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Pocket Monsters Card Game: Diamond Collection (Moonlit Pursuit) card set
  Japanese Pokemon:
Diamond Collection DP4
Moonlit Pursuit
Trading Cards

Release date: Japanese: October 26, 2007

All cards are near mint condition

Holofoil Cards
130 Tangrowth sold out
307 Blaziken sold out
310 Swampert sold out
518 Rotom sold out
527 Cresselia   sold out
Cresselia LV. X sold out
167 Porygon-Z   sold out
Garchomp LV. X sold out
Darkrai   sold out
Honchkrow LV. X sold out

Rare Cards

015 Beedrill sold out
016 Vaporeon sold out
169 Omastar sold out
403 Milotic sold out
Weavile sold out
176 Zapdos sold out
087 Slowking sold out
122 Weezing sold out
236 Unown H sold out
346 Exploud sold out
439 Latios $7.56
164 Umbreon sold out
287 Houndoom sold out
142 Scizor sold out
287 Skarmory sold out
247 Unown S sold out
Uncommon Cards
306 Combusken sold out
086 Slowbro sold out
309 Marshtomp $4.56
427 Relicanth sold out
106 Hypno sold out
234 Unown F sold out
235 Unown G sold out
348 Hariyama sold out
022 Fearow sold out
166 Porygon2 sold out
266 Granbull sold out
345 Loudred $3.56
Rare Candy sold out
Premier Ball sold out
Amulet Coin sold out
Felicity's Drawing sold out
Moonlight Stadium sold out
Helix Fossil sold out
Call Energy sold out
Recover Energy sold out
Common Cards
013 Weedle sold out
014 Kakuna sold out
129 Tangela sold out
141 Scyther sold out
036 Volbeat sold out
286 Houndour sold out
305 Torchic sold out
085 Slowpoke sold out
168 Omanyte sold out
308 Mudkip   sold out
373 Wailmer $3.56
402 Feebas sold out
105 Drowzee sold out
121 Koffing sold out
389 Seviper sold out
347 Makuhita sold out
390 Lunatone sold out
021 Spearow sold out
131 Kangaskhan sold out
157 Eevee sold out
165 Porygon sold out
265 Snubbull sold out
344 Whismur sold out

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Updated 02/13/2025

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