dreams-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODM-242 Vessel for Dreams-Common-wavy foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODM-256 Visualization of Chakra-Uncommon |
$0.39 |
BODM-256 Visualization of Chakra-Uncommon-wavy
foil |
$2.29 |
BODJ-245 Willow Dance-Common-unlimited |
sold out |
BODJ-245 Willow Dance-Common-diamond foil-unlimited |
$2.29 |
BODJ-236 Wolf
Fang Over Fang-Rare |
sold out |
BODM-US045 Wrong Person-Common |
$0.39 |
BODM-US045 Wrong Person-Common-unlimited |
$0.39 |
BODN-US057 Zaku Abumi-Uncommon |
sold out |